A re-frame application designed to… well, that part is up to you.
Technically, this project is a re-frame rich single-paged application built upon React (wrapped into Reagent). I use Figwheel, Dirac for development so I can enjoy live-coding. A demo can be accessed here: https://piotr-yuxuan.github.io/sample-dirac-re-frame/
This project is a sample configuration for Emacs and IntelliJ.
I use Cider, the Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks for Emacs. Sure you can get your way with other tools like Spiral.
Dirac is implemented as a Piggieback middleware fork, so you cannot run both. Unfortunately Cider needs Piggieback so currently is incompatible with Dirac. However, you don’t actually need Dirac in Emacs because Cider offers a REPL which can connect to a browser or some more exotic environmeents like Node or Nashorn.
For this project specifically, Cider needs to use leiningen with
profile emacs
. It can be achieved that way:
(use-package cider
:custom ((cider-lein-global-options "with-profile +emacs")))
Then, all you need to do is launch Cider for cljs:
Now you can open a browser and go to localhost:3449.
More documentation on Cider here. More on Dirac there.
Just launch Cider like the previous section, then define a new local
Clojure REPL in IntelliJ with profile intelli-j-dirac
then start
it. Once it’s ready, eval (dirac! :join)
and launch Chrome Canary
with Dirac extension installed.
You may prefer to launch latest Chrome Canary with a dedicated user profile, for example:
/Applications/Google\ Chrome\ Canary.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome\ Canary \
--remote-debugging-port=9222 \
--no-first-run \
Click on Dirac icon on the top right-hand corner.
IntelliJ and Dirac shares the same cljs runtime and both can access Cider vars. However Cider can’t access Dirac or IntelliJ runtime.
Like in the previous section, define a REPL. Start it, then start figwheel, and finally join Dirac runtime.
(dirac! :join)
Anytime Dirac the-Chrome-Canary-extension gets bumped to a new version, you need to upgrate Dirac dependency version accordingly. A leiningen plugin can help you do so.
lein ancient upgrade :all :check-clojure :allow-all