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Currently Hippomenes have been deployed to two different Xilinx FPGA targets, the PYNQ-Z1 and the ARTY. Deployment is non-normative to the RISC-V RT specification, and thus not semantically versioned.

In the following the workflow for ARTY is described, similar workflow for PYNQ-Z1 should be possible.

ARTY requirements

Workflow tested under Win10 and arch Linux.

  • Vivado design suit 2023.2, with Artix 7 support. The tools should be in path.
  • openFPGALoader. Available as package under arch Linux.
  • Rust toolchain with riscv32i-unknown-none-elf target
    • rustup target add riscv32i-unknown-none-elf
  • elf2mem

You can install elf2mem either by:

cargo install --git`

or locally by:

git clone
cd elf2mem
cargo install --path . 

Project build

Fork/Clone the project (currently use the ARTY branch but this will be merged to master later). Run following commands:

cd hippomenes/fpga
vivado -mode tcl -source arty.tcl

If the arty folder already exists, the script will fail. Remove the arty folder first. (This will be automated in later.)

The arty/arty.xpr is created you can now open the the project in Vivado and work from there.

vivado arty/arty.xpr


The typical workflow is:

  • Run Synthesis
  • Run Implementation
  • Generate Bitstream
  • Open Hardware Manager (the ARTY needs to be connected over USB)
  • Program Device (the fpga\arty\arty.runs\impl_1\fgpa_arty.bit under Windows or fpga/arty/arty.runs/impl_1/fgpa_arty.bit under Linux).


To allow Vivado projects to work with git, all Vivado specific files are found in fpga/arty_top. Other files generic to Hippomenes are tracked under hdl/src.

Software workflow

Hippomenes programming follows a Rust first approach.

Source file examples are found under rust_examples, to build asm_loop:

cargo build --example asm_loop --release
elf2mem -f ./target/riscv32i-unknown-none-elf/release/examples/asm_loop -t binary.mem

To patch the generated bitstream with the new binary, run in the fpga folder, for Windows:


or, for Linux


Under Linux, we package all of the above as a cargo runner, compiling an example, resynthesizing the memory and reprogramming the target are all done by

cargo run --example <EXAMPLE> --release

Notice, under Windows we rely on Vivado for the programming which is tremendously slow (several seconds), as it will for each time start the Hardware Manager establish a connection to the device, etc. (replicating each action in the gui).

Under Linux we use the openFPGAloader which directly connects to the target without the need to start Vivado. It might be possible to use openFPGAloader under wsl, but this is not yet tested.

For patching the bitstream we currently use the Vivado tool updatemem, also here an open source variant would be preferable.