Project for Mobile_Robots. This repository contains robot source code for course Mobile Robots at NCTU 2018. This code got third place in final competition.
If you need any help please create a new issue here on github.
Branch robot_master contains commits for Robot Contest. This branch contains tags for each checkpoint. All checkpoint can be achieved by running the last code version (robot_contest tag).
Branch hand_controll contains code for Cool Robot Show.
Branch master contains this readme file.
Next chapters describes how to connect to RPI, how to compile the code and how tu run the program.
Raspberry PI is running Ubuntu MATE. It needs to have installed ROS and WiringPI.
Computer name and login name are rpi3-2 the password is rpi. RPI is configured to automatically connect to wifi named rpi3-2 with password tatranky111. Because the wifi have been provided by Windows 10 hotspot, RPI doesn't have configured static IP and uses DHCP. Network adress was default
Repo is in directory ~/catkin_ws/src/mobile_robots
On RPI3 you need to run this command:
cd ~/catkin_ws/; catkin_make
If there is some compiling problem with missing dependencies you can first try to recompile CMakeLists.txt by:
cd ~/catkin_ws/; touch src/mobile-robots/motor_manager/CMakeLists.txt; catkin_make
At first you need to start:
roscore &; cd ~/catkin_ws/; source devel/setup.bash; rosrun rosserial_python /dev/ttyACM0 &
From fourth checkpoint (where the robot needs to find gate) program require the parameters. You need to run next command:
rosrun robot_core robot_run <INFRA_RED_FREQ>
where <INFRA_RED_FREQ> is value 600 or 1500 depends on which gate needs to find.
For final contest we added more parameters but you can still run program with only one parametr as in fourt checkpoint
rosrun robot_core robot_run <INFRA_RED_FREQ>
rosrun robot_core robot_run <INFRA_RED_FREQ> <LEFT_SPEED> <RIGHT_SPEED> <FORWARD_TIME>
where <LEFT_SPEED> <RIGHT_SPEED> <FORWARD_TIME> are params for initializing direct_search program which tries to reach the puck directly and if it isn't successful then it switchs to random_search program.
Next table shows usable values for params. Letters is robot's starting position and number is puck starting position.
left | right | time | |
a1 | 154 | 235 | 2050 |
a2 | 167 | 235 | 1750 |
a3 | 235 | 214 | 1800 |
b1 | 187 | 230 | 1550 |
b2 | 235 | 214 | 1200 |
b3 | 235 | 214 | 1350 |
c1 | 221 | 235 | 1750 |
c2 | 235 | 214 | 1400 |
c3 | 235 | 214 | 1200 |
Robot can be stoped by hitting the ctrl+c.
E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)
E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?`
It is possible that auto update is running. You can check it by ps -e | grep unattended-upgr. If you find any process with that name running then that it is. You must to wait for end of that process. You can also check udpates log /var/log/dpkg.log, or the files in /var/log/unattended-upgrades/.
- For starting new screen session type screen
- For detaching screen use key combination ctrl+a+d
- For attaching dettached screen use command screen -r
Download vcxsrv
To allow connection to your XServer, you must add IP address of RPI to file X0.hosts in directory where vcxsrv is installed.
If you want to allow everyone to connect your XServer, then instead of IP type xhost.
Start XLaunch, set display number to 0.
If there is not running XServer then -1 will be substitued as 0 automatically.
Type in RPI terminal (via SSH) export DISPLAY=<YOUR_IP>:0.0 with <YOUR_IP> substitued for your IP address.Automatized for user rpi3-2 in .bashrc -
Try to start application xeyes via SSH to see if everything is working.