BeWith is a general clustering framework for identifying modules with different combinations of mutation and interaction patterns. On a high level, given a set of genes and two types of edge scoring functions (within and between scores), BeWith aims to find clusters of genes so that genes within a cluster maximize the “within” scores while gene pairs spanning two different clusters maximize the “between” scores. There are three different settings of the BeWith framework:
- bemewithfun: ensuring mutual exclusivity of mutations between different modules and functional similarity of genes within modules.
- bemewithco: ensuring mutual exclusivity between modules and co-occurrence of mutations in genes within modules.
- becowithmefun: ensuring co-occurrence between modules while enforcing mutual exclusivity and functional interactions within modules.
- Linux/Mac OS/Windows
- CPLEX version 12+
- Apache Maven version 3+ (optional for recompilation of the code)
Please make sure CPLEX (cplex or cplex.exe) is callable from the folder that you intend to run BeWith
Prepackaged jar file is available in the target folder. If you decide to recompile, please make sure you have Apache Maven installed.
Download the source code and change into package folder:
git clone
cd bewith
Produce the package jar file using Maven:
mvn package
If packaging process is successful, the jar file BeWithFramework.jar should be produced inside folder target.
METHOD can be one of the following:
- bemewithfun, to ensure mutual exclusivity of mutations between different modules and functional similarity of genes within modules
- bemewithco, to ensure mutual exclusivity between modules and co-occurrence of mutations in genes within modules
- becowithmefun, to ensure co-occurrence between modules while enforcing mutual exclusivity and functional interactions within modules
NUMBER OF CLUSTERS should be at least 2 for bemewithfun and bemewithco, currently always set at 2 for becowithfun
OUTPUT_PREFIX is the prefix of the result and intermediate files
NETWORK_TYPE can be of the following:
- fun, for a functional or protein interaction network. The input file for the functional/protein network should consist of three space/tab-seperated columns. The gene names are in the first two columns and the score/weights (between 0 and 1) of the interactions are in the last columns. Note that BeWith assumes the interactions are undirectional. Here is an example:
M6PR PLIN3 0.903 ESRRA SIRT1 0.946 ESRRA NRF1 0.956 ESRRA NRBP1 0.911 ESRRA NR1D1 0.909 ...
- me, for a network built from mutually exclusive mutationns. The input file for this network also consists of three space/tab-seperated columns. The gene names are in the first two columns and the p-values indicating the significance of the relations are in the last columns. Followed is an example:
LRBA PIK3CA 0.0455 UBR5 PIK3CA 0.0434 MST1P9 PIK3CA 0.037012 NBPF1 PIK3CA 0.00821 NCOR2 MUC16 0.0105 ...
- co, for a network built from co-occurring mutations. The input file for the mutational co-occurrence network also consists of three space/tab-seperated columns. The gene names are in the first two columns and the p-values indicating the significance of the relations are in the last columns. Here is an example:
COL4A6 COL6A3 0.007878034268846874 OR2T34 PLEC 0.0055867103553033015 WWP2 THSD7A 0.004376064336983943 ERBB3 COL1A2 0.0043760643369844246 ANKRD12 MYLK 0.008597917892609233 ...
Here we will go through an example of running BeWith framework. The provided dataset is TCGA BRCA cancer data and is processed as described in the Bewith manuscript. Pairs of genes with significant p-values for mutually exclusive mutations computed from WeSME are stored data/BRCA_me_WESME.txt. Similarly, pairs of genes with significant p-values for co-occurring mutations by hypergeometric tests are stored in data/BRCA_co.txt. Gene pairs with significant p-values for co-occurring mutations computed from WeSCO are stored in *data/BRCA_co_WESCO.txt. The functional protein STRING network file HumanStringNet.txt is also included in folder data.
We utilize BeWith to find co-occurrence modules which are mutually exclusive to each other. In other words, genes within each modules have co-occurring mutation and pairs of genes belong to different modules likely have mutually exclusive mutations. In what follows, we utilize BeWith to find five such modules using bemewithco option:
java -jar target/BeWithFramework.jar -m bemewithco -k 5 -o BRCA_bemewithco -me data/BRCA_me_WESME.txt -co data/BRCA_co.txt
If there are no errors, the summary of the results should be in the file BRCA_bemewithco_5_modules and looks like this:
Score = 37.650293769959475
Module 1: TP53 DCC
Module 2: MUC16 TTN GON4L
Module 3: PCDH19 GATA3
Module 4: PIK3CA MAP2K4
Module 5: NCOA3 NCOR2 MEF2A
Within-module edges:
Between-module edges:
The summary report starts with the objective function value of the solution of the ILP model. Then comes the list of modules together with genes within the modules. We list pairs of genes with significant mutally exclusive/co-occurring mutations or with functional interactions (applicable in other two settings bemewithfun and becowithmefun) in two sections: pairs of genes in the same module Within-module edges and pairs of genes in different modules Between-module edges. me/co denotes mutually exclusive/co-occurring mutations. The scores of the gene pairs are computed as minus of log to the base of 100 of the p-values. Score of gene pairs with p-values less than 1/10^6 are set to 3.0. pp denotes a functional interaction or a protein interaction gene pair.
If you use BeWith in your work, please cite:
Phuong Dao*, Yoo-Ah Kim*, Damian Wojtowicz, Sanna Madan, Roded Sharan, and Teresa M. Przytycka. BeWith: A Between-Within Method to Discover Relationships between Cancer Modules via Integrated Analysis of Mutual Exclusivity, Co-occurrence and Functional Interactions. To appear.
* equal contribution
Yoo-Ah Kim Sanna Madan Teresa M. Przytycka. WeSME: Uncovering Mutual Exclusivity of Cancer Drivers and Beyond. Bioinformatics (2016) btw242. DOI: