What's deployed from a GitHub repo on various server environments?
This requires that you have 2 or more URLs that return a git sha that references which git sha has been deployed.
Development requires both Python 3.6 or higher for the backed, and JS for the front end.
To install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
yarn install
To run the app, first start the backend (note, you need at least Python 3.6):
DEBUG=1 SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI='postgres:///whatsdeployed' ./app.py
and then in a separate terminal, start the frontend:
yarn start
This will automatically open your browser to http://localhost:3000/
To avoid hitting rate limits on GitHub's API you can go to Personal access tokens and generate a token (without any scopes). How can you set:
export GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN=afefdf213840aeb8007310ab05fc33eda51a0652
Environment variables
You can put all your environment variables into a .env
file, like this:
This file will automatically be read when running the Python backend.
Really basic for now.
For the front-end, we check the output of yarn run build
as a build.zip
file. This is generated by running ./bin/build.sh
To upgrade a dependency, edit requirements.in
and then run:
pip-compile --generate-hashes requirements.in
Now you should have a change in requirements.in
and in requirements.txt
Check in both.