Bash scripts for installing a new Kernel after building.
Both must be run as root.
Using sudo may cause failure in finding depmod
lilo or grub must be manually updated after.
Tested on Slackware.
This program will read from include/config/kernel.release if available or the kernel Makefile
- KV --> Kernel Version
- PL --> Patch Level
- SL --> Sub Level
This program will copy kernel files to /boot
- .config --> /boot/config-KV-PL-SL
- --> /boot/
- bzImage --> /boot/vmlinuz-KV-PL-SL (currently only x86 kernel image)
It will link
- /usr/src/linux --> /usr/src/linux-KV-PL-SL
- and if necessary /usr/src/linux-KV-PL-SL --> some remote directory (if kernel source is linked to)
Then it will run mkinitrd using a configuration file /etc/mkinitrd.conf
- initrd-KV-PL-SL.gz is created in /boot
This program will not remove the current running Kernel (uname -r).
This program will remove
- /boot/config-KV-PL-SL
- /boot/
- /boot/bzImage-KV-PL-SL
- /boot/initrd-KV-PL-SL
- /lib/modules/KV-PL-SL
- /usr/src/linux-KV-PL-SL
Peter Hyman