#AngularJS Widget Area directive
pk-widget-area is an AngularJS directive, which allows you to build iGoogle-like dashboard apps (aka portlets or iNettuts).
License: MIT
See example is in index.html.
Basic terminology/hierarchy:
- widgetArea: the whole directive; has blocks inside; you can change order of blocks
- block: consists from columns
- column: can include widgets
- widget: building block, which you can move in a column or move to some column in different block
- AngularJS & UI (included in index.html from CDN)
- Twitter Bootstrap (the fluid layout; included in index.html from CDN)
- jQuery (included in index.html from CDN)
- jQuery UI (sortable plugin; included in index.html from CDN)
- AngularJS multi-sortable (included in index.html from lib/angular-ui-multi-sortable.js)
##Change Log##
- 2013-04-22 - Version 1.0.0 - Release