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Merge pull request #1500 from k-shep/Issue-1481-Likelihood-for-censor…
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Added censored log-likelihood and some tests for it
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k-shep authored Mar 28, 2024
2 parents abcc8e5 + 9be1b06 commit f770761
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Showing 5 changed files with 1,622 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
## Unreleased

### Added
- [#1500]( Added a `CensoredGaussianLogLikelihood` class that calculates the censored Gaussian log-likelihood.
- [#1505]( Added notes to `ErrorMeasure` and `LogPDF` to say parameters must be real and continuous.
- [#1499]( Added a log-uniform prior class.
### Changed
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions docs/source/log_likelihoods.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ Overview:
- :class:`GaussianIntegratedUniformLogLikelihood`
- :class:`GaussianKnownSigmaLogLikelihood`
- :class:`GaussianLogLikelihood`
- :class:`CensoredGaussianLogLikelihood`
- :class:`KnownNoiseLogLikelihood`
- :class:`LogNormalLogLikelihood`
- :class:`MultiplicativeGaussianLogLikelihood`
Expand All @@ -48,6 +49,8 @@ Overview:

.. autoclass:: GaussianLogLikelihood

.. autoclass:: CensoredGaussianLogLikelihood

.. autoclass:: KnownNoiseLogLikelihood

.. autoclass:: LogNormalLogLikelihood
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions pints/
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Expand Up @@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ def version(formatted=False):
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299 changes: 299 additions & 0 deletions pints/
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import pints
import numpy as np
import scipy.special
import scipy.stats

class AR1LogLikelihood(pints.ProblemLogLikelihood):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -861,6 +862,304 @@ def evaluateS1(self, x):
return L, dL

class CensoredGaussianLogLikelihood(pints.ProblemLogLikelihood):
r""" Calculates a log-likelihood assuming independent Gaussian noise at
each time point, and that data above and below certain limits are censored.
In other words, any data values less than the lower limit are only known to
be less than or equal to it; and any values greater than the upper limit
are only known to be greater than or equal to it. This likelihood is useful
for censored data - see for instance [3]_. The parameter sigma represents
the standard deviation of the noise on each output.
For a noise level of ``sigma``, and left and right censoring (below the
``lower`` limit cutoff and above the ``upper`` limit), the likelihood
.. math::
L(\theta, \sigma|\boldsymbol{x})
= p(\boldsymbol{x} | \theta, \sigma)
=& \prod_{\text{lower} < x_j < \text{upper}}
\phi \left(\frac{x_j - f_j(\theta)}{\sigma} \right)
\prod_{x_j = \text{lower}} \Phi \left(\frac{\text{lower} -
f_j(\theta)}{\sigma} \right)
\\ &\times \prod_{x_j = \text{upper}} \left(1 -
\Phi \left(\frac{\text{upper} - f_j(\theta)}{\sigma}
\right) \right),
where :math:`x_j` is the sampled data at time :math:`j` and :math:`f_j` is
the simulated data at time :math:`j`. The functions :math:`\phi` and
:math:`\Phi` are the standard normal distribution probability density
function and cumulative distribution function respectively.
This leads to a log-likelihood of:
.. math::
\log{L(\theta, \sigma|\boldsymbol{x})} =
& \sum_{\text{lower} < x_j < \text{upper}}{ \left( -\frac{1}{2}
-\log{\sigma} -\frac{1}{2\sigma^2}(x_j - f_j(\theta))^2 \right)} \\
& + \sum_{x_j = \text{lower}} \log \left( \Phi
\left(\frac{\text{lower} - f_j(\theta)}{\sigma} \right) \right) \\
& + \sum_{x_j = \text{upper}} \log\left(1 - \Phi
\left(\frac{\text{upper} - f_j(\theta)}{\sigma} \right) \right)
For a system with :math:`n_o` outputs, this becomes
.. math::
\log{L(\theta, \sigma|\boldsymbol{x})} =
& \sum_{\substack{\text{lower}_i < x_{ij} < \text{upper}_i, \\ 1
\leq i \leq n_t, \\ 1 \leq j \leq n_o}}{ \left( -\frac{1}{2} \log{2\pi}
-\log{\sigma_{i}} -\frac{1}{2\sigma_{i}^2}(x_{ij} - f_j(t_i,
\theta ))^2 \right)} \\
& + \sum_{\substack{x_{ij} = \text{lower}_{i}, \\1 \leq i \leq n_t,
\\ 1 \leq j \leq n_o}} \log \left( \Phi
\left(\frac{\text{lower}_{i} - f_j(t_i, \theta)}{\sigma_{i}}
\right) \right) \\
& + \sum_{\substack{x_{ij} = \text{upper}_{i}, \\1 \leq i
\leq n_t, \\ 1 \leq j \leq n_o}} \log\left(1 -
\Phi \left(\frac{\text{upper}_{i} - f_j(t_i, \theta)}{\sigma_{i}}
\right) \right)
Extends :class:`ProblemLogLikelihood`.
A :class:`SingleOutputProblem` or :class:`MultiOutputProblem`.
The lower limit for censoring.
The upper limit for censoring.
.. [3] Beal, S. L. (2001). Ways to fit a PK model with some data below the
quantification limit. Journal of pharmacokinetics and
pharmacodynamics 28, pp. 481-504.

def __init__(self, problem, lower=None, upper=None):
super(CensoredGaussianLogLikelihood, self).__init__(problem)

# Get number of times, number of outputs
self._nt = len(self._times)
self._no = problem.n_outputs()

# Add parameters to problem
self._n_parameters = problem.n_parameters() + self._no

# Convert the lower and upper limits to the correct type
a = self._convert_type(lower, limit_type="lower")
b = self._convert_type(upper, limit_type="upper")

if len(a) != self._no:
raise ValueError(
'Lower limit must be a ' +
' scalar or a vector of length n_outputs.')

if len(b) != self._no:
raise ValueError(
'Upper limit must be a ' +
' scalar or a vector of length n_outputs.')

diff = b - a
if np.any(diff <= 0):
raise ValueError('Upper limit ' +
'must exceed lower limit.')
self._a = a
self._b = b

# Define the conditions for whether a point is lower censored,
# upper censored and not censored
self._lower_condition = self._values <= self._a
self._upper_condition = self._values >= self._b
self._not_censored_condition = (self._a < self._values
) & (self._values < self._b)

# Number of points that aren't censored (for each observation
# in the multioutput case)
self._n_not_censored = np.sum(self._not_censored_condition, axis=0)

def _convert_type(self, limit, limit_type="lower"):

# If no lower or upper limit is supplied set it equal to
# -/+ infinity
if limit is None:
if limit_type == "lower":
limit = - np.inf
elif limit_type == "upper":
limit = np.inf

# Convert the limit to an object of the correct type
if np.isscalar(limit):
limit = np.ones(self._no) * float(limit)
limit = pints.vector(limit)

return limit

def __call__(self, x):
theta = np.asarray(x[:-self._no])
sigma = np.asarray(x[-self._no:])
if any(sigma <= 0):
return -np.inf

# Evaluate the problem output - do this only once as this is usually
# the most expensive step in inference, especially for ODE models
output = self._problem.evaluate(theta)

squared_error = np.sum((self._values - output)**2,
axis=0, where=self._not_censored_condition)

# Calculate part of the likelihood corresponding to the censored data
lower_censored_sum = np.sum(np.log(
scipy.stats.norm.cdf(x=self._a, loc=output, scale=sigma)),
upper_censored_sum = np.sum(
np.log(1 - scipy.stats.norm.
cdf(x=self._b, loc=output, scale=sigma)),

# Calculate part of the likelihood corresponding to
# the data that isn't censored
non_censored_sum = np.sum(- 0.5 * self._n_not_censored *
np.log(2 * np.pi) -
self._n_not_censored * np.log(sigma)
- squared_error / (2 * sigma**2))

return lower_censored_sum + upper_censored_sum + non_censored_sum

def evaluateS1(self, x):
""" See :meth:`LogPDF.evaluateS1()`. """
theta = np.asarray(x[:-self._no])
sigma = np.asarray(x[-self._no:])

# Calculate log-likelihood
L = self.__call__(x)
if np.isneginf(L):
return L, np.tile(np.nan, self._n_parameters)

# Evaluate, and get residuals
y, dy = self._problem.evaluateS1(theta)

# Reshape dy, in case we're working with a single-output problem
dy = dy.reshape(self._nt, self._no, self._n_parameters - self._no)

# Note: Must be (data - simulation), sign now matters!
r = self._values - y

# Evaluate the problem output - do this only once as this is usually
# the most expensive step in inference, especially for ODE models
output = self._problem.evaluate(theta)

# Make conditions for where data isn't censored and is lower/upper
# censored into 3D arrays

if self._values.ndim == 1:
where_condition = np.reshape(
newshape=(np.shape(self._not_censored_condition)[0], 1, 1))
lower_where_condition = np.reshape(
newshape=(np.shape(self._lower_condition)[0], 1, 1))
upper_where_condition = np.reshape(
newshape=(np.shape(self._upper_condition)[0], 1, 1))
where_condition = np.repeat(
self._not_censored_condition[:, :, np.newaxis],
np.shape(self._not_censored_condition)[-1], axis=2)
lower_where_condition = np.repeat(
self._lower_condition[:, :, np.newaxis],
np.shape(self._lower_condition)[-1], axis=2)
upper_where_condition = np.repeat(
self._upper_condition[:, :, np.newaxis],
np.shape(self._upper_condition)[-1], axis=2)

# 1. Parts of the derivative corresponding to the data that
# isn't censored

# Calculate derivatives in the model parameters
inner_deriv = (r.T * dy.T).T
inner_sum = np.sum(inner_deriv, where=where_condition, axis=0)
not_censored_dL = np.sum((sigma**(-2.0) * inner_sum.T).T, axis=0)

# Calculate derivative wrt sigma
not_censored_dsigma = -self._n_not_censored / sigma + sigma**(-3.0) *\
np.sum((self._values - y)**2, axis=0,

# 2. Parts of the derivative corresponding to the data that is
# censored

# Use pdf(x-loc/scale) rather than pdf(x, loc, scale) as
# pdf(x-loc/scale)= pdf(x, loc, scale) * scale
# (whereas cdf(x-loc/scale) = cdf(x, loc, scale))

lower_pdf = scipy.stats.norm.pdf((self._a - output) / sigma)
lower_cdf = scipy.stats.norm.cdf(x=self._a, loc=output,

upper_pdf = scipy.stats.norm.pdf((self._b - output) / sigma)
upper_cdf = scipy.stats.norm.cdf(x=self._b, loc=output,

# Calculate derivatives in the model parameters
lower_numerator = lower_pdf.T * dy.T
lower_denominator = lower_cdf.T
lower_inner_val = (lower_numerator / lower_denominator).T
lower_inner_sum = np.sum(lower_inner_val, where=lower_where_condition,
lower_censored_dL = -np.sum((sigma**(-1) * lower_inner_sum).T, axis=0)

upper_numerator = upper_pdf.T * dy.T
upper_denominator = 1 - upper_cdf.T
upper_inner_val = (upper_numerator / upper_denominator).T
upper_inner_sum = np.sum(upper_inner_val, where=upper_where_condition,
upper_censored_dL = np.sum((sigma**(-1) * upper_inner_sum).T, axis=0)

# Calculate derivative wrt sigma
lower_dsigma_inner_val = (lower_pdf.T *
(self._values - y).T) / (lower_cdf.T)
lower_censored_dsigma = - sigma**(-2) *\
where=self._lower_condition, axis=0).T

upper_dsigma_inner_val = (upper_pdf.T *
(self._values - y).T) / (1 - upper_cdf.T)
upper_censored_dsigma = sigma**(-2) *\
where=self._upper_condition, axis=0).T

dL = not_censored_dL + lower_censored_dL + upper_censored_dL
dsigma = not_censored_dsigma + lower_censored_dsigma + \

dL = np.concatenate((dL, np.array(list(dsigma))))

# Return
return L, dL

def print_censored_values(self):

# Print data and values that are censored
print("The data are {}. \n The lower censored values"
" are {}. \n The upper censored values"
" are {}.".format(self._values,

class KnownNoiseLogLikelihood(GaussianKnownSigmaLogLikelihood):
""" Deprecated alias of :class:`GaussianKnownSigmaLogLikelihood`. """

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