Software for fitting and classifying IRS galaxy spectra with the NMF components described in Hurley et al. 2013
An example idl script ( is provided to demonstrate the fitting and classifying procedures.
To run the code:
Download into a suitable directory within your IDL path
Download the script from
Start idl within the NMF_software directory and run
IDL should output a postscript plot ( of the NMF fit and give the probability of being in the Sy1, Sbrst, Sy2, Sy1.5 or Dusty cluster
The NMF components and wavelength array are contained within NMF_components.sav (for use within idl), as well as NMF_components.ascii for use outside idl.
Feel free to edit/use code and NMF_components and classifier, but please cite Hurley et al. 2013. Calculates the probability of belonging to one of the 5 clusters
GMMclusters.sav: IDL structure containing normalisation, centres and covariance matrices to decribe each cluster
IRAS_10378+1108.dat: Example IRS spectrum Main code to fit the 7 NMF componentns to a galaxy spectrum (requires
NMF_components.ascii: Wavelength and flux density of NMF components in ascii form for use outside IDL
NMF_components.sav: Wavelength and flux density of NMF components in IDL's native '.sav' format. Calculates the pdf value for each of the five clusters, at any point in NMF space. (uses GMMclusters.sav) Useful bit of IDL code to to tidy up postscript device within IDL when plotting Example IDL script to demonstrate use of NMF components and classifier Calculates chi square Does nearest neighbour interpolation