BlueWave Studio OpenAuto Pro API bridge development for AUDI cars to use CAN bus communication over RaspberryPi PiCAN2 interface.
Project dedicated to develop and support additional OpenAuto features over exposed APIs
- Audi A4 B6 (8E) 2001
- Audi A3 8P FL 2012
- Install dependent Python packages:
sudo pip install pynput
sudo pip3 install pynput
sudo pip install picamera
sudo pip3 install picamera
sudo pip install python-can
sudo pip3 install python-can
- Download the script to you Pi with OpenAuto
- Move the script to a folder you want. Example:
- Give the script permissions to run/execute. Example:
sudo chmod +x /home/pi/scripts/
- Edit the upper section in the script to activate the features you want to use. Avaliable options:
- read date and time from dis/fis and set it on Raspberry Pi. Recommended, if Raspberry Pi has no internet connection in the car.
- read reverse gear message from canbus to activate reversecamer. Reversecamera must be connected to Raspberry Pi, not to RNS-E or av-input modules for RNS-E.
- read longpress down left rns-e button near wheel to activate reversecamera manualy.
- control rns-e by reading rns-e button presses. This works on the whole system and not only on openauto pro gui. Im using that in kodi to navigate too (see kodi keymap editor).
- read ignition off message to shutdown the raspberry pi. Should be only relevant if you have permanent power to raspberry pi.
- read pulling key message to shutdown the raspberry pi. Should be only relevant if you have permanent power to raspberry pi.
- if reversecamera is on by gear detection, and forward gear gets detected, turn the camera off with delay. Better for parking situations :-)
- set delay for turning the raspberry pi off after ignition got detected as off
- Add script as part of OpenAuto services.
Edit file
Name=CAN bus scripts
Path=/usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/scripts/

In case of API support, suggestions or any other queries related to core API, please visit OpenAuto API project or community forum.
@noobychris for pushing thinks forward