My final class project for MSDS 597 - Data Wrangling and Husbandry (Spring, 2019) at Rutgers University.
[8-16] Necessary R libraries.
[20-311] Code to scrape, format, and export data.
[315-881] Code for data analysis and visualization.
357 rows (51 states x 7 rows per state)
28 columns
state [1] US state (txt)
abbr [1] state abbreviation (txt)
region [8] US region (txt)
division [8] US sub-region (txt)
year [1] year (int)
percent [1] self-reported % of smokers (dbl)
state_int [-] intercept coefficient of lm(percent ~ year) for data grouped by state (dbl)
state_slope [-] slope coefficient of lm(percent ~ year) for data grouped by state (dbl)
state_resid [-] residual of lm(percent ~ year) for data grouped by state (dbl)
division_int [-] intercept coefficient of lm(percent ~ year) for data grouped by division (dbl)
division_slope [-] slope coefficient of lm(percent ~ year) for data grouped by division (dbl)
division_resid [-] residual of lm(percent ~ year) for data grouped by division (dbl)
region_int [-] intercept coefficient of lm(percent ~ year) for data grouped by region (dbl)
region_slope [-] slope coefficient of lm(percent ~ year) for data grouped by region (dbl)
region_resid [-] residual of lm(percent ~ year) for data grouped by region (dbl)
tax_2011 [2] tax ($) per carton of cigarettes in 2011 (dbl)
tax_2017 [2] tax ($) per carton of cigarettes in 2017 (dbl)
delta_tax [2] change in tax from 2011 to 2017 (dbl)
num_of_preemptions [3] count of main preemptions {max = 4} (int)
bar_restrictions [4] restrictions on smoking in bars (txt)
work_restrictions [4] restrictions on smoking in private workplaces (txt)
restaurant_restrictions [4] restrictions on smoking in restaurants (txt)
funding_per_capita [5] funding received ($) for smoking cessation per state citizen (dbl)
expenditures_per_capita [5] money spent ($) for smoking cessation per state citizen (dbl)
percent_funding_used [5] percentage of funding used (dbl)
fee_for_service_plans [6] information on state offered fee-for-service plans for cessation (txt)
managed_care_plans [6] information on state offered managed care plans for cessation (txt)
quitline_calls_per_10000 [7] total calls to the state quitline per 10000 people (dbl)
[1] CDC Behavioral Risk Factor Data: Tobacco Use (2011 to present)
[2] CDC STATE System Tobacco Legislation (Tax)
[3] CDC STATE System Tobacco Legislation (Preemption)
[4] CDC STATE System Tobacco Legislation (Smokefree Indoor Air)
[5] University of Illinois at Chicago Health Policy Center (Funding)
[6] Medicaid Coverage of Cessation Treatments and Barriers to Treatments
[7] Quitline Service Utilization (2010 to present)
[8] List of Regions of the United States (Wikipedia)