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git subrepo pull umbrella #5

git subrepo pull umbrella

git subrepo pull umbrella #5

Workflow file for this run

# ci.yml github actions continuous integration for deltafs-umbrella
# 22-Sep-2022
# workflow name. user defined string that displays on repo's action page.
name: CI
# workflow trigger. when to run? 'branches' limits scope to given branches.
- master
- master
# job(s) to run when workflow is triggered.
# first (and only) job for this workflow: buildtest
# create a build matrix for this job. disable fail-fast so we
# do not fail the whole job if one branch of the matrix fails.
# you can use "include" to add branches to matrix and "exclude"
# to prune branches you do not want to build.
# XXX: putting lists in exclude doesn't work
# e.g. exclude:
# - compiler: [gcc-7, gcc-8]
fail-fast: false
build_type: [Debug, RelWithDebInfo]
compiler: [gcc-9, gcc-10, clang-10, clang-11]
os: [ubuntu-latest]
# can add include / exclude below to refine the matrix
# what os to run on (reference matrix above for this)
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
# environment variables to provide to the job
CI_BUILDTYPE: ${{ matrix.build_type }}
CI_COMPILER: ${{ matrix.compiler }}
# sequential set of steps (i.e. commands) for this job
# dump out our currently selected environment and add CI_COMPBASE,
# CI_CC, and CI_CXX to our environment using GITHUB_ENV.
- name: display selected environment config
run: |
echo "build=$CI_BUILDTYPE compiler=$CI_COMPILER"
cicompbase=`echo $cicc | sed -e 's/-.*//'`
if [ "$cicompbase" = "gcc" ]; then
cicxx=`echo $cicc | sed -e 's/^gcc/g++/'`
elif [ "$cicompbase" = "clang" ]; then
cicxx=`echo $cicc | sed -e 's/^clang/clang++/'`
echo "compbase error $cicompbase - unknown compiler basename"
echo "CI_COMPBASE=$cicompbase" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "CI_CC=$cicc" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "CI_CXX=$cicxx" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# checkout our git tree
- name: github checkout source
uses: actions/checkout@v2
# set up environment using apt-get to install packages we need
# but don't build ourselves. we need an MPI installed to
# configure deltafs-umbrella, but we don't really use it here.
# note: clang includes C++, but g++ is its own package.
# XXX: run did not like /bin/sh case statement (syntax err, quoting?)
- name: setup selected environment
run: |
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y $CI_COMPILER
if [ "$CI_COMPBASE" = "gcc" ]; then
sudo apt-get install -y $CI_CXX
sudo apt-get install -y cmake automake
sudo apt-get install -y mpich libmpich-dev
sudo apt-get install -y librados-dev
# print out versions of some key programs (just for reference).
# also print out all CI_* env vars.
- name: version check
run: |
automake --version
cmake --version
git --version
printenv | egrep '^CI_'
# now we have everything we need, so we can configure our project
- name: configure project
run: |
mkdir b && cd b
export CC=$CI_CC CXX=$CI_CXX
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/tmp/deltafs-umbrella \
-DVPIC407=ON \
echo "cmake done"
# build project
- name: build project
run: date && cd b && make && date