There are two projects in this repository: the Kinetica Java API and an example project.
In the api directory, run the following command in the api direcotry to create the API JAR:
mvn clean package
In order to use the API JAR for the example, run the following command to install the jar in the local repository:
mvn install
The documentation can be found at The Java specific documentation can be found at:
For changes to the client-side API, please see For changes to GPUdb functions, please see
When the Kinetica server is configured to use SSL, the root certificate needs to be installed in the client machine for the API to successfullly make secured connections with the server. Please ensure that the root certificate is either installed in the default java key store (JKS), or supply the separate certificate JKS and its password to the API via the the following two system environment variables:
This can be done by setting the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) variables at the command line by using the following arguments:
The environment variables can also be programmatically set from applications that use the Java API:
System.setProperty( "", trustStorePath );
System.setProperty( "", trustStorePassword );
To build the jar, run the following command in the example directory:
mvn clean package
Then, to run the example, in the target directory, run the following command:
java -jar gpudb-api-example-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Please make sure that Kinetica is running at the URL and port specified in line 4 of example/src/main/java/com/gpudb/example/ (the default is "http://localhost:9191").