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Code for manuscript on presence-absence variation in Magnaporthe oryzae

This repository contains the code for a manuscript on presence-absence variation in Magnaporthe oryzae which has been published on bioRxiv here: Distinct genomic contexts predict gene presence-absence variation in different pathotypes of a fungal plant pathogen

The repository is organized such that each directory represents one type of analysis in the manuscript.

Within these directories, .slurm, .sh, and .py scripts were used for job submission and data processing on our computing cluster. These were largely used for gathering and generating data and high level analyses.

.Rmd and .ipynb are notebooks that were run locally. These contain lightweight analyses run locally.

.Rmd files contain the scripts used for generating figures for the manuscript.

All files used as inputs for .Rmd and .ipynb files are available on Zenodo under the DOI 10.5281/zenodo.7444380

All directories and scripts are described below:

  • gc_content/ - calculate gc content for rice and wheat blast genes and flanking regions
    • rice_blast/
      • gc_content_per_gene.slurm
    • wheat_blast/
      • gc_content_per_gene_wheat_blast.slurm
  • call_pav_orthogroups/ - define pav orthogroups using phylogeny and validated pavs for each rice and wheat blast lineage
    • rice_blast/
      • pav_w_tree_climbing.Rmd
    • wheat_blast/
      • pav_w_tree_climbing.Rmd
  • deletion_calling/ - call genomic deletions using various SV callers and Illumina sequencing datasets
    • rice_blast/
      • sv_callers_PJ.slurm - call genomic deletions using various SV callers and Illumina sequencing datasets in rice blast
      • download_sra_and_map.slurm - script to download and map Illumina data to genome
      • - run delly sv caller
      • - run lumpy sv caller
      • - run manta sv caller
      • - run wham sv caller
    • wheat_blast/
      • sv_callers_wheat.slurm - call genomic deletions using various SV callers and Illumina sequencing datasets in wheat blast
      • download_sra_and_map.slurm - script to download and map Illumina data to genome
      • - run delly sv caller
      • - run lumpy sv caller
      • - run manta sv caller
      • - run wham sv caller
  • deletion_sizes/ - calculate and plot density histogram of genomic deletion sizes in rice and wheat blast
    • deletion_size.Rmd
  • pav_counts_comparison/ - count and plot barplot of number of pav orthogroups in rcie and wheat blast
    • pav_counts.Rmd
  • pav_gene_density/ - measure distance to nearest pav/conserved gene for pav/conserved genes in wheat and rice blast and plot
    • cross_host_deletion_distance_plots.Rmd - plot 2d density plot of distances
    • rice_blast/
      • deletion_distance.Rmd - measure distances in rice blast
    • wheat_blast/
      • deletion_distance.Rmd - measure distance in wheat blast
  • deletion_other_params/ - measure ngs signal, gc content and other params for genomic deletions in rice and wheat blast and plot
    • rice_blast/
      • gather_data_all_svs_rice_blast.slurm - measure parameters/features for genomic deletions in rice blast
      • - average signal from ngs data for genomic deletions
      • del_params_dsns.Rmd - plot density histograms of params for genomic deletions
    • wheat_blast/
      • gather_data_all_svs_wheat.slurm - measure parameters/features for genomic deletions in rice blast
      • - average signal from ngs data for genomic deletions
      • del_params_dsns.Rmd - plot density histograms of params for genomic deletions
  • deletion_te_gene_density/ - calculate gene and te density across genomic deletions and generate profile plots
    • rice_blast/
      • - generate tab delineated file representing te and gene density across genomic deletions
      • plot_profiler_all_svs_rice_blast.slurm - create feature files and prepare for te and gene density measures
      • profile_plots.Rmd - generated profile plots from density data
    • wheat_blast/
      • - generate tab delineated file representing te and gene density across genomic deletions
      • plot_profiler_all_svs_wheat_blast.slurm - create feature files and prepare for te and gene density measures
      • profile_plots.Rmd - generated profile plots from density data
  • effector_annotation/ - identify effectors in rice and wheat blast proteomes and compare number of pav/conserved genes with effector annotations
    • - predict effectors using signalp/tmhmm/effectorp
    • compare_param_distributions.Rmd - compare number of genes with signalp/tmhmm/effectorp amongst pav/conserved genes
    • get_effector_og_list.ipynb - annotate effector orthogroups based off of number of orthologs with effector annotation
  • ngs_data_signal/ - calculate ngs signal for pav and conserved genes in rice and wheat blast and plot density histograms to compare
    • compare_param_distributions.Rmd - plot density histograms of ngs signal for pav and conserved genes
    • rice_blast/
      • expression_guy11.slurm - measure expression of pav and conserved genes
      • histone_marks_guy11.slurm - measure histone marks for pav and conserved genes
      • methylation_guy11.slurm - measure methylation of pav and conserved genes
      • transfer_info_from_guy11.ipynb - transfer ngs signal of genes to their orthogroups
      • eccdnas_guy11.slurm - measure eccdna signal of pav and conserved genes
    • wheat_blast/
      • expression_b71.slurm - measure expression of pav and conserved genes
      • transer_info_from_b71.ipynb - transfer ngs signal of genes to their orthogroups
  • orthogroup_pca/ - generate pca using pav of orthogroups
    • pav_pca.Rmd
  • pfam_go_annotation/ - annotate pfam domains and go terms and compare number of pav/conserved genes with annotations
    • pfam_scan_per_proteome.slurm - run pfam scan on proteomes to get pfam domains
    • pannzer_single_core.slurm - run go annotation using pannzer2
    • compare_param_distributions.Rmd - plot comparisons of number of genes with pfam/go annotations between pav and conserved genes
  • pfam_nlr_go_enrichment/ - calculate and plot enrichment of specific pfam domains and go terms, as well as nlr enrichment, in lineage-differentating orthogroups
    • pfam_enrichment_plot.Rmd - plot pfam enrichment in lineage-differentiating orthogroups
    • pfam_nlr_enrichment.ipynb - calculate pfam enrichment and nlr enrichment in lineage-differentiating orthogroups
    • assign_go_to_ogs_all_ogs.ipynb - transfer go term annotations from genes to ogs
    • go_enrichment.Rmd - plot go enrichment in lineage-differentiating orthogroups
  • phylogenies/ - generate and plot phylogenies for rice and wheat blast lineages
    • get_sco_msa.slurm - generate msa from single copy orthologs
    • - concatenate msas of single copy orthologs into single msa for phylogeny
    • fasttree_scos.slurm - generate fasttree from msa of scos
    • rice_blast/
      • plot_phylogeny.Rmd - plot phylogenies and highlight lineages
    • wheat_blast/
      • plot_phylogeny.Rmd - plot phylogenies and highlight lineages
  • random_forest_model_importances/ - measure and plot affect of permuting variables in rf model on f1 (importances)
    • - script to laucnh importances calculations in parallel
    • - generate random forest model and calculate importances of each variable
    • - average results of importances calculations
    • importances_plots.Rmd - plot importances against each other
  • random_forest_models/ - generate random forest models that predict pav genes using many features of these genes and plot metrics
    • - launch many random forest model calculation in parallel
    • calculate random forest model from parameters
    • - average result metrics from random forest model calculations
    • confusion_matrix.Rmd - plot confusion matrix for average results of random forest models
    • rice_blast/
      • get_per_gene_info.Rmd - gather features and pav/non-pav label for all genes in rice blast
    • wheat_blast/
      • get_per_gene_info.Rmd - gather features and pav/non-pav label for all genes in wheat blast
  • random_forest_models_cross_host_test/
    • - launch many cross host rf tests in parallel and average results
    • - generate random forest model from one host and use it to generate predictions for another host, calculate results and metrics
    • - average results and metrics
    • confusion_matrix.Rmd - plot confusion matrix for average results of random forest models
  • random_forest_incorrect_preds/ - generate predictions from rf model generated with one host and tested on another host and plot 2d density plot
    • wrong_preds_heatmap.Rmd - plot 2d density plot of distance to nearest pav gene for correct and incorrect predictions from cross host random forest model tests
    • rf_cross_host_output_predictions.slurm - generate rf model with one host, generate predictions for genes from another host
    • - generate rf model with one host, generate predictions for genes from another host
    • rice_blast/
      • deletion_distance.Rmd - measure distance to nearest pav/conserved gene for pav/conserved genes in rice blast
    • wheat_blast/
      • deletion_distance.Rmd - measure distance to nearest pav/conserved gene for pav/conserved genes in wheat blast
  • random_forest_variable_dependence/ - calculate correlations and variable dependences for rice rf model and plot
    • cor_matrices.Rmd - generate variable correlations for rice rf model and plot
    • dependence_heatmaps.Rmd - generate heatmap of variable dependences for rf model
    • generate_dependence_matrix.slurm - calculate variable dependences for rf model
    • - output training and testing data for rf model for calculating variable dependences in parallel
    • - calculate variable dependences for rf model
  • te_gene_distance/ - calculate and plot distances of pav/conserved genes to nearest te and nearest gene
    • cross_host_pav_distance_plots.Rmd - generate 2d scatterplot of pav/conserved genes distances to nearest gene/te
    • rice_blast/
      • pav_distances.Rmd - calculate distances of pav/conserved genes to nearest te and nearest gene
    • wheat_blast/
      • pav_distances.Rmd - calculate distances of pav/conserved genes to nearest te and nearest gene
  • validate_missing_orthogroups/ - get missing orthogroups from orthofinder output, and validate them using tblastn/blastp
    • - generate commands for validation of missing orthogroups and parallelization
    • - use blastp and tblastn to validate whether orthogroups are actually missing and check that hits actually match missing orthogroups
    • - used to concatenate all orthogroup sequences together and generate blast db
    • - parse and filter tblastn hits according to params
    • - parse and filter blastp hits and check whether blastp hits match missing orthogroup
    • rice_blast/
      • print_pav_for_validation.Rmd - generate list of missing orthogroups from orthofinder for rice blast
    • wheat_blast/
      • print_pav_for_validation.Rmd - generate list of missing orthogroups from orthofinder for rice blast
  • genome_stats/ - generate table of genome assembly stats
    • generate_assembly_stats_tables.slurm - generate table of genome assembly stats
  • genome_annotation/ - example code for genome annotation of rice and wheat blast genome
    • run_fungap.slurm - fungap command
    • process_fungap_out.slurm - run scripts to process gffs and protein fungap output files
    • - used to launch fungap runs on all genomes
    • - remove stop codons from sequences, append genome and lineage name to protein names
    • - append genome and lineage names to protein names and fix gff
  • orthogrouping/ - orthogrouping scripts
    • - generate orthofinder diamond commands for parallelization
    • orthofinder_blast.slurm - run orthofinder blast commands in parallel
    • full_orthofinder_run.slurm - finalize orthofinder run using pre-computed blast results
  • te_annotation/ - annotate tes in rice and wheat blast genomes
    • rice_blast/
      • repeatmasker_rice_blast.slurm - run repeatmasker rice blast genomes
    • wheat_blast/
      • repeatmasker_wheat_blast.slurm - run repeatmasker wheat blast genomes
  • feature_statistical_comparisons - make tables of features of pav and conserved genes for MoO and MoT and perform statistical tests
    • distances_stats.Rmd - gather median distances to pav genes, tes, genes, and perform permutation tests
    • param_categorical_stats_table.Rmd - gather counts for categorical features of pav/conserved genes, perform chi-squared tests
    • param_dsns_stats_table.Rmd - gather various statistics for continuous features of pav/conserved genes, perform permutation tests
    • genomic_deletion_param_dsns_stats_table.Rmd - gather various statistics for continuous features of genomic deletions and baseline genomic regions, perform permutation tests


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