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pedrohnv authored Oct 3, 2024
2 parents eb48bb4 + 68396fa commit 08d4898
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Showing 11 changed files with 328 additions and 23 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .all-contributorsrc
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"projectName": "VectorFitting",
"projectName": "RationalVectorFitting",
"projectOwner": "pedrohnv",
"files": ["", "docs/src/"]
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion CITATION.cff
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Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
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cff-version: 1.2.0
title: VectorFitting.jl
title: RationalVectorFitting.jl
message: >-
If you use this software, please cite it using the
metadata from this file.
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
name = "VectorFitting"
name = "RationalVectorFitting"
uuid = "52b1e31a-230f-50d6-be04-0f5494ddfff6"
authors = ["Pedro H. N. Vieira <>"]
version = "0.1.0"
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24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,30 @@ The transfer function can be a vector $f(s) = \[y_1, \dots, y_m\]$ and the Vecto

A rational representation of a transfer function makes it easier to find a [state space canonical realization]( of a system and to [perform convolutions](

## Usage Example

using RationalVectorFitting
using Plots

Ns = 101
freq = exp10.(range(0, 4, length = Ns))
s = 2im * pi * freq
poles0 = [-5.0, -100 - 500im, -100 + 500im]
residues0 = [2.0, 30 - 40im, 30 + 40im]
d0 = 0.5
h0 = 0.0
f = rational(s, poles0, residues0, d0, h0)
init_poles = -2pi * exp10.(range(0, 4, length = 3))
poles, residues, d, h, fitted, error_norm = vector_fitting(s, f, init_poles)
p1 = plot(freq, abs.(f), label="f(s)", linecolor=:blue, xlabel="Frequency [Hz]", xaxis=:log, yaxis=:log, legend=:right)
plot!(freq, abs.(fitted), label="fitted(s)", linecolor=:darkorange)
plot!(freq, abs.(f - fitted), label="deviation", linecolor=:green)

## References

[1] B. Gustavsen and A. Semlyen, "Rational approximation of frequency domain responses by vector fitting," in IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 1052-1061, July 1999, [doi: 10.1109/61.772353](
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/Project.toml
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Documenter = "e30172f5-a6a5-5a46-863b-614d45cd2de4"
LiveServer = "16fef848-5104-11e9-1b77-fb7a48bbb589"
VectorFitting = "52b1e31a-230f-50d6-be04-0f5494ddfff6"
RationalVectorFitting = "52b1e31a-230f-50d6-be04-0f5494ddfff6"

Documenter = "1"
287 changes: 283 additions & 4 deletions src/RationalVectorFitting.jl
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@@ -1,11 +1,290 @@
module RationalVectorFitting

export rational,
recommended_init_poles, pole_identification, residue_identification, vector_fitting

using LinearAlgebra

To be used to sort an array by real, then complex conjugate pairs.
function cplxpair(x)
return (isreal(x), abs(imag(x)), real(x), imag(x))

rational(s, poles, residues, d, h)
Rational transfer function.
function rational(s, poles, residues, d, h)
return [sum(residues ./ (sk .- poles)) + d + sk * h for sk in s]

recommended_init_poles(s, Npairs)
Builds a vector of recommended initial poles sorted by cplxpair.
function recommended_init_poles(s, Npairs)
s0 = imag(s[1])
if isapprox(s0, 0.0)
s0 = imag(s[2])
s1 = imag(s[end])
init_poles = [(-0.01 + 1.0im) * sk for sk in range(s0, s1, length = Npairs ÷ 2)]
init_poles = sort!([init_poles; conj.(init_poles)], by = cplxpair)
return init_poles

build_subA!(A1, s, poles)
Builds the submatrix with the `1 / (s - p)`, `1.0` and `s` coefficients.
It is assumed that the poles are sorted by cplxpair.
function build_subA!(A1, s, poles)
Ns = length(s)
Np = length(poles)
skip_next = false
for (i, p) in enumerate(poles)
if skip_next
skip_next = false
elseif isreal(p)
skip_next = false
A1[1:Ns, i] .= 1.0 ./ (s .- p)
skip_next = true
A1[1:Ns, i] .= 1.0 ./ (s .- p) + 1.0 ./ (s .- conj(p))
A1[1:Ns, i+1] .= 1.0im ./ (s .- p) - 1.0im ./ (s .- conj(p))
A1[1:Ns, Np+1] .= 1.0
A1[1:Ns, Np+2] .= s

pole_identification(s, f, poles, relaxed)
Stage 1 of the Vector Fitting.
function pole_identification(s, f, poles, relaxed)
Ns = length(s)
Np = length(poles)
Nres = Np + relaxed
Ncols = Np + 2 + Nres
A1_cplx = Array{ComplexF64}(undef, Ns, Ncols)
Nrows = 2 * Ns + relaxed
A1_reim = Array{Float64}(undef, Nrows, Ncols)
Nc = (ndims(f) == 1) ? 1 : size(f)[2]
A_sys = Array{Float64}(undef, (Nc * Nres), Nres)
b_sys = zeros(Nc * Nres)
@inline build_subA!(A1_cplx, s, poles) # left block
for n = 1:Nc
A1_cplx[1:Ns, (Np+3):Ncols] .= -f[1:Ns, n] .* A1_cplx[1:Ns, 1:Nres] # right block
A1_reim[1:Ns, :] .= real(A1_cplx)
A1_reim[(Ns+1):(2Ns), :] .= imag(A1_cplx)
if relaxed && n == Nc
A1_reim[end, 1:(Np+2)] .= 0.0
for i = 1:Nres
A1_reim[end, Np+2+i] = real(sum(A1_cplx[:, i]))
# Fast VF is a block-wise QR as we only want the last Nres values of
# the solution. See [3].
Q, R = qr!(A1_reim)
i1 = (Np + 3)
i2 = i1 + Np - 1 + relaxed
k1 = 1 + (n - 1) * Nres
k2 = k1 + Np - 1 + relaxed
A_sys[k1:k2, :] .= R[i1:i2, i1:i2]
if relaxed && n == Nc
b_sys[k1:k2] .= Q[end, i1:i2] * Ns
elseif !relaxed
b_sys[k1:k2] .= transpose(Q[:, i1:i2]) * [real(f[1:Ns, n]); imag(f[1:Ns, n])]
ldiv!(qr!(A_sys), b_sys) # b = A \ b

if relaxed
sig_d = abs(b_sys[end])
if sig_d < 1e-12
b_sys[end] = 1e-8 * b_sys[end] / sig_d
@warn "`d` of sigma too small at `iter. = $(iter)`. Consider stopping execution and setting `relaxed=false`. Resuming..."
b_sys[1:(end-1)] ./= b_sys[end] # scale sigma's residues by its `d`

H = zeros(Np, Np)
skip_next = false
for (i, p) in enumerate(poles)
if skip_next
skip_next = false
elseif isreal(p)
skip_next = false
H[:, i] .= -b_sys[i]
H[i, i] += p
skip_next = true
H[1:2:end, i] .= -2.0 * b_sys[i]
H[1:2:end, i+1] .= -2.0 * b_sys[i+1]
H[i, i] += real(p)
H[i+1, i] += -imag(p)
H[i, i+1] += imag(p)
H[i+1, i+1] += real(p)
return eigvals(H)

hi = hello_world()
A simple function to return "Hello, World!"
residue_identification(s, f, poles)
Stage 2 of the Vector Fitting.
function hello_world()
return "Hello, World!"
function residue_identification(s, f, poles)
Ns = length(s)
Np = length(poles)
Nc = (ndims(f) == 1) ? 1 : size(f)[2]
residues = Array{ComplexF64}(undef, Np, Nc)
d = zeros(Nc)
h = similar(d)
Nrows = 2 * Ns
Ncols = Np + 2
A1_cplx = Array{ComplexF64}(undef, Ns, Ncols)
A_sys = Array{Float64}(undef, Nrows, Ncols)
X_sys = Array{Float64}(undef, Ncols, Nc)

@inline build_subA!(A1_cplx, s, poles)
A_sys[1:Ns, :] .= real(A1_cplx)
A_sys[(Ns+1):end, :] .= imag(A1_cplx)
X_sys = A_sys \ [real(f); imag(f)]
for n = 1:Nc
skip_next = false
for (i, p) in enumerate(poles)
if skip_next
skip_next = false
elseif isreal(p)
skip_next = false
residues[i, n] = X_sys[i, n]
skip_next = true
residues[i, n] = complex(X_sys[i, n], X_sys[i+1, n])
residues[i+1, n] = conj(residues[i, n])
d[n] = X_sys[Np+1, n]
h[n] = X_sys[Np+2, n]
return residues, d, h

vector_fitting(s, f, init_poles; relaxed=true, force_stable=true, maxiter=20, tol=1e-12)
Fast Relaxed Vector Fitting of the array `f` with complex frequency `s`
using a set of initial poles `init_poles`.
`f` can be a matrix of dimensions `(Ns, Nc)` and the fitting will be over
its columns with a set of common poles.
`relaxed` controls the nontriviality constraint. See [2].
`force_stable` controls if unstable poles should be reflected to the semi-left
complex plane.
`maxiter` is the maximum of iterations that will be done to try to achieve a
convergence with desired tolerance `tol`.
[1] B. Gustavsen and A. Semlyen, "Rational approximation of frequency domain
responses by vector fitting," in IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 14,
no. 3, pp. 1052-1061, July 1999, doi: 10.1109/61.772353.
[2] B. Gustavsen, "Improving the pole relocating properties of vector fitting,"
in IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 1587-1592,
July 2006, doi: 10.1109/TPWRD.2005.860281.
[3] D. Deschrijver, M. Mrozowski, T. Dhaene and D. De Zutter, "Macromodeling of
Multiport Systems Using a Fast Implementation of the Vector Fitting Method,"
in IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 383-385,
June 2008, doi: 10.1109/LMWC.2008.922585
function vector_fitting(
relaxed = true,
force_stable = true,
maxiter = 20,
tol = 1e-12,
if !allequal(real(s))
throw(error("It is expected that `allequal(real(s)) == true`"))

if any(imag(s) .< 0.0)
throw(error("It is expected that `all(imag(s) .>= 0) == true`"))

if ndims(f) == 1
Nc = 1
elseif ndims(f) == 2
Nc = size(f)[2]
throw(error("It is expected `f` to have 1 or 2 dimensions."))

Ns = length(s)
if Ns != size(f)[1]
throw(error("`f` must have the same number of rows as `s`"))

poles = sort!(complex(init_poles), by = cplxpair)
fitted = similar(f)
error_norm = Inf
local residues, d, h
for iter = 1:maxiter
if error_norm < tol
println("convergence achieved at iter. = $(iter)")
println("error_norm = $(error_norm)")
poles = pole_identification(s, f, poles, relaxed)
if force_stable
for (i, p) in enumerate(poles)
re_p, im_p = reim(p)
if re_p > 0.0
poles[i] = complex(-re_p, im_p)
residues, d, h = residue_identification(s, f, poles)
for n = 1:Nc
fitted[:, n] .= rational(s, poles, residues[:, n], d[n], h[n])
error_norm = norm(f .- fitted, 2)
perm = sortperm(poles, by = cplxpair)
poles = poles[perm]
for n = 1:Nc
residues[:, n] = residues[perm, n]
return poles, residues, d, h, fitted, error_norm

end # module
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions test/test-basic-test.jl

This file was deleted.

4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions test/test-ex1.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
residues0 = [2.0, 30 - 40im, 30 + 40im]
d0 = 0.5
h0 = 0.0
f = VectorFitting.rational(s, poles0, residues0, d0, h0)
f = RationalVectorFitting.rational(s, poles0, residues0, d0, h0)
init_poles = -2pi * exp10.(range(0, 4, length = 3))
poles, residues, d, h, fitted, error_norm =
VectorFitting.vector_fitting(s, f, init_poles)
RationalVectorFitting.vector_fitting(s, f, init_poles)
@test error_norm < 1e-10
10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions test/test-ex2.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
h0 = 2e-5
freq = (range(0, 1e5, length = 200))
s = 2im * pi * freq
f = VectorFitting.rational(s, poles0, residues0, d0, h0)
f = RationalVectorFitting.rational(s, poles0, residues0, d0, h0)
init_poles =
2π .* [
-1e-2 + 1im,
Expand All @@ -60,9 +60,11 @@
real_poles = filter(isreal, init_poles)
complex_poles = filter(!isreal, init_poles)
init_poles =
sort!([real_poles; complex_poles; conj(complex_poles)], by = VectorFitting.cplxpair)
init_poles = sort!(
[real_poles; complex_poles; conj(complex_poles)],
by = RationalVectorFitting.cplxpair,
poles, residues, d, h, fitted, error_norm =
VectorFitting.vector_fitting(s, f, init_poles)
RationalVectorFitting.vector_fitting(s, f, init_poles)
@test error_norm < 1e-10

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