A Flask powered application where the user can:
- Post a one minute pitch on any category among the listed.
- View, like and comment on other people's pitches.
- Create an account and view own profile.
The site is deployed on Heroku.
On your terminal, clone the project.
$ git clone git@github.com:peterken674/pitcher.git
Navigate into the cloned project.
$ cd pitcher
Create a start.sh
$ touch start.sh
Inside start.sh
, addv the following. The email will be used to send welcome emails to new users who sign up, Gmail is recommended.
export FLASK_ENV=development
python3 manage.py server
Create the virtual environment and install the requirements from requirements.txt
$ python3 -m venv virtual
$ . virtual/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Give the start.sh
file execution permissions.
$ chmod a+x start.sh
Run the program.
$ ./start.sh
- Sign up redirect to login page sometimes fails but the user is created anyway.
- Flask(Python)
- Jinja2
- Unittest
If you have any suggestions, questions or in case of a fire, you can reach the developer via email.
Copyright © 2021 peterken674