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System Properties

Patrick Corless edited this page Jan 18, 2020 · 4 revisions

Many system properties are available for configuring ICEpdf. They can be set programmatically or on the command line. Programmatically, the syntax is as follows:

System.getProperties().put("org.icepdf.core.imageReference", "scaled");

On the command line, the syntax is as follows:

java -Dorg.icepdf.core.imageReference=scaled ...

The Dynamic column indicates whether changing the value of the property at runtime has any effect. The possible values are:

No - has no effect at runtime Yes - always has effect at runtime new - a new instance of the class must be created to see the effect at runtime N/A - not applicable

Annotations Properties Type Description Dynamic string Specifies the default color used to create a new highlight annotation. Default value is #ffff00. string Specifies the default color used to create a new strike out annotation. Default value is #ff0000. No string Specifies the default color used to create a new underline annotation. Default value is #00ff00. No string Specifies the default color used to create a new ink annotation via the LinkAnnotationHandler. Default value is #00ff00. No string Specifies the default stroke color used to create a new line annotation via the LineAnnotationHandler and LineArrowAnnotationHandler. Default value is #ff0000. No string Specifies the default fill color used to create a new square or circle annotation via the SquareAnnotationHandler and CircleArrowAnnotationHandler. Default value is #ffffff. No string Specifies the default fill color used to create a new square or circle annotation via the SquareAnnotationHandler and CircleArrowAnnotationHandler. Default value is #000000. No string Specifies the default stroke color used to create a new square or circle annotation via the SquareAnnotationHandler and CircleArrowAnnotationHandler. Default value is #ff0000. No string Specifies the default fill color used to create a new text annotation. Default value is #ffff00. No string Specifies the default font colour used to create a new free text annotation. Default value is #000000. No string Specifies the default fillcolor used to create a new free text annotation. Default value is #ffffff. No int Specifies the default font size in points used to create a new free text annotation font. Default value is 24 No string Specifies the default color used to draw annotations with invisible borders. Default value is #CCCCCC. No string Specifies the default color used when drawing the resize squares on an annotation's border. Default value is #ffffff. No
Encryption Properties Type Description Dynamic string Specifies the classname of the security provider to use for encrypted documents. The provider must be Sun Java JCE 1.2.1 compliant.Default value is org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider. No
Imaging Properties Type Description Dynamic
org.icepdf.core.imageReference String sets the default image reference type. Possible values are; 'default', 'scaled' and 'mipmap'. Default value is 'default'. No
org.icepdf.core.ccittfax.jai boolean If true, JAI will be used to decode CCITTFAX images. Otherwise ICEpdf code will be used to decode CCITTFAX images. Default value is false. No
org.icepdf.core.imageProxy boolean If true, image will be loaded on as separate thread when the page is initialized. If false the prox will be disabled and images will be loaded on the same thread doing the page parse. Default value is true. No
Page View Buffer Properties Type Description Dynamic
org.icepdf.core.views.buffersize.vertical string Sets the vertical ratio that the current viewport height will be multiplied by to create a screen buffer. The default value is 1.0. Using a larger ratio will increase the amount of memory needed by the page view. No
org.icepdf.core.views.buffersize.horizontal string Sets the horizontal ratio that the current viewport width will be multiplied by to create a screen buffer. The default value is 1.0. Using a larger ratio will increase the amount of memory needed by the page view. No
org.icepdf.core.views.refreshfrequency integer Specifies the interval between refreshes of the view buffer when content is being rendered. The default value is 250 milliseconds. No
org.icepdf.core.views.dirtytimer.interval integer Specifies the interval in which a test for a dirty buffer will be executed and consequently when a repaint will occur. The default value is 5 milliseconds. No
org.icepdf.core.annotations.interactive.enabled boolean If true, link annotation actions can be activated using the system mouse. Default value is true. No
Page Decorator Properties Type Description Dynamic string Default page paper color before PDF content is painted. Default color value is #FFFFFF. No string Default page border color. Default color value is #000000. No string Default page shadow color. Default color value is #333333. No
org.icepdf.core.views.background.color string Default color value is #808080. No boolean If true the page view component will load and paint the page content using two different theads. If false the page is loaded on the AWT thread. Default value true. No
Text extraction Properties Type Description Dynamic integer Sets the heuristic used to detect if a space should be inserted between two characters. The value is converted to 1/spaceFraction and is multiplied by the average character width. higher values will insert more space and lower values less space. Default value is 3. No
Text selection Properties Type Description Dynamic string Sets the color used for text selection painting. Default color value is #0077FF. No string Sets the color used for search highlight painting. Default color value is #FFF600. No
Threading Properties Type Description Dynamic
org.icepdf.core.library.threadPoolSize integer Sets the max number of threads that ICEpdf can use for its common thread pool executor. The common thread pool is used to initial Page content in the Viewer RI. Default value is 3. No
org.icepdf.core.library.painterThreadPoolSize integer Sets the max number of threads that ICEpdf can use when painting pages in the Viewer RI PageViewComponentImpl. Default value is 1. No
org.icepdf.core.library.imageThreadPoolSize integer Sets the max number of threads that ICEpdf can use when proxying image loading work during page parsing. Default value is 5. No

Note: For the Rendering Quality properties below, target can be set for both print and screen. For dynamic changes to these System Properties to take effect, you must call org.icepdf.core.util.GraphicsRenderingHints.reset().

Rendering Quality Properties Type Description Dynamic
org.icepdf.core.awtFontLoading boolean When enabled the java.awt.Font will be used to try and load embedded font files. Default value is false. Has no effect on ICEpdf Pro. No
org.icepdf.core.paint.disableAlpha boolean If true, all alpha or transparency painting will be suspended. This property can be enabled when printing with in the intension of reducing the spool size. Yes
org.icepdf.core.paint.disableClipping boolean If true, all clipping will be suspended. This property should only be used if content is missing from printed output. This property can be turned on for printing and turned off once the print job has finished. Yes string Sets the JVM's alpha interpolation rendering hint. The default value for print is VALUE_INTERPOLATION_QUALITY. The default value for screen is VALUE_INTERPOLATION_QUALITY. The other supported value is VALUE_ALPHA_INTERPOLATION_ DEFAULT Yes string Sets the JVM's antialiasing of all images and text. The default value for print and screen is VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON. Other supported values are VALUE_ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT and VALUE_ANTIALIAS_OFF. Yes string Sets whether a Page will draw a background fill colour before drawing the Page contents. According to the PDF standard, a white background should be drawn. When printing on white paper, for some printers with poor drivers, it is best to not draw a background at all. The default value is VALUE_DRAW_WHITE_BACKGROUND. The other supported value is VALUE_DRAW_NO_BACKGROUND. Yes string Sets the JVM's color render rendering hint. The default value for print and screen is VALUE_COLOR_RENDER_QUALITY. The other supported values are VALUE_COLOR_RENDER_DEFAULT. Yes string Sets the JVM's dither rendering hint. The default value for print and screen is VALUE_DITHER_ENABLE. Other supported values are VALUE_DITHER_DEFAULT and VALUE_DITHER_DISABLE. Yes fractionalmetrics string Sets the JVM's fractional metrics rendering hint. The default value for print and screen is VALUE_FRACTIONALMETRICS_ON. Other supported values are VALUE_FRACTIONALMETRICS_DEFAULT and VALUE_FRACTIONALMETRICS_OFF. Yes interpolation string Sets the JVM's interpolation rendering hint. The default value for print and screen is VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BICUBIC. The other supported values are VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BILINEAR and VALUE_INTERPOLATION_NEAREST_ NEIGHBOR. Yes string Sets the JVM's render rendering hint. The default value for print and screen is VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY. The other supported values are VALUE_RENDER_DEFAULT and VALUE_RENDER_SPEED Yes string Sets the JVM's stroke rendering hint. The default value for print and screen is VALUE_STROKE_NORMALIZE.The other supported values are VALUE_STROKE_PURE and VALUE_STROKE_DEFAULT. Yes textAntiAliasing string Sets the Font rendering engine's antialiasing rendering hint. The default value is true. The other supported value is false. Yes
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