A Java wrapper for the Holodex API.
All GET and POST requests are supported and is modelled after the Holodex API. Please check the Holodex API for more information regarding the specifications
implementation group: 'com.pinapelz', name: 'jholodex', version: '1.4'
Alternatively use Jitpack for pre-releases
Please check what values are available at each endpoint through the Holodex API Documentation.
The use of enums is optional, you can always pass in Strings as parameters as they appear on Holodex
The following are some example use cases to get you started.
Holodex holodex = new Holodex("YOUR_API_KEY_HERE");
Channel channel = holodex.getChannel("UCupmjRr7kPgzXKh-cPxxGbg");
System.out.println(channel.name); // Erina Ch. エリナ・マキナ 【Phase Connect】
System.out.println(channel.english_name); // Erina Makina # This provides an English or localized name if available
System.out.println(channel.type); // vtuber
System.out.println(channel.subscriber_count); // 28500
Queries the videos for a particular channel
List<Video> videos = holodex.getVideos(new VideoQueryBuilder().setChannelId("UCupmjRr7kPgzXKh-cPxxGbg")
for (Video video : videos) {
System.out.println(video.title + " - Currently: " + video.status);
Functions similarly to the above but contains the following default parameters
List<SimpleVideo> videos = holodex.getLiveAndUpcomingVideos(new VideoQueryBuilder().setChannelId("UCupmjRr7kPgzXKh-cPxxGbg"));
for (SimpleVideo video : videos) {
System.out.println(video.title + " - Currently: " + video.status);
Video video = holodex.getVideo(new VideoByVideoIdQueryBuilder().setVideoId("CN4_2sEx6vA"));
System.out.println(video.title); // HAPPY ONE YEAR OF ERINA!!! 🐯
System.out.println(video.status); // past
System.out.println(video.published_at); // 2023-07-12T08:46:57.000Z
List<Channel> phaseConnectChannels = holodex.getChannels(new ChannelQueryBuilder().setOrg(Organization.PHASE_CONNECT).setLimit(50));
System.out.println(phaseConnectChannels.size()); // 26
for (Channel channel : phaseConnectChannels) {
Object srv = holodex.searchVideo(new VideoSearchQueryBuilder().setSort("newest").setTopic(List.of("Music_Cover")).
List videos = ((VideoSearchResult) srv).items;
for (Object video : videos) {
SimpleVideo vid = (SimpleVideo) video;
System.out.println(vid.title + vid.status);
Object scr = holodex.searchComment(new CommentSearchQueryBuilder().setOrg(Organization.NIJISANJI).
setComment(List.of("cover", "cool")).setLimit(5).setPaginated(false));
for (SimpleCommentVideo video : (List<SimpleCommentVideo>) scr) {
System.out.println(video.title + " - " + video.channel.name);
for (Comment comment : video.comments) {
System.out.println(" " + comment.message);