Download the files from GITHUB repo
Extract all from ZIP and execute ip-manager.bat from CMD. Download and execute the .bat file as Administrator, the script will create a new Templates folder in running Directory. If you want to run directly the script from the CMD, just copy the .bat file into System32 Folder and call ip_manager.bat from CMD.
This script is based on NETSH Windows CLI Command, to change and show connections interfaces. It's possible to create and use TEMPLATES for quickly set IP on Interfaces. All templates have extension .site into templates/ Folder.
The script let you make al actions asking you to choose a Menu option. Below all menu options description
Exit the program
List Interfaces and let you choose to change active
Set DHCP on selected Interface
Let you enter a Template filename and apply it
Let you manually enter a Static IP
Display Neighbors (ARP Table) on Interface
Save current IP, MASK and GW on a Template
Display HELP
Reload MENu and Interface Settings display