The run_auto-tests Docker image performs the following operations:
- Downloads the metadata.json file located in the pegi3s project folder /dockerfiles/metadata to /opt (within the Docker image) and prepares from it a new JSON that is appropriate to run the auto-tests (
- Retrieves the test data located on evolution6 for the tests to be performed and saves it to a folder named "input_data" under /data (the working directory). If the test data already exists in /data/input_data this step is skipped (
- Performs the tests by ( a) removing the Docker image being tested if it exists locally b) running the tests, which implies pulling the image given the previous step - succes is measured by: i) for CLI images, the creation of a designated output file with non-zero size ii) for GUI images, the ability to close the Docker image, meaning that it was running
- Removing the tested Docker image to avoid cluttering
The output message stating whether the test run with scuccess or not is:
- displayed on the console
- written to the log file under /data (the working directory)
It looks like:
"On the 08/12/2024, it took 16.46 seconds to successfully execute pegi3s/muscle:3.8.31."
In order to use the run_auto-tests Docker image you must provide two files in the working directory:
- a file (hereafter named "tests_to_run" but that may have any name) listing the tests to be run one per line (the mandatory test has the same name as the Docker image name)
- since we are running Docker in Docker, a config file (hereafter named "config" but that may have any name) with the structure: dir=/your/data/dir
Then use the command:
docker run -v /your/data/dir:/data -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock pegi3s/run_auto-tests bash -c "python3 tests_to_run config"
This is a small list of tests that run with success and that you can use for your own tests:
clustalomega seda mafft muscle coral probcons_nuc tcoffee cutadapt evoppi-querier jmodeltest2 alter bedtools graphviz sratoolkit bioconvert flash entrez-direct getpdb goalign gotree id-mapping abyss edena plottree wgsim omegamap newick_utils probcons raxml tm-align_server phipack picard plasflow check-cds