Small command line interface for Waveshare PoE HAT B with OLED Display.
Find this project on GitHub and on DockerHub
- Docker Image
- Command line interface
- Turn fan on and off
- View up to four lines on your OLED Display (size and positions are adapted automatically)
- Binary does not have to be recompiled to view different content
- Almost no dependencies
Run command
foo@bar:~$ docker run --privileged -it pietmacom/waveshare-poe-hat-b-cli /root/waveshare-poe-hat-b-cli oled "Hello World!"
foo@bar:~$ docker run --privileged -it pietmacom/waveshare-poe-hat-b-cli /root/waveshare-poe-hat-b-cli fan on
Run simple script
foo@bar:~$ docker run --privileged -it pietmacom/waveshare-poe-hat-b-cli
#!/bin/sh -e
while true; do
_temperature="$(cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp)"
_temperatureViewAwk="BEGIN { printf \"%.2f C\", (${_temperature}/1000) }"
_temperatureView=$(awk "${_temperatureViewAwk}";)
if [[ "${_temperature}" -gt "${_fanOnTemperature}" ]]; then
elif [[ "${_temperature}" -lt "${_fanOffTemperature}" ]]; then
./waveshare-poe-hat-b-cli fan ${_fanState}
./waveshare-poe-hat-b-cli oled "T: ${_temperatureView}" "F: ${_fanState}"
sleep 3
Run your own script
Copy, make your changes and mount it into your new container.
foo@bar:~$ docker run --privileged -it -v pietmacom/waveshare-poe-hat-b-cli
Docker Compose
version: '3'
image: pietmacom/waveshare-poe-hat-b-cli:latest
privileged: true
restart: "unless-stopped"
foo@bar:~$ sudo ./waveshare-poe-hat-b-cli fan on
Fan turned on!
foo@bar:~$ sudo ./waveshare-poe-hat-b-cli fan off
Fan turned off!
foo@bar:~$ sudo ./waveshare-poe-hat-b-cli oled "row1"
row 1: row1
foo@bar:~$ sudo ./waveshare-poe-hat-b-cli oled "row1" "row2"
row 1: row1
row 2: row2
foo@bar:~$ sudo ./waveshare-poe-hat-b-cli oled "row1" "row2" "row3"
row 1: row1
row 2: row2
row 3: row3
foo@bar:~$ sudo ./waveshare-poe-hat-b-cli oled "row1" "row2" "row3" "row4"
row 1: row1
row 2: row2
row 3: row3
row 4: row4
I2C interface is required for the OLED display, you need to first enable the i2c interface for properly work. Open a terminal of Raspberry Pi and configure:
foo@bar:~$ sudo raspi-config
Interfacing Options -> I2C -> Yes
And then reboot the system.
foo@bar:~$ sudo reboot
foo@bar:~$ ./make clean
foo@bar:~$ ./make