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Pay Theory Android SDK


Pay Theory's Android SDK is available for Android SDK >= 26

Register your application

Register your app in Pay Theory's merchant portal to use Pay Theory Android SDK

For each mobile app, you want to register

  • enter your application package name

  • enter your application description


The Pay Theory Android SDK is now available at Maven Repository

The latest version is available via mavenCentral():

  • Add mavenCentral() to your project level build.gradle file
buildscript {
    repositories {
  • Add Pay Theory AndroidSDK to your app level build.gradle file
dependencies {
    implementation group: '', name: 'AndroidSDK', version: 'LATEST_VERSION'

Secure your API key

NOTE: While Pay Theory's API key is not considered a secret key it is still a good practice to avoid exposing it in your source code repository below is one approach you can take to adding your API key as a build resource

  • Add API key to your project level file
  • Update app level build.gradle file
    • Read in and parse local properties
    • set your API key as a build resource
File secretPropsFile = project.rootProject.file('')
Properties p = new Properties()
new FileInputStream(secretPropsFile).withCloseable { is -> p.load(is) }
p.each { name, value -> ext[name] = value }

android {
    buildTypes {
        debug {
            resValue("string", "api_key", "${API_KEY}")
        release {
            resValue("string", "api_key", "${API_KEY}")

Update your app level build.gradle

  • change minSdk version to 26 or higher

  • change targetSdk and compileSdk to 33 or higher

android {
    compileSdk 33
    defaultConfig {
        minSdk 26
        targetSdk 33



Add PayTheoryFragment as a fragment in your activity's xml layout file

        android:name="" />


Text inputs are derived from TextInputEditText and can be styled as follows:

    <style name="Theme.MyCustomTheme" parent="Base.Theme.MyApplication">
        <item name="textInputStyle">@style/MyInputStyle</item>

    <style name="MyInputStyle" parent="Widget.Material3.TextInputLayout.FilledBox">

NOTE: any built in style from Widget.Material3.TextInputLayout.* will work

The inputs support all of the material design text input styles described here

The PayTheoryButton is styled by applying a style from your theme in your layout.

in themes.xml:

    <style name="MyButtonStyle" parent="Widget.Material3.Button.ElevatedButton">

NOTE: any built in style from Widget.Material3.Button.* will work

in your layout file:



  • Extend the PayTheoryMerchantActivity
  • Implement the Payable interface
class MainActivity : PayTheoryMerchantActivity(), Payable {
  • Set your api key.
val apiKey = resources.getString(R.string.api_key)
  • Set PayTheoryFragment inside your onCreate method.
val payTheoryFragment = this.supportFragmentManager.findFragmentById( as PayTheoryFragment
  • Configure PayTheoryFragment with a PayTheoryConfiguration.

NOTE: PayTheoryConfiguration allows you to set a number of optional values the button used to trigger a payment / tokenization process and your apiKey are required to construct a PayTheoryConfiguration.

val configuration = PayTheoryConfiguration(submitButton, apiKey)


NOTE: An instance of PayTheoryButton is required so it can be enabled or disabled depending on the validity of the payment details being entered. PayTheoryButton can be extended and a custom version can be provided to handle responses to data entry in controlled fields.

     * Override disable function to react when Pay Theory disables payment
    fun disable(){
        this.isEnabled = false

     * Override enable function to react when Pay Theory enables payment
    fun enable(){
        this.isEnabled = true

Valid and Empty protocol

  • PayTheoryFragment exposes the state of critical payment fields such as card number, security code, and expiration date
  • These values can be accessed using the following syntax:
  • exposed fields for card include card number, CVV, expiration date and postal code
  • exposed fields for bank include account number and routing number
  • exposed fields for cash include full name and contact

Additional Configurations

Before accepting a payment some additional configuration settings are required

  • an amount and payment method type must be set for payments
  • a payment method type must be set for tokenization, but amount must not be set
  • if not set payment method type defaults to CARD
  • CASH payment method type is not allowed for tokenization
        configuration.paymentMethodType = PaymentMethodType.BANK
        configuration.amount = 15000
  • optionally additional data can be attached to your request
        configuration.metadata = metadata /** HashMap<Any,Any> **/
        configuration.payorInfo = payorInfo /** PayorInfo **/
        configuration.requireAccountName = true
        configuration.requireBillingAddress = true
        configuration.accountCode = "Test Account Code"
        configuration.reference = "Test Reference"
        configuration.sendReceipt = true
        configuration.receiptDescription = "Android Payment Receipt Test"

Payment Requests

Here is an example on how to use PayTheoryFragment class method transact():

try {


} catch (e: Exception) {

Tokenization Requests

Here is an example on how to use PayTheoryFragment class method tokenize():

try {
} catch (e: Exception) {


The transaction results will come back through your Payable interface as these classes:

  • successful card/bank payment result
data class SuccessfulTransactionResult (
    @SerializedName("state") val state: String,
    @SerializedName("amount") val amount: String,
    @SerializedName("brand") val brand: String,
    @SerializedName("last_four") val lastFour: String,
    @SerializedName("service_fee") val serviceFee: String,
    @SerializedName("currency") val currency: String,
    @SerializedName("metadata") val metadata: HashMap<Any, Any>?,
    @SerializedName("receipt_number") val receiptNumber: String,
    @SerializedName("created_at") val createdAt: String,
    @SerializedName("payment_method_id") val paymentMethodId: String,
    @SerializedName("payor_id") val payorId: String,
  • successful barcode request result
data class BarcodeResult (
    @SerializedName("BarcodeId") val barcodeId: String,
    @SerializedName("barcodeUrl") val barcodeUrl: String,
    @SerializedName("barcode") val barcode: String,
    @SerializedName("barcodeFee") val barcodeFee: String,
    @SerializedName("Merchant") val merchant: String,
    @SerializedName("mapUrl") val mapUrl : String
  • successful payment method token result
data class PaymentMethodTokenResults (
    @SerializedName("payment_method_id") val paymentMethodId: String,
    @SerializedName("metadata") val metadata: HashMap<Any, Any>?,
    @SerializedName("payor_id") var payor_id: String?,
    @SerializedName("last_four") val lastFour: String?,
    @SerializedName("first_six") val firstSix: String?,
    @SerializedName("brand") val brand: String?,
    @SerializedName("expiration") val expiration: String?,
    @SerializedName("payment_type") val paymentType: String
  • failed card, bank, barcode, and token request results
data class FailedTransactionResult (
    @SerializedName("state") val state: String,
    @SerializedName("brand") val brand: String,
    @SerializedName("last_four") val lastFour: String,
    @SerializedName("receipt_number") val receiptNumber: String,
    @SerializedName("payment_method_id") val paymentMethodId: String,
    @SerializedName("payor_id") val payorId: String,
  • any processing error results
data class Error (
    @SerializedName("reason") val reason: String


Feel free to get in touch:


The Pay Theory Android SDK is open source and available under the MIT license. See LICENSE