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Releases: pgagarinov/pytorch-hyperlight

Standard release

21 Mar 21:35
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  • MLDevEnv: now contains a few examples of using mlenvtool directly


  • The framework is made compatible with PyTorch 1.8 and PyTorch-Lightning 1.2.4.
  • All the regression tests and examples are made sure to pass on version 0.2.1 of PyTorch MLDevEnv



  • face_image_classification_gender_hybrid_vision_transformer.ipynb Jupyter notebook example is correct but the output saved inside the notebook contains a stacktrace from out of memory error.
  • validation metrics are now reported separately from test metrics in progress bar callback

Standard release

17 Feb 18:49
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  • A new Jupyter notebook example for BERT finetuning on a SST2 subset
  • Reusable AAutoClsHeadClassificationTaskWDAdamWStepLR and AAutoClsHeadClassificationTaskWDAdamWWarmup classes for shaping classification heads for a desired number of classes and using AdamW optimizer in a combination with StepLR scheduler from PyTorch LinearWarmup scheduler from HuggingFrace transformers library.
  • A new overridable method _forward_batch in AClassificationTask class for extracting a model inputs from a batch and running a forward pass for the module (by default it just uses batch[0] as a target)
  • A new overridable method _get_target_from_batch responsible for extracting the target from the batch (by default it just uses batch[1] as a target)
  • More explanatory comments for Hybrid ViT jupyter notebook examples, the notebook is re-run with higher number of epochs
  • is renamed to and all child scripts for running Jupyter notebook, MLFlow and TensorFlow now accept one more command line paramter defining a working directory


  • All vision transformer-based Jupyter notebook examples are switched to AAutoClsHeadClassificationTaskWDAdamWStepLR class
  • Changes to MLDevEnv packages:
    • The following conda packages were replaced with pip versions for MLDevEnv
      • jupytext
      • jupyterlab-git
    • The following packages were updated:
      • numpy==1.20.1
      • papermill==2.3.2
      • joblib==1.0.1
      • pillow==7.2.0
      • spacy==2.3.5
      • transformers==4.3.2
      • tokenizers==0.10.1
      • ray[tune]==1.2.0
      • ray[serve]==1.2.0
      • wandb==0.10.19


  • test_dataset is created twice in

Bug fixing release

13 Feb 13:51
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  • More explanatory comments for Hybrid ViT jupyter notebook examples


  • Hybrid ViT jupyter notebook examples print the absolute paths of best model checkpoints
  • pytorch_hyperlight.datasets module's folder and its subfolders do not contain file

Standard release

13 Feb 11:31
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  • CIFARDataLoadersBuilder for cifar100 and cifar10 datasets. The builder shares a lot of source code with UTKFacesDataLoadersBuilder
  • random_index_split function in utils.random_utils module. The function helps with splitting the monolithic datasets into train, val and test parts
  • Two new jupyter notebook examples of comparing Hybrid ViT (R50 + ViT) and classical ViT on both CIFAR100 and UTKFaces datasets


  • Added missing dependencies for PyTorch-Hyperlight
    • albumentations # ==0.5.2
    • papermill # ==2.3.1
    • tqdm # ==4.55.1
    • numpy # ==1.20.0
    • pillow # ==7.2.0
  • "visualize_attention_map.ipynb" Jupyter notebook from external ViT-pytorch github repo (used in some of the Jupyter notebook examples) is collected and run along with other PyTorch-Hyperlight examples when "pytest" command is issued

Standard release

12 Feb 08:14
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  • ViT attention analysis, ViT positional embedding analysis and references are added to "face_image_classification_gender_vision_transformer.ipynb" Jupyter notebook
  • The new PTH dependencies:
    • kaggle==1.5.10
  • create_subplots function in pytorch_hyperlight.utils.plot_utils for easy creation of subplots
  • pytorch_hyperlight.datasets.kaggle.utkfaces module containing the functions for creating dataloaderes for UTKFaces dataset from Kaggle
  • pytorch_hyperlight.tasks.classification.AAutoClsHeadClassificationTaskAdamStepLR class for automating the creation of classification heads for different classification models including CNNs and Transformers
  • happy-path usage Jupyter notebook example for TrialMetrics class
  • pytorch_hyperlight.utils.jupyter_nb_utils module containing the hepler functions for running jupyter notebooks (especially notebook examples)


  • "face_image_classification_gender_vit_vs_efficientnet.ipynb" Jupyter notebook is renamed to "face_image_classification_gender_vision_transformer.ipynb"
  • "face_image_classification_gender_vision_transformer.ipynb" now imports create_datasets and create_dataloaders from pytorch_hyperlight.datasets.kaggle.utkfaces
  • MLDev python packages version changes:
    • jupytext==1.10.1
  • image_utils.show_image_tensors now uses create_subplots from utils_subplot
  • pytorch_hyperlight.metrics.TrialMetrics.plot method (and show_report method) now uses the newly added create_subplots function from pytorch_hyperlight.utils.plot_utils
  • examples/_run_all_examples.ipynb notebook and test_notebook_examples testcase a) are refactored to use the functions from jupyter_nb_utils module b) use "_notebook_workspace" as a working folder for jupyter notebooks
  • all examples are placed into separate folders by categories

Bug fixing release

09 Feb 08:18
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  • unit tests for load_image_as_resized_tensor that make sure the function works with images with different number of color channels


  • nst pipeline fails when content and style images contain different number of color channels

Standard release

07 Feb 18:40
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  • new MLDev Python packages as dependencies
    • gitpython==3.1.12
    • wget==3.2
  • unit tests for load_image_as_resized_tensor


  • ./ doesn't fail if rogue version is found
  • copy_urls_to_files creates Boto3 session even for https urls
  • utils.image_utils.load_image_as_resized_tensor function fails to produce tensors of equal size in certain scenarious. The may lead to nst pipeline failure for certain image sizes (as NSTImageUrlOrPathDataLoader uses load_image_as_resized_tensor)

Bug fixing release

03 Feb 20:30
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  • MLDev dependencies
    • visdom==
    • dominate==2.6.0
    • ml_collections==0.1.0
    • kornia==0.4.1
    • opencv-python==
    • visdom==
    • dominate==2.6.0
  • NST model builder in pytorch_hyperlight.tasks.nst module now checks that style_weight_list has the same length as style_image_list


  • plain_simple_nst.ipynb ignores all stypes except for the first one

Standard release

02 Feb 10:59
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  • The following packaes were added to MLDev:

    • gym==0.18.0
    • pytorch-lightning-bolts==0.3.0
    • timm==0.3.4
    • ray[serve]==1.1.0
    • pipdeptree==2.0.0
  • New copy_file_to_s3 and copy_fileobj_to_s3 functions in pytorch_hyperlight.utils.request_utils package


  • Improved face_image_classification_gender_vit_vs_efficientnet.ipynb by using data augmentation based Albumentations library,
    added class imbalance plotting and displaying sample images, number of trials for each model is reduced down to 1
  • Default number of checkpoints kept by PyTorch-Hyperlight in a single-trial model is reduced down to 2
  • Many packages in MLDev has been updated:
    • scikit-learn==0.24.1
    • pandas==1.2.1
    • numpy==1.20.0
    • pip==21.0.1
    • ipython==7.20.0
    • matplotlib==3.3.4
    • tqdm==4.55.1
    • captum==0.3.1
    • xeus-python==0.10.2
    • tensorboard==2.4.1
    • papermill==2.3.1
    • scikit-image==0.18.1
    • notebook==6.2.0
    • jupyterlab==3.0.6
    • jupyterlab-lsp==3.3.0
    • jupyterlab_code_formatter==1.4.3
    • ipympl==0.6.3
    • pytorch-lightning==1.1.6
    • boto3==1.16.63
    • psutil==5.8.0
    • transformers==4.2.2
    • wandb==0.10.17
    • pytest==6.2.2
    • coverage==5.4
  • The following packages were downgraded
    • pillow==7.2.0 # because gym package requires the older version



  • The following packages were temporarily remoted from MLDev
    • datasets (as it requires tqdm<4.50)


  • Classifier head was not trained in face_image_classification_gender_vit_vs_efficientnet.ipynb example due to the incorrect classifier
    head paramter names
  • Checkpoint file names in 'singe-trial' mode contain confusing prefix and a value of val_loss of the last epoch step.
    This is fixed by reverting back to the checkpoint naming scheme used by PyTorch Lightning by default.
  • script in MLDev silently crashes when JupyterLab version doesn't match the expected version

Bug fixing release

29 Jan 16:42
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  • "torch" PyPI package was referred to as pytorch in requirements.txt which results in failure to install pytorch_hyperlight via pip