Notedo is tool that allows you to add, edit and delete notes in any time you want. Notedo site
login: password: qwerty
- Clone repo and install dependencies
git clone
cd notedo
npm install
- Create account in firebase
- Create firebase project, enable sign in method via email/password
- Go to the Authentication
- Go to the sign-in-method
- Enable E-mail/password
- Create index:
- Go to the Cloud Firestore section of the Firebase console.
- Go to the Indexes tab and click Add Index.
- Set:
- collection id: notes
- field path: userId ASC and date ASC
- Click Create.
- Create in root directory file
and inside write
your firebase config api
your firebase config api
your firebase config api
your firebase config api
your firebase config api
your firebase config api
- Run with npm:
npm start
- Open
in your browser, and voilà.
- React
- Redux, Redux Toolkit
- React-router-dom
- Framer-motion
- Moment
- Styled-components
- Firebase
- React-hook-form (yup)
- polished
- add database Firebase ✔️
- add form validation by Formik or React-hook-form ✔️
- add tests with React Testing Library
- add ARIA for better accessibility ✔️
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.