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Name Version
aws >= 5.35.0


Name Version
aws 5.46.0


Name Source Version
vpc terraform-aws-modules/vpc/aws 5.7.1
vpc_endpoints terraform-aws-modules/vpc/aws//modules/vpc-endpoints 5.7.1


Name Type
aws_availability_zones.available data source
aws_iam_policy_document.generic_endpoint_policy data source


Name Description Type Default Required
create_database_subnets Whether to create database subnets bool true no
create_nat_gateways Whether to create the NAT gateway resource(s) bool true no
create_vpc Whether to create the VPC configuration bool true no
create_vpc_endpoints Whether to create the VPC S3 endpoint configuration. Enabled by default for prod environments bool false no
create_vpc_flow_logs Whether to create VPC flow log resources. Enabled by default for prod environments bool false no
database_subnet_cidr_blocks A list of CIDR blocks to use for database subnets list [] no
database_subnet_name_prefix Prefix to add to database subnet names string "database" no
env Environment of the configuration (dev|prod) string n/a yes
nat_gateway_per_az Whether to create a NAT gateway in each configured AZ. Enabled by default for prod environments bool false no
private_subnet_cidr_blocks A list of CIDR blocks to use for private subnets list [] no
private_subnet_name_prefix Prefix to add to private subnet names string "private" no
public_subnet_cidr_blocks A list of CIDR blocks to use for public subnets list [] no
public_subnet_name_prefix Prefix to add to private subnet names string "public" no
region n/a string "eu-west-1" no
single_nat_gateway Whether to create only a single NAT GW in the VPC bool false no
tags Tags to add to all created resources map(string)
"peinser-lz:tf-managed": "true"
vpc_cidr CIDR block of the main VPC string "" no
vpc_flow_logs_aggregation_interval The maximum interval of time (in seconds) during which a flow of packets is captured and aggregated into a flow log record number 600 no
vpc_flow_logs_retention_days Retention (in days) that VPC flow logs are kept number 30 no
vpc_name Name of the main VPC string "vpc" no


Name Description
database_subnets List of database subnet CIDR blocks
nat_gateway_eips List of allocated EIPs of NAT gateways
private_subnets List of private subnet CIDR blocks
public_subnets List of public subnet CIDR blocks


Terraform module to create the landingzone VPC setup in AWS.





