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A generic document validation engine originally developed for PEPPOL but now also supporting other document types.

This project is divided into sub-projects each keeping tracking of one document type set:

  • ph-bdve - generic "Business Document Validation Engine"
  • ph-bdve-peppol - the PEPPOL specific setup etc
  • ph-bdve-simplerinvoicing - Dutch SimplerInvoicing 1.x support from
  • ph-bdve-en16931 - Validation rules for the EN 16931 (European e-Invoicing norm based on CEN TC 434)
  • ph-bdve-ehf - Validation rules for EHF (Norwegian public procurement) - since 4.0.1
  • ph-bdve-ubl - Validation rules for pure UBL (without any Schematron) - since 4.0.1
  • ph-bdve-cii - Validation rules for pure CII (without any Schematron) - since 4.0.1
  • ph-bdve-energieefactuur - Validation rules for Dutch Energie eFactuur - since 4.0.2
  • ph-bdve-oioubl - Validation rules for Danish OIOUBL - since 4.0.3
  • ph-bdve-ebinterface - Validation rules for Austrian ebInterface - since 5.0.0
  • ph-bdve-teapps - Validation rules for Tieto TEAPPSXML - since 5.0.0
  • ph-bdve-ublbe - Validation rules for e-FFF/UBL.BE - since 5.0.5

A running example can be found on PEPPOL Practical.

A standalone tool that just performs validation based on this library is the phoss validator.

Licensed under the Apache 2 license.

Usage guide

Basically this library wraps different XML Schemas and Schematrons and offers the possibility to validate XML documents based on the rules.

Validation executor set identification

Every set of validation artefacts is uniquely identified based on a structure that is similar to Maven coordinates. The identifier for a set of validation artefacts is a so called "VESID" ("Validation Executor Set ID"). Each VESID consists of a mandatory group ID, a mandatory artefact ID, a mandatory version number (ideally following the semantic versioning principles) and an optional classifier. E.g. the "PEPPOL Invoice Fall release 2018" is identified with the group ID eu.peppol.bis2, the artefact ID is t10 (based on "transaction 10" from CEN BII - historical reasons...), the version number is 3.7.0 (representing "Fall 2018") and no classifier is present. Another example is "SimplerInvoicing 1.2 invoice" which has the group ID org.simplerinvoicing, the artifact ID invoice and the version number 1.2 (also without a classifier).

Each VESID can be represented in a single string in the form groupID:artifiactID:version[:classifier]. Neither group ID, nor artifact ID, nor version number, nor classifier may contain the colon (':') character, any bracket character ('<' and '>') nor any other character forbidden in filenames in any OS.

How to validate documents

At least the ph-bdve project and one of the domain specific projects (like e.g. ph-bdve-peppol) is needed in your application. See the section on usage in a Maven project below. All available VES must be registered in an instance of class ValidationExecutorSetRegistry (which can simply created via new). Depending on the used domain specific libraries, initialization calls for registration into the registry must be performed. Example for registering (only) PEPPOL validation artefacts:

    final ValidationExecutorSetRegistry aVESRegistry = new ValidationExecutorSetRegistry ();
    PeppolValidation.initStandard (aVESRegistry);
    PeppolValidation.initThirdParty (aVESRegistry);
    return aVESRegistry;

The instance of class ValidationExecutorSetRegistry can be kept as a singleton - it is thread-safe. Therefore the registration process need to be performed only once.

Validating a business document requires a few more steps.

  1. Access to the registry is needed.
  2. A specific VESID instance (e.g. PeppolValidation370.VID_OPENPEPPOL_T10_V2) - there are constants available for all VES identifiers defined in this project.
  3. The ValidationExecutionManager is an in-between class that can be used to customize the execution (e.g. setting a class loader). But it is created very quickly, so there is no harm on creating it on the fly every time.
  4. An instance of class ValidationSource to identify the document to be validate. Class ValidationSource has factory methods for the default cases (having an org.w3c.dom.Node or having an
  5. The validation results are stored in an instance of class ValidationResultList. This class is a list of ValidationResult instances - each ValidationResult represents the result of a single level of validation.
  6. Your application logic than needs to define what to do with the results.
    final IValidationExecutorSet aVES = VESRegistry.getOfID (aVESID);
    if (aVES != null) {
      final ValidationExecutionManager aVEM = aVES.createExecutionManager ();
      // What to validate?
      ValidationSource aValidationSource = ...;
      final ValidationResultList aValidationResult = aVEM.executeValidation (aValidationSource);
      if (aValidationResult.containsAtLeastOneError ()) {
        // errors found ...
      } else {
        // no errors (but maybe warnings) found

Potential issues

Please ensure that your stack size is at least 1MB (for Saxon). Using the Oracle runtime, this can be achieved by passing -Xss1m on the command line. This only seems to be a problem when running 32bit Java. With 64bit Java, the default stack size of the Oracle JVM is already 1MB.

News and noteworthy

  • v5.2.1 - 2019-12-09
    • Added SimplerInvoicing 2.0.1 and deprecated version 2.0
  • v5.2.0 - 2019-11-29
    • The Peppol AU-NZ rules were updated. The old version is now the official "1.0.0" whereas the new rules are "1.0.1". Confusing, I know :-|
    • Updated to ph-schematron 5.4.0 (incompatible change)
  • v5.1.15 - 2019-11-15
    • Added support for UBL 2.3 CSPRD01
    • Updated PEPPOL-SG rules to the latest version
    • Deprecated OpenPeppol 3.8.1 rules
  • v5.1.14 - 2019-11-01
    • Added support for A-NZ PEPPOL 1.0.1 validations
    • Added OpenPEPPOL 3.9.0 (Fall release 2019) artefacts
  • v5.1.13 - 2019-10-14
    • Added support for EN 16931 1.3.0 format (deprecated version 1.2.3)
    • Updated Singapore (SG) PEPPOL Billing BIS3 rules to version 2019-06-12
  • v5.1.12 - 2019-09-09
    • Deprecated OpenPEPPOL 3.8.0 artefacts
    • XRechnung 1.2.1 is now based on EN16931 1.2.1 release
  • v5.1.11 - 2019-07-21
    • Added OpenPEPPOL 3.8.1 (Spring release 2019 bug fix release) artefacts
    • Updated SimplerInvoicing artefacts to the latest versions. This lead to "SI 1.1 strict" to be removed.
  • v5.1.10 - 2019-07-10
    • Added new EHF validation artefacts (incl. Invoice and Credit Note 2.0.16)
    • Deprecated eu.peppol.bis3.ubl:invoice:1 in favour of eu.peppol.bis3:invoice:3.8.0
    • Deprecated eu.peppol.bis3.ubl:creditnote:1 in favour of eu.peppol.bis3:creditnote:3.8.0
    • Added support for XRechnung 1.2.1 format (deprecated version 1.2.0)
    • Added support for EN 16931 1.2.3 format (deprecated version 1.2.1)
  • v5.1.9 - 2019-06-10
    • Fixed an error in EHF-UBL-COMMON.sch of November 2018 release
    • Fixed an error in EHF-UBL-T19.sch of November 2018 release
    • Added support for XRechnung 1.2.0 format
  • v5.1.8 - 2019-05-15
    • Added PEPPOL 3.8.0 (Spring 2019 release) validation artefacts (BIS v3 only)
  • v5.1.7 - 2019-05-14
    • Added EN 16931 validation artefacts version 1.2.1, deprecated the old 1.2.0 version
    • Internally restructured EHF layout for future extension
  • v5.1.6 - 2019-04-26
    • Added EN 16931 validation artefacts version 1.2.0, deprecated the old 1.1.0 version
  • v5.1.5 - 2019-04-19
    • Updated OIOUBL validation rules to the latest version
    • Updated SimplerInvoicing 2.0 RC1 to 2.0 final release
    • Added support for Dutch Energie eFactuur 3.0.0 (based on SimplerInvoicing 2.0)
  • v5.1.4 - 2019-03-21
    • EHF validation without "OPENPEPPOL CORE" rules
    • Fixed an error in the created XSLTs for ATNAT/ATGOV T10 and T14 because of variable order as well as a spelling error
  • v5.1.3 - 2019-03-08
    • Updated to latest EHF releases (Invoice and Credit Note 2.0.15 etc.)
    • EHF validation now directly depends on the PEPPOL Validation artefacts
  • v5.1.2 - 2019-02-04
    • Added SimplerInvoicing 2.0 RC1 support #3
    • Added Singapore (SG) PEPPOL Billing BIS3 support #4
  • v5.1.1 - 2019-01-16
    • Added UBL.BE 1.0.0 Schematrons
  • v5.1.0 - 2018-11-23
    • Requires ph-commons 9.2.0
    • Added support for OpenPEPPOL 3.7.0 (Fall 2018) rules (incl. Billing BIS3)
    • Removed support for OpenPEPPOL 3.4.0 rules
  • v5.0.6 - 2018-11-09
    • Fixed an error in the UBL.BE document types. In reality those are e-FFF 3.0 document types. VESID changed therefore.
  • v5.0.5 - 2018-11-07
    • Requires at least ph-commons 9.1.8
    • Added support for UBL.BE document types
    • Added support for OpenPEPPOL 3.7.0.RC1 (Fall 2018) rules (incl. Billing BIS3)
  • v5.0.4 - 2018-08-14
    • Added support for UBL 2.0 XSD validation
    • Added support for UBL 2.2 XSD validation
  • v5.0.3 - 2018-07-11
    • Updated EHF rules to 2018-02-20
  • v5.0.2 - 2018-06-26
    • Added EN 16931 validation artefacts version 1.1.0, deprecated the old 1.0.0 version
  • v5.0.1 - 2018-06-15
    • Fixed marking of OpenPEPPOL 3.5.0 artefatcs as "deprecated"
    • Added support for PEPPOL Billing BIS 3 document types
    • Added support for EN 16931 UBL CreditNote validation
  • v5.0.0 - 2018-06-01
    • Added Tieto TEAPPSXML support
    • Added Austrian ebInterface support
    • Simplified internal API backwards incompatible (removed all the bloat overhead where possible)
  • v4.0.5 - 2018-05-14
    • Support for OpenPEPPOL rules 3.3.0 was removed - too old
    • Updated to OpenPEPPOL 3.6.0 (Spring 2018) rules
  • v4.0.4 - 2018-02-22
    • Updated to EN 16931 rules 1.0.0
    • Added support for Dutch Energie eFactuur 1.0.0 (based on SimplerInvoicing 1.1)
    • Added support for Dutch Energie eFactuur 1.0.1 (based on SimplerInvoicing 1.1)
  • v4.0.3 - 2018-02-07
    • Added OIOUBL 2.0.2 support (new artefact ph-bdve-oioubl)
    • EN 16031 rules were updated
  • v4.0.2 - 2018-02-03
    • Added support for Dutch Energie eFactuur 2.0.0 (new artefact ph-bdve-energieefactuur) - based on SimplerInvoicing 1.2
    • Updated to ph-commons 9.0.1 (Locale specific XSD error messages)
    • Schematron error messages are more easily readable
    • EN 16031 rules were updated
    • CII validation was heavily improved
  • v4.0.1 - 2018-01-23
    • Added support for EHF document formats (new artefact ph-bdve-ehf) - based on
    • Added support to validate UBL documents only (without Schematron) (new artefact ph-bdve-ubl)
    • Added support to validate CII documents only (without Schematron) (new artefact ph-bdve-cii)
    • Extended API to support better cleanup
  • v4.0.0 - 2018-01-15
    • Updated to ph-commons 9.0.0
    • Updated to the latest official EN-16931 rules
    • Updated to the PEPPOL Autumn 2017 release (3.5.0)
  • v3.2.0 - 2017-07-27
    • Improved ClassLoader handling, so that each validation artefact has a defined class loader.
  • v3.1.4 - 2017-07-12
    • Fixed an error where warnings in Schematron validation lead to not evaluating the SVRL
  • v3.1.3 - 2017-06-07
    • Re-release because v3.1.2 had issues with Maven Central deployment
  • v3.1.2 - 2017-06-06
    • Fixed a problem with XSLT based validation when using anything different from a DOM Document as the validation source
  • v3.1.1 - 2017-06-01
    • Re-added SimplerInvoicing 1.1 rules
    • Enabled Schematron caching by default
    • Improved caching API
  • v3.1.0 - 2017-05-15
    • Added EN 16931 rules
    • Update to OpenPEPPOL 3.4.0 rules
    • Update to SimplerInvoicing 1.2 rules
    • Updated to ph-schematron 4.3.0
  • v3.0.0 - 2017-01-26
    • Is a complete rewrite with different structure etc.
    • Binds to ph-commons 8.6.x
    • Requires at least ph-schematron 4.2.1
  • v2.0.1 - 2016-09-12
    • Binds to ph-commons 8.5.x
  • v2.0.0 - 2016-08-22
    • Requires JDK 8

Maven usage

Add the following to your pom.xml to use this artifact:













Alternate usage as a Maven BOM:


My personal Coding Styleguide | On Twitter: @philiphelger