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A collection of Warp contracts written in Rust by Pianity

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A collection of Warp smartcontracts written in Rust by Pianity.

What's Inside?


A generic implementation of the Erc1155 contract, featuring a way to proxy its Transfer action through another contract.


A proxy contract that plugs on the Erc1155 used for managing NFT sellings, enabling a royalty-like system.

Structure of a Contract Directory

A contract is separated into two different crates: the definition and the implementation.

The definition crate contains all the types that the contract defines, mainly: its state, the actions and their parameters, the errors it can produce, ... This crate only includes type information, no actual implementation whatsoever. Its goal is to define and expose the shape of the contract to provide valuable information as to how this contract should be consumed. For example, a Rust program that wants to, say, evaluate the contract's state, could import this crate and get accurate type checking on it. Note that this crate also contains tools that allows it to be translated automatically into Typescript so that any TS program can also consume its types. See the dedicated section to learn more about this.

The implementation crate is where the contract's logic resides. It imports the definition crate and implements all the different actions defined in it. This crate will eventually be compiled to WASM, this is what will get uploaded to the blockchain when deploying the contract; it is not meant to be consumed in another way.

How to Use this Repo

Build the Contracts

yarn build

This will compile the contracts to WASM and also generate their bindings (see next section). The resulting WASM binaries with their glue codes are located <contract>/implementation/pkg.

Generate Typescript Bindings

yarn gen-bindings

All the Rust contracts in this repo include a way to automatically generate Typescript types from them so they can be consumed easier in TS programs. This works by using two tools:

  1. schemars: to generate standard JSON schemas from the types we want to export. The code that calls this library is located in <contract>/definition/src/ It is written in a test, to facilitate its execution. See gen-json script of <contract>/package.json. The .json files are outputted to <contract>/definition/bindings/json.

  2. json-schema-to-typescript: to consume these JSON schemas and produce valid TS types. The code that runs this library is located in <contract>/scripts/generate-ts.ts. See gen-ts script of <contract>/package.json. The .ts files are outputted to <contract>/definition/bindings/ts.

The resulting .ts files are valid TS sources that export the types State and Action of their contract and all other types referenced inside them. In the future, the script will probably generate a valid NPM package to make it easy to publish/consume the generated types.

Run the Test Suites

yarn test


A collection of Warp contracts written in Rust by Pianity






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