Solution of a problem in linear elasticity using Finite Element Method consists of solution of the stiffness matrix U=q'*K*q/2.
(see Examples)
Sketching the geometry, making the FE mesh with GMSH.
Solving problems from linear elasticity,
- 2D problems,
- Plane stress,
- Plane strain,
- 3D problem (solid body),
- 2D problems,
which means the creation of the stiffness matrix
$\mathbf{K}$ of the problem using arbitrary- element types (line, triangle, rectangle, tetrahedron, hexahedron, pyramid, wedge)
- approximation order (up to ten, Lagrange polynomials)
distributed forces on arbitrary physical groups (see GMSH),
- Lines (in 2D: surface force, in 3D: edge force),
- Surfaces (in 2D: body force, in 3D: traction),
- Volumes (in 3D: body force),
concentrated forces on nodes, which means the calculation of the load vector
$\mathbf{f}$ .
Constraints on physical groups (nodes on points, edges, surfaces and volumes).
Applying initial conditions on arbitrary points, edges, surfaces, volumes and on combinations of them.
Solution of static and dynamic (transient with central difference method) problems,
which means the generations of the mass matrix
$\mathbf{M}$ . -
Displaying the results (scalar or vector displacements, scalar or tensor stresses and strains) with GMSH.
- When dynamic problems are solved animations are also possible (click on
$\triangleright$ ).
- When dynamic problems are solved animations are also possible (click on
Plotting arbitrary results on paths.
Solves the damping matrix of structures in case of proportional damping
- using Rayleigh-damping (C=αM+βK) or
- using Caughey-damping (C=αM+β₁K+β₂KM⁻¹K+β₃KM⁻¹KM⁻¹K+⋅⋅⋅).
3D (and 2D) truss structures
2D axisymmetric problem
3D (and 2D) beam structures
Giving loads with functions
Giving prescribed displacements with functions
MultiPoint Constraint (like MPC184 in Ansys)
Different material properties on physical groups
Contact problems,
- in 2D,
- in 3D,
- with Lagrange multiplier method.
Defining and using coordinate systems,
- cartesian at arbitrary position and arbitrary orientation,
- cylindrical.
Defining load vector as a function of x, y and z.
Defining displacement boundary conditions as a function of x, y and z.
Defining displacement initial condition as a function of x, y and z.
Defining velocity initial condition as a function of x, y and z.
Finite deformations.
Heat conduction problems,
- solving conductivity matrix,
- solving heat capacity matrix.
Dynamic transient problems with HHT-α (or Newmark).
Linear buckling.
Modal analysis (eigenfrequencies, modal shapes).
Any suggestions are welcome.
import LowLevelFEM as FEM
using LowLevelFEM
mat = FEM.material("body", E=2.e5, ν=0.3)
problem = FEM.Problem([mat], type="PlaneStress")
supp = FEM.displacementConstraint("supp", ux=0, uy=0)
load = FEM.load("load", fy=-1)
K = FEM.stiffnessMatrix(problem)
f = FEM.loadVector(problem, [load])
FEM.applyBoundaryConditions!(problem, K, f, [supp])
q = FEM.solveDisplacement(K, f)
S = FEM.solveStress(problem, q)
u = FEM.showDoFResults(problem, q, "uvec", name="uvec", visible=false)
ux = FEM.showDoFResults(problem, q, "ux", name="ux", visible=false)
uy = FEM.showDoFResults(problem, q, "uy", name="uy", visible=false)
s = FEM.showStressResults(problem, S, "s", name="σ", visible=true, smooth=true)
sx = FEM.showStressResults(problem, S, "sx", name="σx", visible=false, smooth=true)
sy = FEM.showStressResults(problem, S, "sy", name="σy", visible=false, smooth=true)
sxy = FEM.showStressResults(problem, S, "sxy", name="τxy", visible=false, smooth=true)
FEM.plotOnPath(problem, "path", sx, 100, name="σx", visible=false);
FEM.plotOnPath(problem, "path", sxy, 100, name="τxy", visible=false);
FEM.plotOnPath(problem, "path", ux, 100, name="ux", visible=false);
Rectangle(1) = {0, 0, 0, 100, 10, 0};
Physical Curve("supp", 5) = {4};
Physical Curve("load", 6) = {2};
Physical Surface("body", 7) = {1};
Recombine Surface {1};
Transfinite Line {2,4} = 4;
Transfinite Line {1,3} = 31;
Transfinite Surface {1};
Mesh.ElementOrder = 3;
SetName "cantilever2D";
Mesh 2;
Point(5) = {10, 0, 0, 1.0};
Point(6) = {10, 10, 0, 1.0};
Line(5) = {5, 6};
Physical Curve("path", 8) = {5};
import LowLevelFEM as FEM
using LowLevelFEM
mat = FEM.material("body", E=2.e5, ν=0.3)
problem = FEM.Problem([mat])
supp = FEM.displacementConstraint("supp", ux=0, uy=0, uz=0)
load = FEM.load("load", fy=-1)
K = FEM.stiffnessMatrix(problem)
f = FEM.loadVector(problem, [load])
FEM.applyBoundaryConditions!(problem, K, f, [supp])
q = FEM.solveDisplacement(K, f)
S = FEM.solveStress(problem, q)
u = FEM.showDoFResults(problem, q, "uvec", name="uvec", visible=false)
ux = FEM.showDoFResults(problem, q, "ux", name="ux", visible=false)
uy = FEM.showDoFResults(problem, q, "uy", name="uy", visible=false)
uz = FEM.showDoFResults(problem, q, "uz", name="uz", visible=false)
s = FEM.showStressResults(problem, S, "s", name="σ", visible=true, smooth=true)
sx = FEM.showStressResults(problem, S, "sx", name="σx", visible=false, smooth=true)
sy = FEM.showStressResults(problem, S, "sy", name="σy", visible=false, smooth=true)
sz = FEM.showStressResults(problem, S, "sz", name="σz", visible=false, smooth=true)
sxy = FEM.showStressResults(problem, S, "sxy", name="τxy", visible=false, smooth=true)
syz = FEM.showStressResults(problem, S, "syz", name="τyz", visible=false, smooth=true)
szx = FEM.showStressResults(problem, S, "szx", name="τzx", visible=false, smooth=true)
FEM.plotOnPath(problem, "path", sx, 100, name="σx", visible=false);
FEM.plotOnPath(problem, "path", sxy, 100, name="τxy", visible=false);
FEM.plotOnPath(problem, "path", ux, 100, name="ux", visible=false);
Box(1) = {0, 0, 0, 100, 10, 10};
Physical Surface("supp", 13) = {1};
Physical Surface("load", 14) = {2};
Physical Volume("body", 15) = {1};
Recombine Surface {1:6};
Transfinite Line {1:8} = 4;
Transfinite Line {9:12} = 31;
Transfinite Surface {1:6};
Transfinite Volume {1};
Mesh.ElementOrder = 3;
SetName "cantilever3D";
Mesh 3;
Point(9) = {10, 0, 5, 1.0};
Point(10) = {10, 10, 5, 1.0};
Line(13) = {9, 10};
Physical Curve("path", 16) = {13};
For more examples see Documentation or examples on GitHub