Keep your static and user-uploaded media in sync between your local machine and Amazon S3 buckets. Features:
- Use separate buckets for user-uploaded media VS static media
- Run a management command periodically to keep your user-uploaded media in sync.
- Fall back to local
links for files that have not yet been uploaded to S3 (uses any cache backend to store this list). - Automatically link to files on S3 when they have been uploaded.
- Easy to set up cron jobs, management commands to keep your media in sync
- Efficient sync of pending uploaded and deleted files
- Optionally deletes files from S3 once they have been deleted locally.
This project is inspired by django-extensions's sync_media_s3 management command.
- This app only works with Django's
backend. You are welcome to file a pull request to fix this limitation, feel free to ask me for help :) - Using symlinks (
ln -s
) in your static media has not been tested, and is assumed not to work.
Step 1:
pip install -e git://
to your installed apps:INSTALLED_APPS = ( # ... 's3sync', # ... )
Set s3sync's
backend as the default:DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = ''
Provide these settings, all required:
MEDIA_ROOT = '/full/path/to/your/media' AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = 'your-amazon-access-key-id' AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = 'your-amazon-secret-access-key' BUCKET_UPLOADS = '' BUCKET_UPLOADS_URL = '//' # For your production site, link to the S3 uploads bucket. # This setting is optional for development. PRODUCTION = True
Run this on a cron:
# Be sure to use your media prefix here. # --remove-missing ensures deleting files locally propagates to S3 python s3sync_pending --prefix=media --remove-missing
To sync your static media, see
If you're already using your own File storage backend, extend s3sync's storage:
from import S3PendingStorage class YourCustomStorage(S3PendingStorage): # Override with your storage methods here. pass
Make your bucket URL nice and clean and hide the URL to
- Make sure to name your bucket
- Using your DNS service (e.g. Route 53), create a CNAME record named
with a value of (pointing to) the website endpoint for your bucket's region,
If you need to access the files from multiple web servers before they get uploadd to S3, you can use a dedicated EC2 instance or 3rd party server to mount as a partition on all of your machines. Going the EC2 instance route is probably your best bet to minimize latency.
Command options are:
-b BUCKET, --bucket=BUCKET The name of the Amazon bucket you are uploading to. -p PREFIX, --prefix=PREFIX The prefix to prepend to the path on S3. -d DIRECTORY, --dir=DIRECTORY The root directory to use instead of your MEDIA_ROOT --gzip Enables gzipping CSS and Javascript files. --expires Enables setting a far future expires header. --force Skip the file mtime check to force upload of all files. --remove-missing Remove any existing keys from the bucket that are not present in your local. DANGEROUS! --exclude-list Override default directory and file exclusion filters. (enter as comma separated line) --dry-run Do A dry-run to show what files would be affected.
Required settings: BUCKET_UPLOADS
Command options are:
-p PREFIX, --prefix=PREFIX The prefix to prepend to the path on S3. -d DIRECTORY, --dir=DIRECTORY The root directory to use instead of your MEDIA_ROOT --remove-missing Remove any existing keys from the bucket that are not present in your local. DANGEROUS! --dry-run Do a dry-run to show what files would be affected.
Required settings: BUCKET_UPLOADS_URL
- Required. Your API keys from Amazon.
- Name of your upload bucket. Usually ''
- URL to your bucket, including the prefix.
- Which cache backend to use from settings.CACHES
- Cache key to use for storing the list of pending files to be uploaded to S3.
- Cache key to use for storing the list of pending files to be removed from S3.
- Set this to True for the storage backend to use
If you'd like to fix a bug, add a feature, etc
- Start by opening an issue.
- Be explicit so that project collaborators can understand and reproduce the issue, or decide whether the feature falls within the project's goals. Code examples can be useful, too.
- File a pull request.
- You may write a prototype or suggested fix.
- Check your code for errors, complaints.
- Use
- Write and run tests.
- Write your own test showing the issue has been resolved, or the feature works as intended.
TODO: write tests.
To run the tests:
python test s3sync