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Personal Vault Project PVP1

😌 Imagine having all your digital life, in your possession, indexed and searchable. 🤖 Now, add AI on top and be able to ask it anything about your life. Find trends, detect habits, find the bright and the dark spots. 🧳 Your digital legacy, completely yours. All your photos, notes, posts, projects, chats, everything. ✨ This is a project I've been pondering for a while now, but actually giving it more thought now. I finally have words on paper.

See the Discussions section to ask, comment, suggest or contribute.

Table of Contents


  • /storage - ZFS tools
  • /roadrunner - Metadata extraction & processing tools
  • /database - The relational database
  • /index - (future) Indexing tools (future)
  • /llm - (future) LLM tools (future)
  • /viewer - (future) Web interface (future)


# Destroy all conainers + volumes and rebuild from scratch
docker compose down -v && docker compose up --build

# Destroy all conainers and rebuild from scratch
docker compose down && docker compose up --build

# Run the scan script
docker compose exec --workdir /var/www roadrunner /bin/bash -c "php src/scan.php"

Run the tests:

docker compose exec --workdir /var/www roadrunner /bin/bash -c "vendor/bin/phpunit --testdox"

Watch and send:

fswatch -0 --event Created --event Updated --event Renamed --event Removed ./vault | xargs -0 -n 1 -I {} ./ {}

Licensing and Attribution

This repository is licensed under the [AGPL License].

The documentation software [Just The Docs] is licensed under MIT. A copy of the license is available in [docs/just-the-docs/LICENSE]

The deployment GitHub Actions workflow is heavily based on GitHub's mixed-party [starter workflows]. A copy of their MIT License is available in [actions/starter-workflows].


  1. Needs a better name, see Issue #4 [starter workflows]: [actions/starter-workflows]: [AGPL License]: [docs/just-the-docs/LICENSE]: docs/just-the-docs/LICENSE