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The server for extracting EEPROM data from SFP modules such as temperature, voltage, Tx/Rx powers an OSNR.


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EEPROM Monitoring Server

The server for extracting EEPROM data from SFP modules such as temperature, voltage, Tx/Rx powers an OSNR. Repository also contains the EEPROM Presenter container which might be used with EMS in GNS3 simulations. To adjust EEPROM values over time use the EEPROM Generator.

EMS capabilities

Configuration page

The server provides a web-based graphical interface that allows administrator to declare which network devices should be queried. Configuration consists of providing host-name, IP address, login and password or key as on picture below.


Prometheus dashboard

The configured Server periodically gain SFPs' EEPROM data from network hosts. It is stored in Influx database. The feature of the Server is to visualize the collected data, particularly over time and in the past.


Project structure

  • .github/ - GNS3 appliances and resources for README
  • backend/ – main alghoritm for extracting EEPROM from network hosts and inserting to InfluxDB
  • frontend/ – devices' configuration site
  • generator/ - EEPROM Generator (described later)
  • presenter/ - EEPROM Presenter (described later)
  • testdata/ - databasedump, EMS and EG config files
  • utils/ – common packet for reading config and database interactions

Building from source


To successfully build all steps it is required to have installed:

  • make
  • Go v1.23.3 or later
  • Docker
  • wget and tar

Configuration file

Sample config file is provided in testdata/ems.yaml. It contains server's startup configuration like users, MySQL and InfluxDB databases, and time delays. Adjust ems-build step in Makefile to build with file from different location.


To build EMS and EG run:


To build generic EP (with scenario from testdata/generator.yaml file) run:

make sample-presenter

Developing and testing

To develop and run integration tests on database install:

  • minikube
  • skaffold
  • sqlc
  • goose

Then simply run database chart:

skaffold dev -p database

And perform tests:

DB_NAME=mysql DB_USER=root DB_PASSWORD=root DB_HOST= DB_PORT=3306 go test ./storage/... --tags=integration -cover
INFLUX_BUCKET=ems INFLUX_ORG=eeprom-monitoring-server INFLUX_TOKEN=v3rY-d1ff1cUlT-t0k3n INFLUX_HOST= INFLUX_PORT=8086 go test . --tags=integration -cover

EEPROM Monitoring Server

Pulling from Docker Hub

The container is already compiled and available on DockerHub. To pull type in terminal:

docker pull piotrjwegrzyn/eeprom-monitoring-server:latest


When the Docker container is ready you can start it typing:

docker run [-ti/d] [--rm] -p 80:<CONFIG_PORT> -p 8086:8086 piotrjwegrzyn/eeprom-monitoring-server:latest

Flags -ti or -d will determine if container will be started in "Terminal Interaction" mode or "Detached".

By default, CONFIG_PORT is 80 and there is frontend page available. Prometheus dashboard is on port 8086.

EEPROM Presenter

Simple container with commands to list optical interfaces and show EEPROM data on them.


EEPROM files are needed to build EP. You can generate them using EEPROM Generator (the section below EP). Having EEPROM files put the correct path for them as build argument EEPROM_SRC in Makefile (presenter step). You can adjust SLEEP_TIME to change the default (1s).

Note: Folders' names in EEPROM_SRC directory should reflect network interfaces' names. The designed hierarchy should be:

- eth0/
  - eth0-000000000
  - eth0-000000001
  - ...
- eth1/
  - eth1-000000000
  - eth1-000000001
  - ...

Note: Pass the EEPROM_ITER build argument with value set to number of items from the most numerous folder in EEPROM_SRC.

Build and run

To build EP type in terminal:

make presenter

The output container will be named as pi-wegrzyn/ep:<VERSION>.

To run locally built EP container:

docker run -ti pi-wegrzyn/ep:latest


# Show all optical ports:

# Show EEPROM on a specific interface:
show-eeprom <IFACE>

EEPROM Generator

Simple tool for generating some EEPROM pages of optical modules based on scenario predefined. Compatible with CMIS 5. Pages that are (partially) supported:

  • Lower page
  • Page 00h
  • Page 01h
  • Page 02h
  • Page 04h
  • Page 11h
  • Page 12h
  • Page 25h (OSNR only)


To build EG type in terminal:

make generator

The output file will be located in bin/eeprom-generator.


Type in terminal:

./bin/eeprom-generator -c <CONFIG_FILE.yaml> -o <OUTPUT_PATH>

Config file

Sample config file is provided in testdata/generator.yaml. In configuration file there is a scenario's duration defined in seconds and modules list. The Modules list contains an interface name, CMIS content data and a Scenario with a bunch of fiber-working parameters as below:

      - endval: 33.0
        duration: 120
      - endval: 32.0
        duration: 180

For the first 120 seconds the value of Temperature will be interpreted as 33.0 like a linear function with start and end points (X, Y) set as (1, 33.0) and (33.0, 120). Then from the 121st second till the end (120+180) the Temperature will slowly decrease like a linear function with starting point (X, Y) as (121, 33.0) and ending point as (300, 32.0).

If there is a need of preparing an instant change we are able to change that defining a one-second-event as the middle step below:

      - endval: 33.0
        duration: 120
      - endval: 10.0
        duration: 1
      - endval: 10.0
        duration: 179

Note: the very first step will always be a flat function with defined endval. If you want to start linear change from the beginning you should create one-second-event step.

How to run in GNS3's project

EEPROM Monitoring Server

Preconfigured EMS might be imported directly to GNS using DockerHub image. Download template file and import to GNS3.


EEPROM Monitoring Server - adjusted

If you need adjusted config file etc. you can prepare container manually. Open shell on your GNS3 server, clone repository, make changes and build as described in previous sections. Then follow that guide.

EEPROM Presenter

Preconfigured EP's with sample EEPROM data might be imported directly to GNS using DockerHub images. Download and import EP-siteA and EP-siteB.

Note: When running in GNS3 do not type exit in container's console because it leads to container shutdown.

EEPROM Presenter - adjusted

Open shell on your GNS3 server, clone repository, make changes and build as described in EEPROM Presenter section. Then follow that guide.

Note: Default GNS3 interfaces are enumerating as eth0, eth1 and so on. Keep in mind that when generating EEPROM files with EG.


All software in this repository (except Influx software) is published under GNU General Public License v3. See LICENSE file.