'Defining the Mind' is an in-progress Reacting to the Past game.
The documents are maintained in Scrivener, and published via LauLatex. Changes must be made to the Scrivener documents or they will be over-written at compliation.
The current Scrivener file is 'GameBook2.0.3.scriv.' It contains the Game Book, the Instructor's Manual and the Role Sheets in 'RTTP2.0' format. Most of the primary source PDF files are contained in the 'research' section. Previous versions are archived in 'Obsolete'.
The file 'APA-Complete-2.X.pdf' is the complete build, including all three books. As I complete a version, I will update this file. The current working version is 2.1.0. Books will eventually be separated once I have a full, viable, version. They are kept together for the sake of cross-referencing.
- APAGame-Complete-2.X.pdf -- Current 'stable' version
- APA.bib -- Bibliography for BibTex
- Activities -- contains pdf versions of APA in-class experiments related to the game.
- Appendicies -- contains appendicies to the book in individual files
- Gamebook-2.X-*.tex -- LaTex archive. Do not edit directly, as it is generated by Scrivener.
- GameBook-2.X.scriv -- Scrivener file
- Gamebook-2.X.*.pdf -- Current 'in progress' version
- Images -- contains all images used in the book
- PrimarySourceMaterials -- PDFs of papers and books relevant to game play
- CharacterResources -- PDFs of papers and books that are explicitly mentioned in character sheets.
- LICENSE -- License to use these materials.
- README.md -- this file
- Obsolete -- contains old version, including the 1.0 version in OpenOffice format
With Scrivener 3 updated (Version 2.1.0), I've tried to use MMD tables as much as possible. Long tables, either by height or width, require direct coding in LaTeX. These passages are escaped from MMD processing by and
Added Kurt Freund, Scrivener3.0 format, all tables, cross references and citations working correct. Still need:
- Write up 'smallworld' experiment
- Citations / PDF of Freund
- Couple of misc. citations waiting on Amazon delivery 7/29/19
Updated to 'RTTP2.0' format, Summer 2018. Still need:
- Add Kurt Freund to introduce ban of aversion therapy
- Clean up mmd / latex tables.
- in-document formatted citations from old OO files. Need to update to LaTeX.
- Split page # / index / works cited by book (LaTeX part).
- Updated to 'tufte' LaTeX style.
(I haven't kept this record very well. If you know of a playtest that is not listed here, please let me know.)
2015 Spring: Elizabeth Kirkland
2014, Spring Michelle Beechler, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Adrian College
2014 RTTP Game Developer's conferece, Simpson College Iowa.
2010, Minds and Machines. Peter Bradley, PhD., Assoc. Professor, Department of Philosophy, McDaniel College
Add Kurt Freund as a character, to lead the condemnation of Aversion Therapy discussion / vote. (https://wellcomecollection.org/articles/W1buxiYAACgAqyV9)
- In Progress, 7/23/19
Add some basic primer on history of Linguistics for Chomsky