Trabajo Fin de Master (TFM) for the Valencian International University (VIU).
The repository presents the following layout:
/python Python3 source code and test data
/temp files in this directory will be ignored by Git
Written in Python3, the main functionailty of this module is to assist the user with by running (semi)automated observation screening process:
1. Load observations metadata
2. For each observation...
2.1 Obtain the relevant FITS
2.2 For each FIT...
2.2.1 For each filter...
2.2.1 Display the images
2.2.2 Capture the analysis input (e.g. 'detection', 'no detection', etc.)
2.3 Record the analysis input for the observation
Several abstraction layers have been defined so that the steps above can be carried out by different implementations:
loads a set of observation metadata.src.xsa.Crawler
obtains real data for a given observation.src.fits.Interface
used for displaying and analyzing observations images.src.input.Interface
used to capture the analysis input.src.output.Recorder
used to register the analysis results.
The python
module presents the following layout:
/configs configuration templates
/src source code interfaces to display and/or analyze FITS capturing the analysis input reading and loading observations registering and recording the analysis results tools and utilities obtaining data from XMM-Newton Science Archive (XSA)
/test test code
/data test data
test_*.py test file for module "*" puts together the screening process this file
The file /python/
will run the screening process. It only requires 1 argument pointing to a configuration file. A template of the configuration file can be found in /python/configs/screening.ini
You can run the screening using test data as an example from the repository base directory (i.e. this directory):
python3 python/ python/test/data/screening.ini
The file /python/
will runn the photometry process. It requires an argument pointing to the file to analyse.
You can run the photometry using test data as an example from the repository ase directory (i.e. this directory):
python3 python/ python/test/data/0303561001_L.FTZ
It will display the image
You can now left-click to select on both ends of the trail (one left-click at each of the edges):
A third click on the image will close it and the maginute will be displayed on the console:
Both source and test files follow the PEP 8 Style Guide.
Test files use the unittest framework.
Tests can be run from the /python
python3 -m unittest discover test/