A plugin for Jenkins to capture and visualize code coverage testing results for projects using the JaCoCo for code-coverage analysis.
More information can be found on the Wiki page https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/JaCoCo+Plugin
Note: Version 2.0.0 and higher requires using JaCoCo 0.7.5 or newer, if your projects still use JaCoCo 0.7.4, the plugin will not display any code-coverage numbers any more! In this case please use version 1.0.19 until you can update jacoco in your codebase.
When looking for things to work at there are pull requests and a list of Jenkins Issues.
There is a developer list at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/jenkins-jacoco-plugin-mailing-list, it is usually very low volume.
Plugin source code is hosted on GitHub.
New feature proposals and bug fix proposals should be submitted as GitHub pull requests.
Fork the repository on GitHub, prepare your change on your forked copy, and submit a pull request (see here for open pull requests). Your pull request will be evaluated by this job.
Before submitting your change, please assure that you've added a test which verifies your change. There have been many developers involved in the jacoco plugin and there are many, many users who depend on the jacoco-plugin. Tests help us assure that we're delivering a reliable plugin, and that we've communicated our intent to other developers in a way that they can detect when they run tests.
Code coverage reporting is available as a maven target and is actively monitored. Please try your best to improve code coverage with tests when you submit.
Before submitting your change, please review the findbugs output to assure that you haven't introduced new findbugs warnings.
- Build the plugin:
mvn package
- Test locally (invokes a local Jenkins instance with the plugin installed):
mvn hpi:run
See https://jenkinsci.github.io/maven-hpi-plugin/ for details.
Rolling a release requires you to set up a few additional things:
Run with Java 8 to not push code compiled with a newer version of Java
Github authentication should work via SSH, username used should bet "git", it should use one of the local private SSH keys which should be uploaded to Github, see https://github.com/settings/keys, test via
ssh -T git@github.com
You should get back a line containing You've successfully authenticated
Jenkins-CI authentication should work via settings in
, see http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-encryption.html for details -
The mvn-calls below should not require "username" or "password", if they do ask for it, then some setup is incorrect
Check that all tests pass ("mvn findbugs:check" and "mvn checkstyle::check" report violations but are not blocking releases for now...)
mvn clean package && mvn validate
Manually test the plugin
mvn hpi:run
Go to http://localhost:8080/jenkins/ and perform some testing
Prepare the release
mvn release:prepare -DskipTests
This will ask for the release numbers and the tag in the source control system.
Roll the release
mvn release:perform -DskipTests -Darguments="-DskipTests"
This should perform the actual uploads of the resulting binary packages.
Update release notes at https://github.com/jenkinsci/jacoco-plugin/releases
Release should be visible immediately at https://repo.jenkins-ci.org/releases/org/jenkins-ci/plugins/jacoco/
Release is published after some time at https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.jenkins-ci.plugins/jacoco?repo=jenkins-releases
See also general documentation about releasing Jenkins plugins:
- Current documentation: https://www.jenkins.io/doc/developer/publishing/requesting-hosting/
- Maven Release Plugin: http://maven.apache.org/maven-release/maven-release-plugin/usage.html
- The following are slightly outdated, but still contain some useful information
- Repository address: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jacoco-plugin/
- Mailing list: http://groups.google.com/group/jenkins-jacoco-plugin-mailing-list
- Issue tracking: https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS/
- Build and test results: https://jenkins.ci.cloudbees.com/job/plugins/job/jacoco-plugin/
This plugin allows you to capture code coverage report from JaCoCo. Jenkins will generate the trend report of coverage and some other statistics.
It also includes functionality to include columns in Dashboards which displays the latest overall coverage numbers and links to the coverage report.
The plugin provides two things, a build-publisher to record and display coverage data as part of builds as well as a new column-type for dashboard views which can display coverage data in Dashboards.
First you need to get coverage calculated as part of your build/tests,
see the JaCoCo
for details. You need at least one or more *.exec file available after
tests are executed. Usually this means adjusting
your Maven pom.xml or Ant build.xml file..
In order to get the coverage data published to Jenkins, you need to add
a JaCoCo publisher and configure it so it will
find all the necessary information. Use the help provided via the
question-mark links for more information. Basically
you specify where the *.exec files are, where compiled code can be
found and where the corresponding source code is
located after the build is finished to let the plugin gather all
necessary pieces of information..
After the job executed, the build-output will show that the
JaCoCo-publisher is executed and collects the data. This
output can also give hints if something goes wrong at this stage:
Zeichne Testergebnisse auf.
[JaCoCo plugin] Collecting JaCoCo coverage data...
[JaCoCo plugin] build/*.exec;build/*-classes;src/java,src/*/java,src/*/src; locations are configured
[JaCoCo plugin] Number of found exec files: 5
[JaCoCo plugin] Saving matched execfiles: .../build/jacoco-excelant.exec .../build/jacoco-main.exec .../build/jacoco-ooxml-lite.exec
[JaCoCo plugin] Saving matched class directories: .../build/examples-classes .../build/excelant-classes .../build/excelant-test-classes
[JaCoCo plugin] Saving matched source directories: .../src/contrib/src .../src/examples/src .../src/excelant/java .../src/java
[JaCoCo plugin] Loading inclusions files..
[JaCoCo plugin] inclusions: []
[JaCoCo plugin] exclusions: [**/Test*]
[JaCoCo plugin] Thresholds: JacocoHealthReportThresholds [minClass=0, maxClass=0, minMethod=0, maxMethod=0, minLine=0, maxLine=0,
minBranch=0, maxBranch=0, minInstruction=0, maxInstruction=0, minComplexity=0, maxComplexity=0]
[JaCoCo plugin] Publishing the results..
[JaCoCo plugin] Loading packages..
[JaCoCo plugin] Done.
If data gathering is successful, the build will include a link to the
coverage results similar to the HTML report of
JaCoCo itself. The job page will be enhanced with a chart with the trend
of code coverage over the last builds.
This part of the JaCoCo plugin allows you to add a new type of column to
a project-table in the Dashboard view which
will show the coverage number of the last build for ajob together with
some color coding which allows to quickly see
projects with low coverage.
The fill-color in use by the column is a continuous color-range with the following points:
- PERFECT = 100.0
- EXCELLENT at 97.0
- GOOD at 92.0
- SUFFICIENT at 85.0
- FAIR at 75.0
- POOR at 50.0
- TRAGIC at 25.0
- ABYSSMAL at 0.0
- NA = No coverage configured
See the Jenkins JIRA
- Unfortunately JaCoCo 0.7.5 breaks compatibility to previous binary formats of the jacoco.exec files. The JaCoCo plugin up to version 1.0.19 is based on JaCoCo 0.7.4, thus you cannot use this version with projects which already use JaCoCo 0.7.5 or newer. JaCoCo plugin starting with version 2.0.0 uses JaCoCo 0.7.5 and thus requires also this version to be used in your projects. Please stick to JaCoCo plugin 1.0.19 or lower if you still use JaCoCo 0.7.4 or lower
- ...
- Updated the overall coverage reporting also as a float percentage
- Update to JaCoco 0.8.6 to add support for JDK 15
- Require minimum Jenkins version 2.164.3
- Update some other third-party dependencies
- Add LICENSE file
- JENKINS-58184 - Do not check coverage increase against the configured threshold
- Bump Ant to 1.9.15
- Do not fail if tests are run without argLine
- Update dependencies
- Add wiki content to main README
- Adjust URLs in pom.xml
- Ignore one test which is depending on the exact version of Java
- Initial support for JDK 11
- JENKINS-49351: Added runAlways user paramater to allow Jacoco to run even if build FAILED or was ABORTED
- JENKINS-56918: Adjust default source-includes to include *.groovy, *.kt and *.kts (Kotlin)
- JENKINS-55166: Replace non-ASCII characters in properties for German and Spanish to not depend on the encoding of file
- PR #100/PR #102/JENKINS-49823 - Ignore non existing class directory
- PR #101 - Add Branch Coverage Column
Update JaCoCo to 0.8.2 to support Java 10 (``#99)
Update some other plugins
JENKINS-43310 add source file inclusions and exclusions (#85 /
No change upload due to problems with the release-workflow
No change upload due to problems with the release-workflow
Use the formatted date instead of the Calendar as the key to get the
correct coverage trend per day
( #88) -
Handle build abort (by not catching InterruptedException) (#86)
Improve exception handling (#89)
Update min Java version to Java 8, update Maven dependencies and plugins (#92)
Fix Javadoc warnings (#93)
- JENKINS-43103 Removed dependency on Joda Time
- #83 Added symbol name for better pipeline integration
- JENKINS-41515 Update Jenkins parent to 1.625.3 to be able to test with current pipeline-plugin
- JENKINS-41515 Adjust dependencies and add some exclusions to remove a number of unnecessary jars from the resulting hpi file
- Configuration: Put checkboxes on top of threshold values in the configuration UI
- #81 New flag to enable/disable display of source files with line coverage highlights
- #80 Allow to fail the build if coverage degrades to much compared to previous build
- #79/JENKINS-25076/JENKINS-29117 Report 100% for empty Coverage objects
- #78/JENKINS-26254 Use BufferedInputStream to read .exec files
- #76 Allow usage of environment variables in threshold fields.
- JENKINS-38604: Limit copying of files to types *.java and *.class
- JENKINS-36571: Update to Java 1.7
- JENKINS-36536: Put a trend graph on the pipeline project page
- JENKINS-32847: Add warning for sub directory filter
- JENKINS-16787: Add shape and center plot for single-build-graphs
- JENKINS-16580 Display more than only line coverage in graph, #50
- JENKINS-27120 Adding Workflow support for JaCoCo publisher, make JacocoPublisher a SimpleBuildStep, #63, #66, #70, #72, #73
- Handle Jenkins publisher case when classes directory is empty, #67
- JENKINS-32717 Multiple class directories and source directories not parsed if there is a space after comma delimiter, #68
- Use full precision when comparing coverage to thresholds, #71
- Expand the inclusion and exclusion inputs, #74
- Fix the m2e lifecycle-mapping, #64
- Integrate automated builds via travis-ci and show the build-state on the github page
- Fix for JENKINS-31751 JaCoCo 2.0.0 plugin shows html instead of coverage report chart
- Major version change because the jacoco.exec file from the newer JaCoCo is binary incompatible with previous builds
- Update to JaCoCo 0.7.5, this causes binary incompatibility! See #55
- Add coverage summary on build status/result page. Thanks to Felipe Brandão for the patch, see #61
Older changelog
- Update used version of JaCoCo to 0.7.4
- Fix JENKINS-23708 NullPointerException if older JaCoCo reports are opened
- Fix [JENKINS-24450] JacocoPublisher serializes concurrent builds waiting for checkpoint - #45 - JacocoPublisher serializes concurrent builds waiting for checkpoint
- Fix [JENKINS-21529] add raw number metrics to the API - #42 - add raw number metrics to the API
- Fix #35 - Fix minor glitches in coverage table
- Fix [JENKINS-23623] Fix URL in JaCoCo Coverage Column in non-default views
- Set License to MIT License
- Fix [JENKINS-23426] - Crash publishing jacoco report across all projects - #44 - set dependency of asm to 5.0.1
- Fix [JENKINS-20440] Inspector problem
- Fix [JENKINS-22716] - Update to JaCoCo 0.7.x to support Java 8
- Fix #40 - Project Dashboard chart having data cut off
Core JaCoCo plugin
- Fix [JENKINS-19526] Display Branch Coverage Information
- Fix [JENKINS-19539] Do not (try to) generate coverage information if build was aborted
- Fix [JENKINS-17027] Red/green ratio is wrong
- Fix [JENKINS-19661] Inconsistent complexity score on the dashboard portlet
- Fix [JENKINS-19662] Removed (always-empty) block coverage column from the dashboard portlet
- Fix [JENKINS-19789] Method parameters in the class summary table
Core JaCoCo plugin
- Fix JENKINS-16948: Support for changing build status if expected coverage is not reached
- Fix JENKINS-15539: /jacoco.exec now serves the (possibly combined) jacoco.exec file
- Fix JENKINS-15571: plugin crashes if jacoco didn't run
- Stream output to avoid holding large amounts of data in memory
Coverage column:
- Fix JENKINS-18894: Do not include coverage column in new Dashboards by default
- Fix JENKINS-16790: Link from Dashboard to coverage report
- Fix JENKINS-16786: make coverage column show N/A as white, not black
- Fix JENKINS-16788: Update German translation
- Add some help-items for configuration items
- Fix JENKINS-16935: The default no-name package breaks the rendering
- Fix JENKINS-15538: Show source highlighting on the whole class
- Fix JENKINS-16777: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when trying to publish the Jacoco report
- Fix JENKINS-16837: Don't change build status
- Fix JENKINS-16096: Support for inclusions, exclusions
- Fix JENKINS-15011: Jacoco Plugin 1.0.3 - no threshold config and displays broken graphic link
- Fix JENKINS-15366: Problem displaying Jacoco coverage data in Jenkins for very large number of classes and methods.
- Fix JENKINS-15570: Coverage report includes classes that have been excluded from Jacoco analysis
- Fix JENKINS-15180: should be able to configure "coverage targets"
- Fix JENKINS-16310: Source code loses spacing/indenting due to html white space collapsing.
- Fix JENKINS-15217: Wrong vertical scale in coverage report graph
- Fix JENKINS-15831: Switch line colors in graph
- Fix JENKINS-15366: Problem displaying Jacoco coverage data in Jenkins for very large number of classes and methods.
- Fix JENKINS-15177: main project coverage trend graph has wrong y axis
- Fix JENKINS-15463: JaCoCo Jenkins plugin does not work on a linux slave
- Fix JENKINS-15479: Base dir not found
- Fix JENKINS-15182:improve formatting of coverage reports
- Fix JENKINS-14928: Sourcefile highlighting loses the indentation
- Refactoring: There are no separate modules anymore.
- Fix JENKINS-14939:Support single jacoco.exec + multiple modules for sources and classes (based on patterns)
- Fix JENKINS-15366:Problem displaying Jacoco coverage data in Jenkins for very large number of classes and methods.
- Fixed JENKINS-15088: When the missed count is bigger than the covered, the redbar becomes too long
- Fixed JENKINS-14896: java.io.FileNotFoundException when saving module data
- New concept implemented JENKINS-14927: Use the EXEC files instead the XMLs
- Fixed JENKINS-14279: Report "missed items" rather that coverage percentage
- Fixed JENKINS-14159: 404 when trying to see coverage on java code (implementation of sourcefile highlighting)
- New feature JENKINS-14274: Multi module reporting
- Fixed JENKINS-14270: The report does not show the covered/all, it shows something different
- Fixed testcases to have all the tests passed for a release
- Fixed JENKINS-14203: The total summary is double counted
- Fixed 3 testcases to have all the tests passed for a release
- Fixed POM: making it releasabl