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Built With Stencil

PIE Demo

A Custom Element for demonstrating a PIE interaction designed for use with the pie-cloud packaging service.

<pie-demo editor="true" pie="@pie-element/multiple-choice"> </pie-demo>


Install nvm, or at least make sure you have the 16.13.0 version installed (node --version)

  1. nvm use
  2. nvm install 16.13.0
  3. npm install -g pnpm@6.35.1
  4. yarn install
  5. (npm run build and yarn publish)


yarn ... description
install install
test test
dev run dev server for development
release build, tag + publish pkg

yarn dev

Edit src/index.html with the name and version of the element you want to demo. And also alter the model.


When running npm start the HMR will attampt to re-define the custom element and get an already defined error. Need to refresh the page.


make script loading optional (but still define custome elements from pre-loaded)