is a collection of simple functions to run and evaluate computer models systematically.
To use the modeling framework write a python script representing one "experiment" you want to perform with your model.
There you have to specify the path where you want to save your data, the sample size you want to use, the parameter combinations with which you want to run your model and a function to set up and run your model and save resulting data
# File: # Imports from ModelingFramwork import experiment_handling as eh import YourModel import cPickle import itertools as it import otherstuff # For use on the cluster SAVE_PATH = "path/where/to/store/the/ExperimentData" def RUN_FUNC(pa, ra, me, ters, filename): """ <Your Docs> Parameters ---------- ... filename: string the filename where to pickle - passed from "experiment_handling" This needs to be the last parameter of the RUN_FUNC Experiment handling makes sure that each model run gets an unique ID """ # poss. do something with the parameters given above # Running the model and obtian what you want to save m = YourModel(mo, del, pa, ra, me, ters) result = m.get_result() # Save Result cPickle.dump(result, open(filename, "wb")) # Determine some exit status and retun # if exit_status != 1 MoFa will print a note # of course, the data saving can be also dependend on exit status exit_status = <determine exit status> return exit_status # Parameter combinations pa = [1, 2, 3, 4] ra = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9] me = [0, 1] ters = [42] PARAM_COMBS = list(it.product(pa, ra, me, ters)) # Sample Size SAMPLE_SIZE = 100 # Now start the computation eh.compute(RUN_FUNC, PARAM_COMBS, SAMPLE_SIZE, SAVE_PATH)
Additionally you can post-process the generated model data for evaluation. For this you need to provide an index, i.e. the subset of parameters that are the parameters you want to study in more detail, evaluation functions and a name of the resaved data file.
# Continuation of # index is a dict with int keys giving the position in RUN_FUN parameter # list and string values giving their names INDEX = {0: "pa", 1: "ra"} # eva is a dict of evaluation functions computing a "macro" quantity from # the "micro" data, stored by RUN_FUN. These function need to receive an # interable of filenames as their parameter. The corresponding files were # generated by RUN_FUNC and need tobe treated accordingly. The keys of the # eva dict are the corresponding names of the "macro" quantity. EVA = {"<macroQ1>": lambda fnames: <do_something_with>([np.load(f) for f in fnames]), "<macroQ2>": lambda fnames: <do_something_different>([np.load(f) for f in fnames])} # the name of the post processed data NAME = "PostProcessedData_me0.pkl" # another set of parameter combinations (optional) - you could also use # PARAM_COMBS from above PARAM_COMBS_me0 = list(it.product(pa, ra, [0], ters)) # This will now check for the largest available sample size and use it eh.resave_data(SAVE_PATH, PARAM_COMBS_me0, INDEX, EVA, NAME) # The file gets automatically saved at the sub-folder "./data/" which needs # to exist
For further documentation, use the source!
using pytest with pylama (including pylama-pylint) and test coverage reports with the pytest plugin pytest-cov.
To be installed with:
$> pip install pytest pylama pylama-pylint pytest-cov
The config file is <pytest.ini>.
Write tests and make sure that they pass by:
$> py.test