The hook is fork of
The hook changes option 61 from option 82 (ip-port/mac-port) and generates flex-id from option 82
IP match as 10.
If comment host4_identifier, then use only client-id in table hosts
You can use client-id and/or flex-id in table hosts
For example
"hosts-database": {
"type": "mysql",
"name": "kea",
"user": "kea",
"password": "password",
"host": "localhost",
"port": 3306
"host-reservation-identifiers": [ "client-id", "flex-id" ],
"hooks-libraries": [
"library": "/usr/lib64/kea/hooks/"
"loggers": [
"name": "kea-dhcp4.option82_hook",
"output_options": [
"output": "/var/log/kea/kea-option82-hook.log"
"severity": "INFO",
"debuglevel": 99
Insert to DB 4 - flex-id 3 - client-id
INSERT INTO hosts (dhcp_identifier, dhcp_identifier_type, dhcp4_subnet_id, ipv4_address) VALUES (concat(''),unhex('01')), 4, 1, INET_ATON(''));
INSERT INTO hosts (dhcp_identifier, dhcp_identifier_type, dhcp4_subnet_id, ipv4_address) VALUES (unhex('1122334455662D01'), 4, 1, INET_ATON(''));