C-Sprite is an RDF stream processing engine to perform efficient hierarchical reasoning. All the technical details can be found here.
USAGE: <Ontology location> <input type (file|socket)> <triples file|socket url> <rdf type (ntriples|json-ld)> <query file> <windowSize> <windowSlide> <sleep (file)>
- Ontology location: the location of the ontology TBox.
- input type (file|socket): either file or socket. Depending if you read from file or a websocket.
- triples file|socket url: the location of the triples that need to be streamed if you read from file. Or the websocket url when you want to connect to a websocket.
- rdf type (ntriples|json-ld): the RDF serialization, either json-ld or N-triples are currently supported.
- query file: a file containing SPARQL queries on each line. Make to remove the newlines in your query such that each query is on a separate line.
- windowSize: the size of the window
- windowSlide: the slide of window
- sleep: the sleep time between each line that needs to be read when reading from file. Use 0 when using the socket.
How to run C-Sprite with the DBPedia live stream experiment:
- mvn clean install
- unzip the triples.zip file in experiments/debs
- go to the target folder
- java -cp CSprite-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar be.ugent.idlab.csprite.CSpriteSPARQLTest ../experiments/debs/dbpedia_stripped3.owl file ntriples ../experiments/debs/dbpedia_nolonglines.nt ../experiments/debs/queries.q 2 1 0
USAGE: <Ontology location> <triples file> <query concept>
- the location of the ontology TBox.
- the location of the triples that need to be streamed.
- the query that needs to be executed over the data stream. This should be a concept from the used ontology TBox.
How to run C-Sprite with the DBPedia live stream experiment:
- mvn clean install
- unzip the triples.zip file in experiments/debs
- go to the target folder
- java -cp CSprite-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar be.ugent.idlab.csprite.CSpriteTest ../experiments/debs/dbpedia_stripped3.owl ../experiments/debs/dbpedia_nolonglines.nt "http://dbpedia.org/ontology/Work"
How to cite:
title={C-Sprite: Efficient Hierarchical Reasoning for Rapid RDF Stream Processing},
author={Bonte, Pieter and Tommasini, Riccardo and De Turck, Filip and Ongenae, Femke and Valle, Emanuele Della},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 13th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-based Systems},