Parse Server with Parse Dashboard for SGT/DTI-UFCG.
Functional resources
- CRUD for Users/Vehicles/Sectors/Absences/Routes;
- Just CR for Responsible/Destinations/Vehicle Models/Vehicle Brands;
- Notify drivers when routes change.
Non-functional resources
- Use ParseServer to provide most CRUD/Auth/File Upload/Notification functionalities;
- Use MongoDB as Database to store user data on premise;
- Use Express to host API and Dashboard at same server;
- Use Typescript for better type check on Cloud Code;
- Use Jest to test Cloud Code;
- Use Nodemon for better DX.
Business rules
Create Cloud Code to prevent unauthorised users make change on models;
Designate route to specific driver based on specific rules.
Depends on:
Environment Variables
- APP_ID: App's Name/ID (Default: 'SGT');
- MASTER_KEY: Masterkey to bypass authentication/authorization (Default: 'defaultMasterKey');
- DATABASE_URI: MongoDB URI (Default: 'mongodb://db:27017/[APP_ID]');
- DASHBOARD_USERNAME: Username to access Parse Dashboard (Default: 'admin');
- DASHBOARD_PASSWORD: Password to access Parse Dashboard (Default: 'pass');
- PORT: Server port (Default: 1337);
- S3_ACCESS_KEY: AWS S3 access key;
- S3_SECRET_KEY: AWS S3 secret key;
- S3_BUCKET: AWS S3 bucket name (Default: 'sgt');
- S3_ENDPOINT: S3 custom endpoint;
- REDIS_URL: Redis url (Default: 'redis://redis');