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Simple tool to display Jira issue key change history


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A very simple tool to trace Jira issue key changes for issue IDs given on the command line or obtained from a JQL query.

Usage and configuration

If you don't have one already, generate a Jira API token for your account. See for details.

Available options and arguments:

jira-issue-history - print Jira issues key history

Usage: jira-issue-history [(-c|--config-file CONFIG-FILE) |
                            [-f|--token-file TOKEN-FILE] (-s|--site ARG)
                            (-u|--user ARG)]
                          ((-j|--jql JQL Query) | (-i|--issues)) [ISSUE KEYS...]
  Fetch Jira issues changelogs and print Key changes history

Available options:
  -c,--config-file CONFIG-FILE
                           YAML config file. (default: "~/.atlassian.yaml")
  -f,--token-file TOKEN-FILE
                           File containing JIRA API token. (default: "~/.jira")
  -s,--site ARG            Site name, as in https://<site name>
  -u,--user ARG            Your Atlassian username (email).
  -j,--jql JQL Query       Show changes for issues returned by JQL query.
  -i,--issues              Show changes for individual Jira issues given as
  --version                Show version.
  -h,--help                Show this help text

Defining/configuring Jira endpoint and authentication

The tool supports reading the token from a file -- ~/.jira by default, containing the token only.

A YAML configuration file is also supported, with the following content:

atlassian_username: "<username/email>"
atlassian_server: "https://<yoursite>"
atlassian_api_token: "<API token>"

So there are two ways to run depending how you want to configure.

If you decide to put your token in a .jira file:

jira-issue-history --site yourJiraSite --user yourJiraUser --issues FOO-1 FOO-2

or if you want to use a .atlassian.yaml file:

jira-issue-history --issues FOO-1 FOO-2

Defining the list of issues to display key history

You can either list individual issues on the command line:

jira-issue-history --issues FOO-1 FOO-2 ...

or run a JQL query and show the resulting issues histories:

jira-issue-history --jql 'project = "FOO"'


Using Haskell Stack

Prerequisites: Haskell Stack

Run stack install

Using Docker

Prerequisites: A working Docker installation

docker run --rm -t -v ~/.jira:/home/stack/.jira petrem/jira-issue-history -s yourJiraSite -u yourJiraUser --issues ISS-1 ISS-2 ...

or with a .atlassian.yaml config file

docker run --rm -t -v ~/.atlassian.yaml:/home/stack/.atlassian.yaml petrem/jira-issue-history --issues ISS-1 ISS-2 ...



Improvements and bug fixes are welcome. Please create bug reports and enhancement suggestions in GitHub.


Released under BSD license