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Create GDP and Population Scenarios

R package mrdrivers, version 3.0.0

CRAN status R build status codecov r-universe

Purpose and Functionality

Create GDP and population scenarios This package constructs the GDP and population scenarios used as drivers in both the REMIND and MAgPIE models.


This package depends upon the madrat and magclass packages. It integrates into the madrat framework and is structured accordingly. It mainly uses magpie objects (from the magclass package). For more information on madrat or magclass, please visit the respective github repositories (madrat, magclass).


The key madrat::readSource() and madrat::calcOutput() functions provided by this package are listed below.


#> [1] "readWDI"            "readIMF"            "readEurostatPopGDP"
#> [4] "readUN_PopDiv"      "readPEAP"           "readSSP"           
#> [7] "readMissingIslands" "readJames2019"


#> [1] "calcGDP"        "calcGDPpc"      "calcPopulation" "calcLabour"    
#> [5] "calcUrban"


The current default scenarios returned for all drivers (i.e. GDP, GDP per capita, Population, Labour, and Urban Population Share) are:

  • the SSPs, i.e. SSP1-5

  • the SDPs, i.e. SDP, SDP_EI, SDP_RC, and SDP_MC

  • SSP2EU

see vignette("scenarios") for more information on available scenarios and references of the default scenarios.


For installation of the most recent package version an additional repository has to be added in R:

options(repos = c(CRAN = "@CRAN@", pik = ""))

The additional repository can be made available permanently by adding the line above to a file called .Rprofile stored in the home folder of your system (Sys.glob("~") in R returns the home directory).

After that the most recent version of the package can be installed using install.packages:


Package updates can be installed using update.packages (make sure that the additional repository has been added before running that command):



The package comes with a vignette describing the basic functionality of the package and how to use it. You can load it with the following command (the package needs to be installed):

vignette("scenarios") # Scenarios

Questions / Problems

In case of questions / problems please contact Johannes Koch


To cite package mrdrivers in publications use:

Koch J, Soergel B, Leip D, Benke F, Dietrich J (2024). mrdrivers: Create GDP and Population Scenarios. R package version 3.0.0,

A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is

 title = {mrdrivers: Create GDP and Population Scenarios},
 author = {Johannes Koch and Bjoern Soergel and Deborra Leip and Falk Benke and Jan Philipp Dietrich},
 year = {2024},
 note = {R package version 3.0.0},
 url = {},
 url = {},