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listen started sa Solana Swiss-Knife toolkit for algorithmic trading, its mission is to become the go-to framework for AI portfolio management agents

It powers the Listen App, check it out to see what listen framework is capable of

Listen Architecture

graph TB
    subgraph "Rig Agent Kit by Listen"
        RAK[RIG Agent Kit]
        RAK_MT[Multi-tenant Stream Manager]
        RAK_WALLET[Delegated Wallet Manager]
        RAK --> RAK_MT
        RAK --> RAK_WALLET

    subgraph "Listen Trading Engine"
        LTE[Trading Engine]
        ORDER_COL[Order Collector]
        PIPE[Pipeline Executor]
        EXEC[Order Executor]

        ORDER_COL --> PIPE
        PIPE --> EXEC
        LTE --> ORDER_COL

    subgraph "Listen Data Service"
        LDS[Data Service]
        SUB[Substreams Indexer]
        DB[(Clickhouse OLAP)]
        PRICE[Price Stream]

        SUB -->|Index Solana Slots| DB
        LDS --> PRICE
        LDS --> DB

    %% External Systems
    MOBILE[Mobile App]
    WALLET[(Solana/EVM Wallets)]

    %% Connections
    RAK -->|Tool Calls| CHAIN
    RAK -->|Execute Trades| LTE
    LDS -->|Pricing Updates| LTE
    LDS -->|Enriched Data| MOBILE
    MOBILE -->|User Intents| RAK
    LTE -->|Sign & Send Tx| CHAIN
    DB -->|Query Data| RAK
    RAK_WALLET -->|Integration| PRIVY



  • 🔍 Real-time transaction monitoring
  • 💱 Multi-DEX swap execution (, Jupiter V6 API or Raydium)
  • 🚀 Blazingly fast transactions thanks to Jito MEV bundles
  • 📊 Price tracking and metrics
  • 🧰 Token management utilities
  • 📈 Performance monitoring with Prometheus integration

And more!

It works plug'n'play with $arc rig framework framework allowing AI Agents interact with the Solana blockchain, see example: src/ and the output image.

For complete rundown of features, check out the CLI output of cargo run or the documentation.


To play around with listen-rs, you can use the UI

Fill in the .env.example and ./dashboard/.env.example, copy over to .env and ./dashboard/.env.example, then

docker compose up

You can then access the dashboard over http://localhost:4173


listen-rs is undergoing rapid iterations, some things might not work and there could be breaking changes


  1. System Dependencies

    • Rust (with nightly toolchain)
    • protoc
    • build-essential
    • pkg-config
    • libssl-dev
  2. Configuration

    • Copy .env.example to .env
    • Set up auth.json for JITO authentication (optional, gRPC HTTP/2.0 searcher client)
    • Populate fund.json

Both keypairs are in solana-keygen format, array of 64 bytes, 32 bytes private key and 32 bytes public key.

Quick Start

# Install dependencies
sudo apt install protoc build-essential pkg-config libssl-dev

# Build
cargo build --release

# Run services

Usage Examples

Transaction Monitoring

cargo run -- listen \
  --worker-count [COUNT] \
  --buffer-size [SIZE]

Token Swapping

cargo run -- swap \
  --input-mint sol \
  --output-mint EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v \
  --amount 10000000


Default configuration is set for mainnet with small transactions. Ensure proper configuration for testnet usage and carefully review code before execution.

Metrics and Monitoring

Listen includes built-in metrics exposed at localhost:3030/metrics. To visualize:

  1. Start Prometheus:
prometheus --config=prometheus.yml
  1. Access metrics at localhost:3030/metrics

Grafana should show something like this


Advanced Usage

Swap Profiling

The can be installed through

gh repo clone brendangregg/FlameGraph && \
  sudo cp FlameGraph/ /usr/local/bin && \
  sudo cp FlameGraph/ /usr/local/bin

Profile swap performance using DTrace to produce a flamegraph:
