These files are companion files for the website of the Nature Foundation St Maarten. This NGO maintains a marine park reserve near St Maarten in the Caribbean. They also maintain 30+ dive sites in the area. The park map and list of dive sites used to be publically available only as a printed map or GIF/JPG image, albeit at a high resolution.
I've converted the list of GPS coordinates into KML and created a custom map on Google Maps to visually list the sites and park. You can zoom, tilt, rotate and play with the data.
If you like, you can (re)use the map data (i.e. coordinates) and add your own ideas/app.
Using the KML offline map you can get a list of the GPS coordinates of the dive sites and use them in your own way. If we modify our map in any way, your copy will become outdated.
Using the KML online map, you get linked version of the Nature Foundation's file and will be up-to-date.
web page: google map: SXM Dive Sites -