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Rust WebAssembly smart contract for NEAR with Javascript runtime

This is a Proof of Concept of embedding QuickJS with for being able to execute custom JavaScript code inside a smart contract written in Rust.

First of all, have a look at the videos where I present the project

The QuickJS runtime is compiled from

The contract has two functions:

  • run_script accepting javascript as text for compiling on the fly.
  • run_bytecode for running JS pre-compiled into the QuickJS bytecode format. Send the pre-compiled bytecode as a base64 string. See for examples on compiling JS to QuickJS bytecode.
  • submit_script for submitting and storing JavaScript and running later
  • run_script_for_account run script stored by account, returns an integer returned by the script
  • run_script_for_account_no_return run script stored by account, does not return anything unless the script calls env.value_return.

For building and deploying the contract have a look at

Calling the deployed contract

Test running javascript as text:

near call dev-1650299983789-21350249865305 --accountId=psalomo.testnet run_script '{"script": "(function() {return 5*33+22;})();" }'

Here are some examples from a deployment to testnet account: dev-1650299983789-21350249865305

Test running bytecode ( which is compiled from JSON.parse('{"a": 222}').a+3):

near call dev-1650299983789-21350249865305 --accountId=psalomo.testnet run_bytecode '{"bytecodebase64": "AgQKcGFyc2UUeyJhIjogMjIyfQJhGDxldmFsc291cmNlPg4ABgCgAQABAAMAABsBogEAAAA4mwAAAELeAAAABN8AAAAkAQBB4AAAALidzSjCAwEA" }'


Since we are linking with C libraries it is more practical to have Wasm pre-builds and run tests in a Wasm target rather than having builds for native platforms. Run the test using wasi like this:

RUSTFLAGS='-C link-args=--initial-memory=67108864' cargo wasi test -- --show-output --nocapture

Unfortunately testing with wasi has some limitations today. Especially panic does not support unwinding in Wasm, and so tests that should panic needs to be performed in e2e test scenarios. Read more here:

Web4 and a WebAssembly Music showcase

The web application in the web4 folder is a vanilla JS Web Component application for uploading music written in Javascript and also playing it, and accepting parameters in JSON for configuring the playback. It also contains functionality for exporting to WAV. See the video playlist above for a demo.

The music to be played back is fetched in a view method call, and for controlling who can access this view method the JSON parameters payload is signed using the callers private key. The contract will then verify the signature according to the callers public key stored in a transaction before the view method call.

The web application is packaged into a single HTML file using rollup, where the final bundle is embedded into the Rust sources encoded as a base64 string.


  • DONE Implement (mock) WASI methods in a linkable library so that WAT file does not have to be edited manually
  • DONE Integration/Unit testing support for Wasm32 target ( which is not supported with near-sdk-rs, see near/near-sdk-rs#467 )
    • DONE Running tests
    • DONE Displaying errors (needs a panic hook)
    • DONE Minimum NEAR mock env
  • Local simulation in browser/node Wasm runtime with mocked NEAR env in JavaScript
  • DONE End to End tests (testnet)
  • DONE Expose some NEAR environment functions to JS runtime
    • DONE env.value_return
    • DONE env.input (no need to load into register first)
    • DONE env.signer_account_id (no need to load into register first)
  • DONE Web4 hosting showcase
  • DONE NFT implementation configurable with JavaScript
  • Fungible Token example