I feel pulled in multiple directions. I want to wait to write a blog post until the ideas in it have some level of completion. But sometimes that level never comes. My attention may wander off. And yet, I feel I often have some interesting half built things to show. I have many loves in my life, but two of them are Haskell and Convex Programming.
In a previous post, I talked a bit about how reducing convex programming to questions about cones leads to elegance and simplification.
There are a couple of approaches to well-typed vectors in Haskell. One of them is to consder an f :: * -> * parameter as characterizing a vector space. We intend to fill in this with things like V4.
data V4 a = V4 a a a a
A vector space can be consdiered
Polytopes have (at least) two natural representations. They can be expressed as a sum of generator rays (the corners of the polytope) or as the set obeying a set of halfplane constraints. The first is called the V representation and the latter the H representation. The two are highly interconnected by duality.
The difficulty and method for solving these qeustions can depend strongly on the representation you have
What are geoemtrically interesting questions to ask.
- Whether a ray is in a cone.
- Easy given HRep. Just do all the dot products
- Finding a ray that is in a cone
- Any ray or an extremal ray? Extremal according to what?
- Projecting to a cone. There are metrics available. The cosine metric. The Chord metric. Others? They feel a bit goofy. They feel far less elegant than the quadratic metric of a vector space. The dot product is a somewhat natural thing to talk about, but by design. Abs metric? You can use the unit plane. and put a metric on it. The cone space is a relative of projective space. which has similar problems. The cross ratio? Logarithm of dot product? Maybe you do need a plane to work on to have a reasonable deifition of extremal. Etremal with respect to a cone generalized inequality on the euclidean space. Extremal with respect to another cone? But a particular kind of cone. It contains (0,0,0,1)? A projection excluding (0,0,0,1)
- Convert VRep to HRep and vice versa
- take every possible choice out of set. Do linear solve. Check if linear solve matches everything else.
- Intersections
- Alternating Projecction. The most primitive and obvious.
- Minkowski Sums = Convex Hull
- Projection
- Pruning Redundancy
- Cone Containment Testing.