Taking a shot with Python for the first time and trying to have a bit of fun in the process.
It consists of a small script that plays with ASCII and ANSI escape sequences to add some color to your terminal.
You can call it by specifying either an input file
or a text string
to generate an ASCII banner. It's also possible to call it only with -l
to show the last login information.
There's a few options available in order to configure the result:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i file input file
-t text text to generate
-o file output file (will not print result in terminal)
-f font font to use, check them here: http://www.figlet.org/examples.html
-c colors comma separated hex colors (default: RGB)
-w width maximum width of the banner
-s columns push colors forward n columns in the next line
-a times animate n times (requires delay)
-d delay print each character with a delay (milliseconds, default: 0)
-l position vertical position to show last login information
-n lines add or remove lines at the end (negative to remove)
For example, this:
$ rgbify -t "Hello World" -c FF3355,3355FF,FFFF12 -f graffiti -w 40 -s 4
Will result in:
If you want a nice welcome message when you open your terminal, just add it to your shell config (i.e. .zshrc
, .bash_profile
, etc).
Some like this:
$ rgbify -t "welcome radix" -f drpepper -s 3 -a 1 -d 2 -l 4
Will yeld this result:
You'll need figlet
to run this and you can install it like this:
On mac with brew:
brew install figlet
On ubuntu with apt:
apt install figlet
With pip:
pip3 install pyfiglet
Note: you might need to add --break-system-packages
for newer Python versions