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Collect, parse and store logs with a configurable set of modules. Inspired by logstash but with a smaller memory footprint and faster startup time.

Compatibility and Performance

To run GambolPutty you will need Python 2.5+. For better performance, I recommend running GambolPutty with pypy.
Tested with pypy-2.3, pypy-2.4 and pypy-2.5.
A small benchmark comparing the performance of different python/pypy versions and logstash-1.4.2 can be found here.


Clone the github repository to /opt/GambolPutty (or any other location that fits you better :):

git clone /opt/GambolPutty

Install the dependencies with pip:

cd /opt/GambolPutty
pip install -r requirements/requirements.txt

If you are using pypy, install alternative packages:

pip install -r requirements/requirements-pypy.txt

You may need the MaxMind geo database. Install it with:

mkdir /usr/share/GeoIP
cd /usr/share/GeoIP
wget ""
gunzip GeoLiteCity.dat.gz

Now you can give GambolPutty a testdrive with:

python /opt/GambolPutty/gambolputty/ -c /opt/GambolPutty/conf/example-tcp.conf

For a how-to running GambolPutty, Elasticsearch and Kibana on CentOS, feel free to visit

Configuration example (with explanations)

To give a short introduction of how GambolPutty works, here is a sample configuration. Its receiving apache and nginx access logs via syslog messages from a syslog server and msgpacked events from python-beaver and stores them in an elasticsearch backend. Below, I will explain each section in more detail.

# Sets number of parallel GambolPutty processes.
- Global:
   workers: 2

# Listen on all interfaces, port 5151.
- TcpServer:
   port: 5151
    - RegexParser

# Listen on all interfaces, port 5152.
- TcpServer:
   port: 5152
   mode: stream
   chunksize: 32768

# Decode msgpacked data.
- MsgPackParser:
   mode: stream

# Extract fields.
- RegexParser:
   source_field: data
   hot_rules_first: True
    - httpd_access_log: '(?P<remote_ip>\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s+(?P<identd>\w+|-)\s+(?P<user>\w+|-)\s+\[(?P<datetime>\d+\/\w+\/\d+:\d+:\d+:\d+\s.\d+)\]\s+\"(?P<url>.*)\"\s+(?P<http_status>\d+)\s+(?P<bytes_send>\d+)'
    - http_common_access_log: '(?P<remote_ip>\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s(?P<x_forwarded_for>\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s(?P<identd>\w+|-)\s(?P<user>\w+|-)\s\[(?P<datetime>\d+\/\w+\/\d+:\d+:\d+:\d+\s.\d+)\]\s\"(?P<url>.*)\"\s(?P<http_status>\d+)\s(?P<bytes_send>\d+)'
    - iptables: '(?P<syslog_prival>\<\d+\>)(?P<log_timestamp>\w+\s+\d+\s+\d+:\d+:\d+)\s+(?P<host>[\w\-\._]+)\s+kernel:.*?\ iptables\ (?P<iptables_action>.*?)\ :\ IN=(?P<iptables_in_int>.*?)\ OUT=(?P<iptables_out_int>.*?)\ SRC=(?P<iptables_src>.*?)\ DST=(?P<iptables_dst>.*?)\ LEN=(?P<iptables_len>.*?)\ .*?PROTO=(?P<iptables_proto>.*?)\ SPT=(?P<iptables_spt>.*?)\ DPT=(?P<iptables_dpt>.*?)\ WINDOW=.*'
    - SimpleStats:
       filter: $(gambolputty.event_type) != 'Unknown'
    # Print out messages that did not match
    - StdOutSink:
       filter: $(gambolputty.event_type) == 'Unknown'

# Print out some stats every 10 seconds.
- SimpleStats:
   interval: 10

# Extract the syslog prival from events received via syslog.
- SyslogPrivalParser:
   source_field: syslog_prival

# Add a timestamp field.
- AddDateTime:
   format: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f'
   target_field: "@timestamp"

# Add geo info based on the lookup_fields. The first field in <source_fields> that yields a result from geoip will be used.
- AddGeoInfo:
   geoip_dat_path: /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLiteCity.dat
   source_fields: [x_forwarded_for, remote_ip]
   geo_info_fields: ['latitude', 'longitude', 'country_code']

# Nginx logs request time in seconds with milliseconds as float. Apache logs microseconds as int.
# At least cast nginx to integer.
- Math:
   filter: if $(server_type) == "nginx"
   target_field: request_time
   function: float($(request_time)) * 1000

# Map field values of <source_field> to values in <map>.
- ModifyFields:
   filter: if $(http_status)
   action: map
   source_field: http_status
   map: {100: 'Continue', 200: 'OK', 301: 'Moved Permanently', 302: 'Found', 304: 'Not Modified', 400: 'Bad Request', 401: 'Unauthorized', 403: 'Forbidden', 404: 'Not Found', 500: 'Internal Server Error', 502: 'Bad Gateway'}

# Kibana’s ‘bettermap’ panel needs an array of floats in order to plot events on map.
- ModifyFields:
   filter: if $(latitude)
   action: merge
   source_fields: [longitude, latitude]
   target_field: geoip

# Extarct some fields from the user agent data.
- UserAgentParser:
   source_fields: user_agent

# Parse the url into its components.
- UrlParser:
   source_field: uri
   target_field: uri_parsed
   parse_querystring: True
   querystring_target_field: params

# Store events in elastic search.
- ElasticSearchSink:
   nodes: [localhost]
   store_interval_in_secs: 5

- StdOutSink

Let me explain it in more detail:

# Sets number of parallel GambolPutty processes.
- Global:
   workers: 2

The Global section lets you configure some global properties of GambolPutty. Here the number of parallel processes is set. In order to be able to use multiple cores with python (yay to the GIL) GambolPutty can be started with multiple parallel processes. Default number of workers is CPU_COUNT - 1.

# Listen on all interfaces, port 5151.
- TcpServer:
   port: 5151
    - RegexParser

Starts a tcp server listening on all local interfaces port 5151. Each module comes with a set of default values, so you only need to provide settings you need to customize. For a description of the default values of a module, refer to the in the modules directory or its docstring. By default, a module will send its output to the next module in the configuration. To set a custom receiver, set the receivers value. This module will send its output directly to RegexParser.

# Listen on all interfaces, port 5152.
- TcpServer:
   port: 5152
   mode: stream
   chunksize: 32768

Also starts a tcp server, listening on port 5152. The first tcp server uses newline as separator (which is the default) for each received event. Here, the sever reads in max. 32k of data and passes this on to the next module.

# Decode msgpacked data.
- MsgPackParser:
   mode: stream

Decode the received data from the above tcp server in msgpack format. This can be used to e.g. handle data send via python-beaver

# Extract fields.
- RegexParser:
   source_field: data
   hot_rules_first: True
    - httpd_access_log: '(?P<remote_ip>\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s+(?P<identd>\w+|-)\s+(?P<user>\w+|-)\s+\[(?P<datetime>\d+\/\w+\/\d+:\d+:\d+:\d+\s.\d+)\]\s+\"(?P<url>.*)\"\s+(?P<http_status>\d+)\s+(?P<bytes_send>\d+)'
    - http_common_access_log: '(?P<remote_ip>\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s(?P<x_forwarded_for>\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s(?P<identd>\w+|-)\s(?P<user>\w+|-)\s\[(?P<datetime>\d+\/\w+\/\d+:\d+:\d+:\d+\s.\d+)\]\s\"(?P<url>.*)\"\s(?P<http_status>\d+)\s(?P<bytes_send>\d+)'
    - iptables: '(?P<syslog_prival>\<\d+\>)(?P<log_timestamp>\w+\s+\d+\s+\d+:\d+:\d+)\s+(?P<host>[\w\-\._]+)\s+kernel:.*?\ iptables\ (?P<iptables_action>.*?)\ :\ IN=(?P<iptables_in_int>.*?)\ OUT=(?P<iptables_out_int>.*?)\ SRC=(?P<iptables_src>.*?)\ DST=(?P<iptables_dst>.*?)\ LEN=(?P<iptables_len>.*?)\ .*?PROTO=(?P<iptables_proto>.*?)\ SPT=(?P<iptables_spt>.*?)\ DPT=(?P<iptables_dpt>.*?)\ WINDOW=.*'
    - SimpleStats:
       filter: $(gambolputty.event_type) != 'Unknown'
    # Print out messages that did not match
    - StdOutSink:
       filter: $(gambolputty.event_type) == 'Unknown'

Use regular expressions to extract fields from a log event. source_field sets the field to apply the regex to. With hot_rules_first set to True, the expressions will be applied in order of their hit counts. httpd_access_log will set the event type to "httpd_access_log" if the expression matches. Named groups are used to set the field names. Grok patterns from Logstash can also be used. In the receivers section, we can find output filters. These can be used to only send selected events to the receiving module. As to the notation of event fields in such filters, please refer to the "Event field notation" section later in this document. In this example the output filter uses the event metadata gambolputty field. This data is set by GambolPutty for every event received and would look like this:

'gambolputty': {'event_id': '90818a85f3aa3af302390bbe77fbc1c87800',
                'event_type': 'Unknown',
                'pid': 7800,
                'received_by': '',
                'received_from': '',
                'source_module': 'TcpServer'}}

This data is stored in a separate field to make it easier to drop it prior to store it in some backend.

# Print out some stats every 10 seconds.
- SimpleStats:
   interval: 10

Prints out some simple stats every interval seconds.

# Extract the syslog prival from events received via syslog.
- SyslogPrivalParser:
   source_field: syslog_prival

Parses syslog prival values to human readable ones based on RFC5424.

# Add a timestamp field.
- AddDateTime:
   format: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f'
   target_field: "@timestamp"

Adds a timestamp field to the event. When you want to use kibana to view your event data, this field is required.

# Add geo info based on the lookup_fields. The first field in <source_fields> that yields a result from geoip will be used.
- AddGeoInfo:
   geoip_dat_path: /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLiteCity.dat
   source_fields: [x_forwarded_for, remote_ip]
   geo_info_fields: ['latitude', 'longitude', 'country_code']

Adds geo information fields to the event based on ip addresses found in source_fields. The first ip address in source_fields that yields a result will be used.

# Nginx logs request time in seconds with milliseconds as float. Apache logs microseconds as int.
# At least cast nginx to integer.
- Math:
   filter: if $(server_type) == "nginx"
   target_field: request_time
   function: float($(request_time)) * 1000

As it says in the comment. Nginx and apache use different time formats for the request time field. This module lets you adjust the field to accommodate for that. Also an input filter is used here. Only matching events will be modified by this module.

# Map field values of <source_field> to values in <map>.
- ModifyFields:
   filter: if $(http_status)
   action: map
   source_field: http_status
   map: {100: 'Continue', 200: 'OK', 301: 'Moved Permanently', 302: 'Found', 304: 'Not Modified', 400: 'Bad Request', 401: 'Unauthorized', 403: 'Forbidden', 404: 'Not Found', 500: 'Internal Server Error', 502: 'Bad Gateway'}

This module shows how you can map event fields to new values. In this example numeric http status codes are mapped to human readable values.

# Kibana’s ‘bettermap’ panel needs an array of floats in order to plot events on map.
- ModifyFields:
   filter: if $(latitude)
   action: merge
   source_fields: [longitude, latitude]
   target_field: geoip

Kibanas bettermap module expects the geodata to be found in one single field. With this module the fields longitude and latitude are merged into the geoip field.

# Extarct some fields from the user agent data.
- UserAgentParser:
   source_fields: user_agent
   target_field: user_agent_info

Extract user agent information from the user_agent field. This module will set fields like, etc.

# Parse the url into its components.
- UrlParser:
   source_field: uri
   target_field: uri_parsed
   parse_querystring: True
   querystring_target_field: params

Extract details from the uri field. This module will set fields like uri_parsed.scheme, uri_parsed.path, uri_parsed.query etc.

# Store events in elastic search.
- ElasticSearchSink:
   nodes: [localhost]
   store_interval_in_secs: 5

Send the received events to elasticsearch servers. nodes will set the nodes to connect to.

- StdOutSink

Events received by this module will be printed out to stdout. The RegexParser module was configured to send unmatched events to this module.

The different modules can be combined in any order.

To run GambolPutty you will need Python 2.5+. For better performance I recommend running GambolPutty with pypy. Tested with pypy-2.0.2, pypy-2.2.1, pypy-2.3 and pypy-2.4. For IPC ZeroMq is used instead of the default multiprocessing.Queue. This resulted in nearly 3 times of the performance with multiprocessing.Queue.

Working modules

Event inputs

  • ElasticSearch, get documents from elasticsearch.
  • Kafka, receive events from apache kafka.
  • NmapScanner, scan network with nmap and emit result as new event.
  • RedisChannel, read events from redis channels.
  • RedisList, read events from redis lists.
  • Sniffer, sniff network traffic.
  • Spam, what it says on the can - spams GambolPutty for testing.
  • StdIn, read stream from standard in.
  • TcpServer, read stream from a tcp socket.
  • UdpServer, read data from udp socket.
  • UnixSocket, read stream from a named socket on unix like systems.
  • Zmq, read events from a zeromq.

Event parsers

  • CollectdParser, parse collectd binary protocol data.
  • CSVParser, parse a char separated string.
  • InflateParser, inflates any fields with supported compression codecs.
  • JsonParser, parse a json formatted string.
  • LineParser, split lines at a seperator and emit each line as new event.
  • MsgPackParser, parse a msgpack encoded string.
  • RegexParser, parse a string using regular expressions and named capturing groups.
  • SyslogPrivalParser, parse the syslog prival value (RFC5424).
  • UrlParser, parse the query string from an url.
  • UserAgentParser, parse a http user agent string.
  • XPathParser, parse an XML document via an xpath expression.

Event modifiers

  • AddDateTime, adds a timestamp field.
  • AddDnsLookup. adds dns data.
  • AddGeoInfo, adds geo info fields.
  • DropEvent, discards event.
  • ExecPython, execute custom python code.
  • Facet, collect all encountered variations of en event value over a configurable period of time.
  • HttpRequest, execute an arbritrary http request and store result.
  • Math, execute arbitrary math functions.
  • MergeEvent, merge multiple events to one single event.
  • ModifyFields, some methods to change extracted fields, e.g. insert, delete, replace, castToInteger etc.
  • Permutate, takes a list in the event data emits events for all possible permutations of that list.


  • DevNullSink, discards all data that it receives.
  • ElasticSearchSink, stores data entries in an elasticsearch index.
  • FileSink, store events in a file.
  • GraphiteSink, send metrics to graphite server.
  • LoggerSink, sends data to gambolputty internal logger for output.
  • RedisChannelSink, publish incoming events to redis channel.
  • RedisListSink, publish incoming events to redis list.
  • StdOutSink, prints all received data to standard out.
  • SyslogSink, send events to syslog.
  • WebHdfsSink, store events in hdfs via webhdfs.
  • ZmqSink, sends incoming event to zeromq.

Misc modules

  • EventBuffer, store received events in a persistent backend until the event was successfully handled.
  • KeyValueStore, simple wrapper around the python simplekv module.
  • RedisStore, use redis to store and retrieve values, e.g. to store the result of the XPathParser modul.
  • SimpleStats, simple statistic module just for event rates etc.
  • Statistics, more versatile. Configurable fields for collecting statistic data.
  • Tarpit, slows event propagation down - for testing.
  • Throttle, throttle event count over a given time period.

Cluster modules

  • Pack, base pack module. Handles pack leader and pack member discovery.
  • PackConfiguration, syncs leader configuration to pack members.

Webserver modules

  • WebGui, a web interface to GambolPutty.
  • WebserverTornado, base webserver module. Handles all incoming requests.

Event flow basics

  • an input module receives an event.
  • the event data will be wrapped in a default event dictionary of the following structure: { "data": payload, "gambolputty": { "event_id": unique event id, "event_type": "Unknown", "received_from": ip address of sender, "source_module": caller_class_name, } }
  • the input module sends the new event to its receivers. Either by adding it to a queue or by calling the receivers handleEvent method.
  • if no receivers are configured, the next module in config will be the default receiver.
  • each following module will process the event via its handleEvent method and pass it on to its receivers.
  • each module can have an input filter and an output filter to manage event propagation through the modules.
  • output modules can not have receivers.

Configuration basics

The configuration is stored in a yaml formatted file. Each module configuration follows the same pattern:

- SomeModuleName:
    id: AliasModuleName                     # <default: ""; type: string; is: optional>
    filter: if $(cache_status) == "-"
    add_fields: {'my_new_field': 'my_new_value'}
    delete_fields: ['drop_this_field', 'drop_that_field']
    event_type: my_custom_type
     - ModuleName
     - ModuleAlias:
         filter: if $('event_type') == 'httpd_access_log'
  • module: specifies the module name and maps to the class name of the module.
  • id: use to set an alias name if you run more than just one instance of a module.
  • filter: apply a filter to incoming events. Only matching events will be handled by this module.
  • add_fields: if the event is handled by the module add this fields to the event.
  • delete_fields: if the event is handled by the module delete this fields from the event.
  • event_type: if the event is handled by the module set event_type to this value.
  • receivers: ModuleName or id of the receiving modules. If a filter is provided, only matching events will be send to receiver. If no receivers are configured, the next module in config will be the default receiver.

For modules that support the storage of intermediate values in redis: * configuration['redis-client']: name of the redis client as set in the configuration. * configuration['redis-key']: key used to store the data in redis. * configuration['redis-ttl']: ttl of the stored data in redis.

For configuration details of each module refer to its docstring.

Event field notation

The following examples refer to this event data:

{'bytes_send': '3395',
 'data': ' - - [28/Jul/2006:10:27:10 -0300] "GET /wiki/Monty_Python/?spanish=inquisition HTTP/1.0" 200 3395\n',
 'datetime': '28/Jul/2006:10:27:10 -0300',
 'gambolputty': {
                'event_id': '715bd321b1016a442bf046682722c78e',
                'event_type': 'httpd_access_log',
                "received_from": '',
                "source_module": 'StdIn',
 'http_status': '200',
 'identd': '-',
 'remote_ip': '',
 'url': 'GET /wiki/Monty_Python/?spanish=inquisition HTTP/1.0',
 'fields': ['nobody', 'expects', 'the'],
 'params':  { u'spanish': [u'inquisition']},
 'user': '-'}

Notation in configuration fields like source_field or target_field

Just use the field name. If referring to a nested dict or a list, use dots:

- RegexParser:
    source_field: fields.2

- RegexParser:
    source_field: params.spanish

Notation in strings

Use $(variable_name) notation. If referring to a nested dict or a list, use dots:

- ElasticSearchSink:
    index_name: 1perftests
    doc_id: $(fields.0)-$(params.spanish.0)

Notation in module filters

Use $(variable_name) notation. If referring to a nested dict, use dots:

- StdOutSink:
    filter: if $(fields.0) == "nobody" and $(params.spanish.0) == 'inquisition'

Modules can have an input filter:

- StdOutSink:
    filter: if $(remote_ip) == '' and re.match('^GET', $(url))

Modules can have an output filter:

- RegexParser:
      - StdOutSink:
          filter: if $(remote_ip) == '' and re.match('^GET', $(url))

Simple example to get you started

echo ' - - [28/Jul/2006:10:27:10 -0300] "GET /cgi-bin/try/ HTTP/1.0" 200 3395' | python -c ./conf/example-stdin.conf

This should produce the following output:

{'bytes_send': '3395',
 'data': ' - - [28/Jul/2006:10:27:10 -0300] "GET /cgi-bin/try/ HTTP/1.0" 200 3395\n',
 'datetime': '28/Jul/2006:10:27:10 -0300',
 'gambolputty': {
                'event_id': 'c9f9615a935869ccbaf401108070bfb3',
                'event_type': 'httpd_access_log',
                "received_from": '',
                "source_module": 'StdIn',
 'http_status': '200',
 'identd': '-',
 'message_type': 'httpd_access_log',
 'url': 'GET /cgi-bin/try/ HTTP/1.0',
 'user': '-'}

For a more complex configuration refer to the gambolputty.conf.tcp-example configuration file in the conf folder.

For a small how-to running GambolPutty on CentOS, feel free to visit

A rough sketch for using GambolPutty with syslog-ng

Send e.g. apache access logs to syslog (/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf):

CustomLog "| /usr/bin/logger -p -t apache2" common

Configure the linux syslog-ng service to send data to a tcp address (/etc/syslog-ng.conf):

destination d_gambolputty { tcp( localhost port(5151) ); };
filter f_httpd_access { facility(local1); };
log { source(s_sys); filter(f_httpd_access); destination(d_gambolputty); flags(final);};

Configure GambolPutty to listen on localhost 5151(./conf/gambolputty.conf):

- TcpServer:
    interface: localhost
    port: 5151


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