How to run code: step 1:direct your current folder to directory where codes are downloaded
WGS to ECEF(earth center earth facing) to run this code execute by writing below command on command window where (phi,lambda,h) are latitude,logitude,height of point: -----------------------WGS2ECEF(phi,lambda,h)
ECEF(earth center earth facing) to WGS to run this code execute by writing below command on command window where (X,Y,Z) are the point on earth globally: ----------------------ECEF2WGS(X,Y,Z)
ENU stands for Easting,Northing,UP WGS to ENU to run this code execute by writing below command on command window required input will be asked by the code just enter correctly: -------------------------WGS2ENU two output will come first will be conversion from WGS to ECEF then to ENU.