The objective of this project is to implement Pastry protocol in F# using actor model provided by Akka.NET framework.
- Shaishav Shah
UFID: 1136-3317 - Akib Maredia
UFID: 3885-6489
- Unzip the zipped folder
- Go to directory using commnand
cd project3/src
- Run command
dotnet fsi --langversion:preview Main.fsx <numberOfNodes> <numberOfRequests>
- Both
should be integers else the program will exit with inavalid input
Pastry Bonus
- Unzip the zipped folder
- Go to directory using command
cd project3-bonus/src
- Run the command
dotnet fsi --langversion:preview Bonus.fsx <numberOfNodes> <numberOfRequests> <numberOfFailed>
should be integers else the program will exit with invalid input error.
- Implemented the Pastry API which works for routing messages over peer to peer network according to the pastry paper.
- The program takes in number of nodes and adds them to the network. Once the program starts, the number of nodes starts routing messages.
- Every request is routed to the closest numerical value of the key that is to be requested eventually reaching the node with the desired key.
- Both the failure model and basic model are working.
- The average number of hops is printed at the end.